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to kill
to stone

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Men teir svara: „Rabbi! Tað er stutt síðani, at Jødarnir ætlaðu at steina Teg, og Tú fert aftur hagar!“
However, they remind him: “Rabbi, just lately the Judeans were seeking to stone you, and are you going there again?”jw2019 jw2019
Hygg at unga manninum, sum stendur og ansar eftir klæðunum hjá teimum, ið steina Stefanus.
Look at the young man guarding the outer garments of those who are throwing stones at Stephen.jw2019 jw2019
HÓAST jødarnir hava roynt at steina Jesus, fer hann ikki úr Jerúsalem.
WHEN the Jews try to stone Jesus, he does not leave Jerusalem.jw2019 jw2019
„Tað er ikki fyri nakað gott verk, vit steina Teg, nei, fyri gudspottan,“ svara teir, „og fyri tað, at Tú, sum ert menniskja, gert Teg sjálvan til Gud!“
“We are stoning you, not for a fine work,” they answer, “but for blasphemy, even because you, although being a man, make yourself a god.”jw2019 jw2019
Jødarnir ætlaðu hesa ferð at steina Jesus tí hann segði seg hava „sæð Ábraham“, hóast hann, sum teir søgdu, ikki var „50 ár enn“.
This time the Jews wanted to stone Jesus for claiming to “have seen Abraham” although, as they said, he was not yet 50 years old.jw2019 jw2019
Hann spurdi jødarnar, sum av órøttum fingu tað burturúr og vildu steina hann: „Siga tit tá við Hann, sum Faðirin hevur halgað og sent í heimin: ’Tú spottar Gud!’ — fyri tað at Eg segði: ’Eg eri Sonur Guds?’“
He asked the Jews who wrongly drew that conclusion and wanted to stone him: “Why do you charge me with blasphemy because I, consecrated and sent into the world by the Father, said, ‘I am God’s son’?”jw2019 jw2019
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