on top of oor Navajo

on top of

pre / adposition

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Navajo

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Hierdie vertalings is met 'n algoritme 'geraai' en word nie deur die mens bevestig nie. Wees versigtig.
(@17 : fr:au-dessus es:encima es:sobre )
(@8 : es:encima es:arriba ar:فوق )
(@2 : de:auf et:peal )
(@2 : de:auf et:peal )
(@1 : ko: )
(@1 : it:su )
(@1 : ar:عالِم )
(@1 : de:auf )


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To my shock, the main tool to stay on top of my work was a personal computer.
Bik’eedésyiz, naanish bee ádeishłííł éí níłch’i nitsékeesí béego t’éiyá lá.T’áa shi níłch’i ntsékeesí bee.LDS LDS
“There will be an abundance of grain on the earth; on the top of the mountains it will overflow.”
“Álástsiiʼ tʼóó ahayóigo kʼidoolyáhígíí” hááhinootʼı̨́įł doo.jw2019 jw2019
Imagine how happy and surprised we were when we saw a group of brothers and sisters standing on top of the tiny airport terminal with a big banner that said “Welcome Jehovah’s Witnesses”!
Aaniitʼaazhgo baa nihił hóozhǫǫd nihibrothers dóó nihisisters ákweʼé naazı̨́ chidí naatʼaʼí nídanidaahígi nitsaago naaltsoos bikʼeʼashchı̨́įgo, “Wóshdę́ę́ʼ Jiihóvah Yá Dahalneʼé” bikááʼ!jw2019 jw2019
“There will be an abundance of grain on the earth; on the top of the mountains it will overflow.” —Psalm 72:16.
“Dziłghą́ąʼdi álástsiiʼ tʼóó ahayóigo kʼidoolyáhígíí . . . neestʼą́ągo deílkʼooł doo.”—Psalm 72:16.jw2019 jw2019
Psalm 72:16: “There will be an abundance of grain on the earth; on the top of the mountains it will overflow.”
Psalm 72:16: “Dziłghą́ąʼdi álástsiiʼ tʼóó ahayóigo kʼidoolyáhígíí hanootʼą́ągo” dahólǫ́ǫ doo.jw2019 jw2019
“There will be an abundance of grain on the earth; on the top of the mountains it will overflow.” —Psalm 72:16.
“Dziłghą́ąʼdi álástsiiʼ tʼóó ahayóigo kʼidoolyáhígíí hanootʼą́ągo . . . neestʼą́ągo deílkʼooł doo.”—Psalm 72:16.jw2019 jw2019
“There will come to be plenty of grain on the earth; on the top of the mountains there will be an overflow.”—Psalm 67:6; 72:16.
“Dziłghą́ąʼdi álástsiiʼ tʼóó ahayóigo kʼidoolyáhígíí hanootʼą́ągo . . . ”—Psalm 67:6; 72:16.jw2019 jw2019
Coming out of the bathroom, to her great astonishment, she discovered that the tornado had lifted and carried her mobile home through the air, landing it perfectly upright on the top of her neighbor’s mobile home.
Táá’ádazdigís dę́ę́ ch’íjílwod. T’áadoo hooyání t’áá bí bighan naadzízi’ niyoltsoh neídii’ą́ lą́ dóó áyídígó asdzání bíighagii kééhát’ínę́ę bighan naadzį́zį́ nizhónígo yikáájį bił íiyoolgo yaa’ákozniizį́į́.LDS LDS
11 And when they had gone through and hewn down aall my people save it were twenty and four of us, (among whom was my son Moroni) and we having survived the dead of our people, did behold on the morrow, when the Lamanites had returned unto their camps, from the top of the hill Cumorah, the ten thousand of my people who were hewn down, being led in the front by me.
11 Dóó nihikʼi chʼékaigo dóó shidineʼé yę́ę ałtso ndeistseed tʼáá hazhóʼó naadiin dį́įʼgo tʼéiyá chʼéédzííʼ, (Moroni shiyeʼdóʼ yidzíʼí) dóó nihí tʼéiyá nihidineʼé yę́ę bitahdóó deidzíʼígíí, éí biiskání, Cumorah bílátahdóó, dadíitʼį́į́ʼ, Laman bidineʼé ńléí dabiiskánę́ęgóó anáákaigo, neeznáadi mííl yázhígo dah yishʼishę́ę, éí ałtso ndaaztseedgo deiiltsą́.LDS LDS
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