kayak oor Thai


/ˈkaɪˌæk/ werkwoord, naamwoord
a type of small boat, powered by the occupant or occupants using a double-bladed paddle in a sitting position

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Thai


a type of small boat


a type of small boat



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When we're camping we go backpacking, kayaking, etc...This little guy is perfect for every occasion.
ปิดการแสดงภาพพื้นหลังเสมอscb_mt_enth_2020 scb_mt_enth_2020
Modern kayaks are usually made from fiberglass and other synthetic materials.
ขาวภูมิฐานjw2019 jw2019
After all these great experiences already we reached our goal: Die Poor Knights Islands. Here it is between a great reef formations with each little stone arches and caves. We were allowed to use any equipment of the boat. There were rafts, Kayaks, Noodles (elongated flotation device) and much more. We decided to, snorkel. The wetsuits were not as tight as in the dolphin swim and snorkel with the experience we had indeed already. When I jumped into the water, stole the cold water slowly into the wet suit and at first I thought, that it is too cold, to long rumzuschwimmen it. But then I looked down into the water, saw the colorful reef with lots of coral and colorful fish and the cold was quickly forgotten.
โปรดรอระหว่างทําการนําเข้าข้อมูลscb_mt_enth_2020 scb_mt_enth_2020
Ok nvm then. BTW u 2moro going kayaking?
แปลภาษาหน้าเว็บscb_mt_enth_2020 scb_mt_enth_2020
Ye but running, not kayaking
คุณไม่ไหวหรือ ฉันรับไม่ไหวแล้วscb_mt_enth_2020 scb_mt_enth_2020
We stowed our lunch and our shoes in the hull of the kayak, packed our water sensitive equipment (Camera, Mobile, Purse) in watertight suitcase and loaded the kayaks then to a vehicle, which brought us to the sea.
ตัวจัดการสคริปต์ของผู้ใช้บน Konquerorscb_mt_enth_2020 scb_mt_enth_2020
So we packed our kayaks back on the trailer and went to lunch with the water taxi to the northern end of the park (almost).
ไม่สามารถเริ่มตัวจัดการใบรับรองได้ โปรดตรวจสอบการติดตั้งของคุณscb_mt_enth_2020 scb_mt_enth_2020
Yea I will b kayaking rite?
การดูแลให้อาหารและบํารุงปศุสัตว์ตลอดฤดูหนาวscb_mt_enth_2020 scb_mt_enth_2020
The most obvious difference between a kayak and a conventional canoe is the kayak’s cover, which affords some protection from the elements and allows the kayak to roll over without taking on much water.
ยุโรป/โวลกากราดjw2019 jw2019
We were greeted by super happy Kayak Coaches, were happy about the, that we are back to good.
อะไรนะขอโทษ ขอโทษscb_mt_enth_2020 scb_mt_enth_2020
Sure enough, on a rock shelf, we found a camp made up of three or four families, clothed in furs, with their tents and kayaks.
แลกเปลี่ยนเนื้อหาของคลิปบอร์ดและการเลือกjw2019 jw2019
From there it went across the sea to the beach at Watering Cove, where we again pulled our kayaks out of the water and took a short trip up the hill, where we have a great view of the Torrent Bay and Anchorage (here is the first hut of the Coastal Treks) had. Unfortunately we had little time, as we kayak to the 15:30 Clock would have to re-emit in Marahau, and so we hurried back down the mountain and made our kayaks ready to go again. The country trip took only about. 20 Minutes, but in that short time was a strong wind brought, of us should make it difficult to trip home.
ป้ายข้อมูลทั้งหมดscb_mt_enth_2020 scb_mt_enth_2020
Perfect size for a beginner kayaker too.
เคลื่อนไหวscb_mt_enth_2020 scb_mt_enth_2020
โหมดการคํานวณjw2019 jw2019
go kayaking today?
ร่วมใช้พื้นที่ทํางานscb_mt_enth_2020 scb_mt_enth_2020
He was a true sealer, with his kayak outside his house.
เห็นมั๊ย ไม่เห็นมีอะไรน่ากลัวเลยjw2019 jw2019
Once on the island, of which is a long sand bank in the mainland extends, on the often Wedding Photos be made, We were happy about us our lunch and admired the great views and the lush vegetation: primeval forests with giant ferns. Adele Iceland is a bird sanctuary, why there can be heard in opposition to the coast region are Vogelgesang. Here, too, Tim told again – about the origin of the name of the island and the history of Abel Tasman National Park. After lunch we left the kayaks to water again and drove to the other side of the island, where we have some very young seals (seals) the water- and were able to marvel at sun.
เราอาจจะไม่ได้เห็นความปรองดอง.. เท่าไหร่หรอกนะวันนี้scb_mt_enth_2020 scb_mt_enth_2020
Hey proper footwear for kayaking means Booties?
อยากลองใช้ซักหน่อยน่ะ ยังไม่เคยใช้เลยscb_mt_enth_2020 scb_mt_enth_2020
Unfortunately, this was not because of insurance and so we make the kayak tour with Tim's provider on the return trip from the Golden Bay.
การปลูกพืชบางชนิดร่วมกันในพื้นที่เดียวกันโดยเฉพาะพืชที่ให้ผลประโยชน์ต่ออีกพืชหนึ่ง เช่น การปลูกพืชขับไล่แมลงในแปลงผักscb_mt_enth_2020 scb_mt_enth_2020
No nid pair lols he is safety kayaker
พลิกทางแนวตั้งscb_mt_enth_2020 scb_mt_enth_2020
Leisure amenities seems to be endless in Kanchanaburi. Play golf, go elephant riding or do some watersports such as bamboo rafting, kayaking, canoeing or waterskiing on the River Kwai or on a lake.
จัดเก็บแม่แบบปัจจุบันscb_mt_enth_2020 scb_mt_enth_2020
Unfortunately we had little time, as we kayak to the 15:30 Clock would have to re-emit in Marahau, and so we hurried back down the mountain and made our kayaks ready to go again.
เร็วเข้า.. จัดแถว!scb_mt_enth_2020 scb_mt_enth_2020
One girl who is pretty adventurous told me she's done kayaking before.
ไม่ต้องจัดเก็บรหัสผ่านscb_mt_enth_2020 scb_mt_enth_2020
I asked 1st! Eh I may b kayaking le ^^
จอร์เจียNamescb_mt_enth_2020 scb_mt_enth_2020
Avantree Walrus waterproof case designed for smart phones up to 6.5 inch. This waterproof case enables you to enjoy music under water. Transparent window allows you to take photos while inside the protector. It's waterproof up to 10 meters (2 to 3 hours) . Perfect for boating camping canoeing fishing hiking kayaking kite-boarding mountain-biking off-roading surfing swimming windsurfing and all kinds of general beach & water fun! Warning: Use at your own risk! Since this case offers limited protection to your phone use the case in conditions that don't exceed the maximum depth. There are a number of factors beyond our control including environmental conditions and normal wear and tear that can affect waterproofing. To test waterproofing put tissue paper or paper towel inside the case and immerse into water to check for leaks before every use.
เรียกใช้คําสั่งscb_mt_enth_2020 scb_mt_enth_2020
80 sinne gevind in 4 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.