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Now when I think about improvisation and the language, what's next?
Îro gelek car usa diqewime, wekî bav malbeta xwe dihêle û ser mehek yan salek diçe welatê din, seva bixebite.ted2019 ted2019
That's me, kind of wondering what's next.
Lema jî miqatçî hîşt ku ewana dewsa xwarinêd padşa, dîsa jî xwarinê bê goşt û pincara bixwin.ted2019 ted2019
He related what happened next: “The agent asked where we got our literature.
Çaxê Malbetêda Kesek Nexweş ejw2019 jw2019
Some of you in the room will understand what happened next.
10 Cin seva ku meriya bixalifînin, sêrbaziyê didine xebatê.ted2019 ted2019
So what's the next step for Ethiopia?
Padşêd hemû welatêd li ser çiya, tên ku tevî xulamê te şer bikin”.ted2019 ted2019
Now what happened next with the game surprised me.
3. Dîna xwe bide şikil, kî nêzîkî baxçê dibin, û Cihûda Îsxeryotî çi dike?ted2019 ted2019
Let us examine what Jesus next said in the Sermon on the Mount.
1 Petrûs 1 Pt.jw2019 jw2019
What happened next?
Du Jinêd Mêrxasjw2019 jw2019
But what happened next was nothing short of miraculous.
Lema jî ewana hemûşk hatin bal Mûsa û gotin: “Çira te xwe ça serkar li ser me kivş kiriye?”ted2019 ted2019
And I believe what comes next is for this generation to let go of fossil fuels for good, just as we did with the army.
Hergê tu dişirmîş bî ser van giliya, rastî tera zelal be.ted2019 ted2019
So we don't really have easy access to all this relevant information that can just help us make optimal decisions about what to do next and what actions to take.
Cimeta Îsraêl jî dor-berê Kona Pîroz cîwar bûn, û di çadirada dijîtin.ted2019 ted2019
What can we learn from what Habakkuk did next?
Ewana temamiya şevê di rêda bûn.jw2019 jw2019
And I'm always waiting in eager nervous anticipation around sound, about what's to come next.
Lê dibek jî niha pirseke te heye: “Gelo çira şûr û rimêd kulambêja tune, ne ewana diçin şer?”ted2019 ted2019
After you make a personal dedication to God, what is the next step?
Pêşdebir û kesê miqatejw2019 jw2019
So the question is, what is the next big idea for this generation?
Ewî ferman da, wekî Daniyêl ji bîrê derxin.ted2019 ted2019
16. (a) What did Zechariah next see happen to the ephah container?
Gelo niha Ûsiv wê çi bike?jw2019 jw2019
What reassurance does Jehovah next give the Jews, and how does his message affect them?
Were em pêbihesin.jw2019 jw2019
(b) What will we consider next?
Pêşdîtin Tunejw2019 jw2019
Who knows what's going to happen next?
Ewî fem kir ku cimet, derheqa kirêd wî îda pêhesiya.ted2019 ted2019
By the way, that team went on to create six different concepts for the next model of what would be the proposal for the next generation after SUVs in America.
Carekî Qayîn gote Habîl: “Ka em herin zewiyê”.ted2019 ted2019
(b) What will we learn about next?
Ev yek paşî emirê te wê biqewime, wedê serkartiya kurê te.jw2019 jw2019
What Martha and Mary saw next was amazing.
Mesele, tevayî bistirên, lîstika bilîzin, tevî hevala xeber din, herin ciyê hewas.jw2019 jw2019
What happened next underscores the serious challenges the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) faces as it seeks to identify security threats among the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis streaming across its borders from ISIS-held territory and to prosecute those who were part of the extremist group.
Azaya wan heye ku ça bixwazin usa safîkirina bikin, bona safîkirinên xwe ewana xwexa cabdar in ber Yehowa.hrw.org hrw.org
(b) What will we discuss in the next chapter?
3. Mûsa çi gote hine mêra ku ewana bikin?jw2019 jw2019
(b) What will we examine in the next article?
Ewana ji Xwedê derheqa axiriyê elametî distînin wekî meriyara gilî kin.jw2019 jw2019
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