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all in a body

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Charlton T. Lewis

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A shout was then raised and an attack made on him by the rest of the conspirators, who all rushed upon him in a body.
Clamore sublato fit a coniuratis impetus universis.latin-ancient latin-ancient
But at the same time, in the mystery of the Church as his Body, Christ has in a sense opened his own redemptive suffering to all human suffering.
Simul vero in Ecclesiae mysterio ut in corpore suo Christus aliqua ratione redemptricem passionem suam omnibus hominum tribulationibus
Between his camp and Nicopolis, lay a difficult and narrow pass, where Pharnaces placed a chosen body of foot, and all his horse, in ambuscade.
Magnis et continuis itineribus confectis cum adventaret ad Nicopolim, quod oppidum positum in Armenia minore est plano ipso loco, montibus tamen altis ab duobus lateribus obiectis satis magno intervallo ab oppido remotis, castra posuit longe a Nicopoli circiter milia passuum VII.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The content of participation in Christ's life is also specific: conjugal love involves a totality, in which all the elements of the person enter- appeal of the body and instinct, power of feeling and affectivity, aspiration of the spirit and of will.
Elementa autem participationis vitae Christi sunt etiam peculiaria: coniugalis amor secum infert universaJitatem, in quam ingrediuntur omnes partes ipsius personae — postulationes corporis et instinctus, vires sensuum et af£eetuum, desideria spiritus et voluntatis —; spectat ille ad unitatem quam maxime personalem, quae videlicet ultra communionem in una carne sola nihil aliud efficit nisi cor unum et animam unam; poscit vero indissolubilitatem ac fidelitatem extremae illius donationis mutuae et patet fecunditati (
In the mean time, when intelligence was brought that all their soldiers were in Caesar's power, they run in a body to Aristius; they assure him that nothing had been done by public authority; they order an inquiry to be made about the plundered property; they confiscate the property of Litavicus and his brothers; they send embassadors to Caesar for the purpose of clearing themselves.
Interim nuntio allato omnes eorum milites in potestate Caesaris teneri, concurrunt ad Aristium, nihil publico factum consilio demonstrant; quaestionem de bonis direptis decernunt, Litavicci fatrumque bona publicant, legatos ad Caesarem sui purgandi gratia mittunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In Christ, Head of his Body, the Church, all Christians are "a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people he claims for his own, to declare his wonderful deeds" (1 Pet 2:9).
Christiani universi in Christo, Ecclesiae ipsius Corporis Capite, exsistunt « genus electum, regale sacerdotium, gens sancta, populus in acquisitionem, ut virtutes » annuntient eius (1 Pe 2,9)
With the rejection of all dualism and every cult of pleasure as an end in itself, the body becomes a place made luminous by grace and thus fully human.
Reiectis nempe omni dualismo atque voluptatis cultu uti in se finis, locus constituitur gratia ipsa illuminatus proindeque plane
Christianity does not reject matter. Rather, bodiliness is considered in all its value in the liturgical act, whereby the human body is disclosed in its inner nature as a temple of the Spirit and is united with the Lord Jesus, who himself took a body for the world's salvation.
Materiam haud repudiat fides christiana nec corporis veritatem, cui immo intra liturgicum actum momentum tribuitur, ubi naturam intimam suam corpus humanum commonstrat veluti templi Spiritus eoque pervenit ut cum Domino Iesu coniungatur qui et ipse factus est in mundi salutem
No one in the Church is a foreigner, but all are citizens of the same People, members of the same Mystical Body of Christ.
In Ecclesia non sunt advenae, sed omnes cives sunt eiusdem Populi, membra eiusdem Corporis Mystici
164] For Christians, all the creatures of the material universe find their true meaning in the incarnate Word, for the Son of God has incorporated in his person part of the material world, planting in it a seed of definitive transformation. “Christianity does not reject matter. Rather, bodiliness is considered in all its value in the liturgical act, whereby the human body is disclosed in its inner nature as a temple of the Holy Spirit and is united with the Lord Jesus, who himself took a body for the world’s salvation”.[
164] Ad christianam experientiam quod attinet, omnes creaturae materialis universi suum verum sensum reperiunt in Verbo incarnato, quoniam Dei Filius suae personae incorporavit partem materialis universi, quam germen definitivae transformationis introduxit: “Materiam haud repudiat fides christiana nec corporis veritatem, cui immo intra liturgicum actum momentum tribuitur, ubi naturam intimam suam corpus humanum commonstrat veluti templi Spiritus eoque pervenit ut cum Domino Iesu coniungatur qui et ipse factus est in mundi salutem corpus”.[
I am pleased to entrust to all with a confident spirit these considerations of mine in the moment in which I promulgate this fundamental body of ecclesiastical laws for the Latin Church.
