lower class oor Latyn

lower class

A class of people in a society characterized by low income, low level of education, high unemployment and, as a result of these, a low social status.

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Charlton T. Lewis


[ plēbs ]
Charlton T. Lewis

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In democracy, the lower class grows bigger and bigger.
Et in quaque facultate sunt gradus minores et maiores.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This change usually begins with speakers in higher social classes and diffuses down into the lower classes.
Quae mutatio plerumque in superioribus classibus socialibus incipit et deorsum ad classes inferiores diffunditur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The social teachings of Christianity, then, contain sure and sound principles which will make very adequate provision for the rights of the lower classes if those who endeavor to defend these rights only put those principles into practice.
Ii igitur iam habent, qui aerariae plebis iura tueri contendunt, in christiana de re sociali dottrina certas rectasque normas, quas si modo debitaque ratione ad rem adduxerint, satis iam iisdem iuribus provisum erit.vatican.va vatican.va
75] Arduous indeed is the task which We propose to them, for We know well that on both sides, both among the upper and the lower classes of society, there are many obstacles and barriers to be overcome.
Arduum sane ipsis aggrediendum proponimus opus: probe enim novimus utrinque, sive inter superiores, sive inter inferiores societatis classes, obstacula et impedimenta, quae vinci debeant, exstare plurima.vatican.va vatican.va
"This is the next thing to liberty, and if we must choose between masters, then we may more honourably bear with the Emperors of Rome, than with the women of the Germans."" Such were the murmurs of the lower class; the nobles spoke in fiercer language."
Proximum id libertati; et si dominorum electio sit, honestius principes Romanorum quam Germanorum feminas tolerari.latin-ancient latin-ancient
26. And so too are all they seriously mistaken who, occupying themselves with the welfare of the people, and especially upholding the cause of the lower classes, seek to promote above all else the material well-being of the body and of life, but are utterly silent about their spiritual welfare and the very serious duties which their profession as Christians enjoins upon them.
Illi etiam valde falluntur qui in collocandis publice beneficiis, praesertim popularium causam agentes, quae ad corporis victum cultumque pertinent ea maxime curant, animorum salutem et christianae professionis officia gravissima silentio praetereunt.vatican.va vatican.va
In effect, the priests have almost daily contact with the lower classes by virtue of their ministry. They are accustomed to conversing familiarly and intimately with them and know thoroughly the labours and the sorrows of the people from this class. They see clearly their wounded hearts; drawing suitable aids and arguments from religious sources, they are able to give consolation and remedies to the weak in spirit. They thus lessen the present evils, revive broken strength, and restrain minds hurtling toward seditious plots.
Sacerdotes enim, qui pro sui ministerii ratione cum inferiorum ordinum hominibus quotidianam pene consuetudinem habent et cum iis solent familiariter intimeque versari, labores et dolores penitus norunt eius generis hominum; saucia eorumdem corda propius intuentur; et opportuna auxilia, documenta ex divinae religionis fontibus depromentes, nati apti sunt ea solatia et remedia aegris animis afferre, quae maxime praesentium malorum lenire sensum, fractas revocare vires possunt, et praecipites in turbulenta consilia animos compescere.vatican.va vatican.va
We realize that agricultural workers earn less per capita than workers in industry and the services, but that is no reason why it should be considered socially just and equitable to set up systems of social insurance in which the allowances granted to farm workers and their families are substantially lower than those payable to other classes of workers.
Quoniamque, ut pro explorato habetur, uniuscuiusque agricolae reditus tenuiores communiter sunt quam operariorum cum in machinalibus industriis, tum in quibuslibet ministeriis versantium, idcirco cum iustitiae socialis et aequitatis normis non omnino congruere videtur, agricolis vel cautionis vel securitatis socialis modum statuere deteriorem, quam ceterorum civium ordinum.vatican.va vatican.va
Brotherly love is not calculated to get rid of the differences of conditions and therefore of classes - a result which is just as impossible as that in the living body all the members should have the same functions and dignity - but it will bring it to pass that those who occupy higher positions will in some way bring themselves down to those in a lower position, and treat them not only justly, for it is only right that they should, but kindly and in a friendly and patient spirit, and the poor on their side will rejoice in their prosperity and rely confidently on their help - even as the younger son of a family relies on the help and protection of his elder brother.
Cuius quidem amoris non ea certe vis est, ut conditionum ideoque ordinum distinctionem amoveat, - quod non magis potest fieri , quam uti in corpore animantis una eademque membrorum omnium actio sit ac dignitas - sed tamen efficiet, ut qui loco superiores sunt, demittant se quodammodo ad inferiores; et non solum iuste adversus eos, quod par est, sed benigne, comiter, patienter sese gerant: hi autem illorum et laetentur prosperitate et confidant auxilio; sic prorsus, uti ex familiae eiusdem filiis minor natu maioris patrocinio praesidioque nititur.vatican.va vatican.va
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