Placet considerationes has Nostras fidenti animo omnibus committere, dum princeps legum ecclesiasticarum Corpus pro Ecclesia latina
As a body organized within the community and the nation, the Church has both the right and the duty to participate fully in building a just and peaceful society with all the means at her disposal.
Ecclesiae, utpote corpori ordinato in media societate et in natione, ius est et officium ut plene operam det societati iustae ac pacificae aedificandae omnibus subsidiis, quae in promptu
All the baptized share in the one priesthood of Christ, both men and women, inasmuch as they must "present their bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God (cf.
Huius autem unius sacerdotii participes omnes sunt baptizati, tam viri quam mulieres, quatenus “seipsos hostiam viventem, sanctam, Deo placentem exhibeant (
The separation of spirit and body in man has led to a growing tendency to consider the human body, not in accordance with the categories of its specific likeness to God, but rather on the basis of its similarity to all the other bodies present in the world of nature, bodies which man uses as raw material in his efforts to produce goods for consumption.
Animi corporisque segregatio in homine effecit demum ut iam plures corpus tractare velint non secundum normam propriae eius cum Deo similitudinis, sed ad regulam similitudinis cum ceteris corporibus in rerum natura exstantibus, quae uti materiam homo ad sua opera usurpat in rerum consumendarum
"If indeed a province be of more importance than the capital and the safety of the Empire, let us all follow them thither, but if the reality, the support, the mainstay of success, centre in Italy, you must not tear, as it were, from a body its very strongest limbs."""
si provincia urbe et salute imperii potior sit, omnes illuc sequerentur; sin victoriae [sanitas sustentaculum] columen in Italia verteretur, non abrumpendos ut corpori validissimos artus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The precious ointment poured out as a pure act of love, and thus transcending all "utilitarian" considerations, is a sign of unbounded generosity, as expressed in a life spent in loving and serving the Lord, in order to devote oneself to his person and his Mystical Body.
Pretiosum effusum unguentum tamquam purus amoris actus proindeque ultra omnem « utilitatis » aestimationem indicium superabundantiae gratuitatis est, prout in vita exprimitur quae ideo ducitur ut Dominus diligatur Eique serviatur et ut quis eius dedicetur personae et eius Mystico
This mutual communication between the centre of the Church and the periphery does not enlarge the scope of anyone’s authority but promotes communion in the highest degree, in the manner of a living body that is constituted and activated precisely by the interplay of all its members.
Quæ inter Ecclesiæ centrum eiusque, ut ita dicamus, peripheriam mutua communicatio, dum nullius extollit auctoritatis fastigium, communionem inter omnes maximopere promovet, ad instar viventis cuiusdam corporis, quod ex mutuis omnium membrorum rationibus constat atque
Towards the end of the introductory exposition we read: ". . .in the face of modern developments there is a growing body of men who are asking the most fundamental of all questions or are glimpsing them with a keener insight: What is man?
Et eodem dein exeunte Prooemio legimus: « ... coram hodierna mundi evolutione, in dies numerosiores fiunt qui quaestiones maxime fundamentales vel ponunt vel nova acuitate persentiunt: quid est homo?
And so we may hope that those who meditate upon the glorious example Mary offers us may be more and more convinced of the value of a human life entirely devoted to carrying out the heavenly Father's will and to bringing good to others. Thus, while the illusory teachings of materialism and the corruption of morals that follows from these teachings threaten to extinguish the light of virtue and to ruin the lives of men by exciting discord among them, in this magnificent way all may see clearly to what a lofty goal our bodies and souls are destined. Finally it is our hope that belief in Mary's bodily Assumption into heaven will make our belief in our own resurrection stronger and render it more effective.
Itemque sperandum est ut gloriosa meditantibus Mariae exempla magis magisque persuasum sit quantum valeat hominum vita, si Caelestis Patris voluntati exsequendae omnino sit dedita ac ceterorum omnium procurando bono ; ut, dum « materialismi » commenta et quae inde oritur morum corruptio, virtutis lumina submergere minantur, hominumque, excitatis dimicationibus, perdere vitas, praeclarissimo hoc modo ante omnium oculos plena in luce ponatur ad quam excelsam metam animus corpusque nostrum destinentur ; ut denique fides corporeae Assumptionis Mariae in Caelum nostrae etiam resurrectionis fidem firmiorem efficiat, actuosiorem
This was clearly evident to the author of the Liturgy of Saint James: in the epiclesis of the Anaphora, God the Father is asked to send the Holy Spirit upon the faithful and upon the offerings, so that the body and blood of Christ “may be a help to all those who partake of it ... for the sanctification of their souls and bodies”.43 The Church is fortified by the divine Paraclete through the sanctification of the faithful in the Eucharist.
Huius rei sibi bene conscius est auctor Liturgiae sancti Iacobi: in epiclesi anaphorae Deus Pater rogatur ut Spiritum Sanctum super fideles atque dona emittat, corpus et sanguis Christi "ut fiant omnibus qui eorum participes sunt [...] in sanctificationem animarum corporumque (43). Confirmatur a divino Paraclito Ecclesia per christifidelium eucharisticam
While this responsibility is entrusted principally to university authorities (including, when the positions exist, the Chancellor and/or a Board of Trustees or equivalent body), it is shared in varying degrees by all members of the university community, and therefore calls for the recruitment of adequate university personnel, especially teachers and administrators, who are both willing and able to promote that identity.
Quamvis hoc onus impositum sit imprimis Universitatis Auctoritatibus (additis, ubi sint, Magno Cancellario et/aut Consilio rebus administrandis praeposito vel Corpore alio idem valente), participatur diverso gradu etiam ab omnibus Communitatis sodalibus, ideoque postulat ut conquirantur aptae ad Universitatem personae, praecipue professores et administratores, quae promptae sint et idoneae ad hanc indolem
Brotherly love is not calculated to get rid of the differences of conditions and therefore of classes - a result which is just as impossible as that in the living body all the members should have the same functions and dignity - but it will bring it to pass that those who occupy higher positions will in some way bring themselves down to those in a lower position, and treat them not only justly, for it is only right that they should, but kindly and in a friendly and patient spirit, and the poor on their side will rejoice in their prosperity and rely confidently on their help - even as the younger son of a family relies on the help and protection of his elder brother.
Cuius quidem amoris non ea certe vis est, ut conditionum ideoque ordinum distinctionem amoveat, - quod non magis potest fieri , quam uti in corpore animantis una eademque membrorum omnium actio sit ac dignitas - sed tamen efficiet, ut qui loco superiores sunt, demittant se quodammodo ad inferiores; et non solum iuste adversus eos, quod par est, sed benigne, comiter, patienter sese gerant: hi autem illorum et laetentur prosperitate et confidant auxilio; sic prorsus, uti ex familiae eiusdem filiis minor natu maioris patrocinio praesidioque
All the Britains, indeed, dye themselves with wood, which occasions a bluish color, and thereby have a more terrible appearance in fight. They wear their hair long, and have every part of their body shaved except their head and upper lip.
Omnes vero se Britanni vitro inficiunt, quod caeruleum efficit colorem, atque hoc horridiores sunt in pugna aspectu; capilloque sunt promisso atque omni parte corporis rasa praeter caput et labrum superius.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In His discourse He is the teacher unexcelled; in the authority of His teaching He is God. To all He shows Himself a doer of good; He relieves the sick of the ills of their bodies and, with paternal compassion, heals the most serious sickness of their souls.
Magnus omnipotens Deus, urgente in nos nimia caritate, ad infimi hominis conditionem sese extenuat; nobiscum velut unus de multis versatur, amice colloquitur, singulos et turbam ad omnem erudit docetque iustitiam, excellens sermone magister, auctoritate
42 sinne gevind in 16 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.