bocoi oor Engels


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Inversamente, é extremadamente difícil forzarlles a abertura da boca.
Conversely, the jaws are extremely difficult to pry open.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
E de certo, podemos limpar esas bocas de incendios sen máis, moita xente faino.
And certainly, we could have been shoveling out those fire hydrants all along, and many people do.ted2019 ted2019
Abran a boca todo o posíbel até que sexa un cadrado
Open your mouth as wide as possible until it's square.QED QED
Unha cousa sobre os Hmong, eles manteñen a súa boca pechada.
One thing about the Hmong, they keep their mouths shut.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A abertura da célula chamada peristoma, situada no extremo anterior puntiagudo dá paso ao citostoma ou "boca".
The opening, known as the peristome, at the pointed anterior end leads to the cytostome, or the mouth.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A cabeza é puntiaguda e a súa boca relativamente pequena está xirada para arriba.
The head is pointed and the relatively small mouth is turned upwards.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
En notas súas de 1779, Darwin fixo un esquema dun motor de foguete simple de hidróxeno-oxíxeno, con tanques de gas conectados por tubos e bombas a unha cámara de combustión alongada e boca de expansión, un concepto que non se volvería a ver ata un século despois.
In notes dating to 1779, Darwin made a sketch of a simple hydrogen-oxygen rocket engine, with gas tanks connected by plumbing and pumps to an elongated combustion chamber and expansion nozzle, a concept not to be seen again until one century later.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Porén, todas as partes principais da boca dos insectos precederon ás anxiospermas e a diversificación de insectos en realidade reduciuse cando estas xurdiron, polo que a súa anatomía orixinal debeu estar adaptada para outros fins.
However, all major insect mouth parts preceded angiosperms, and insect diversification actually slowed when they arrived, so their anatomy originally must have been suited for some other purpose.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Na boca prenentan dúas fileiras de dentes incisivos.
The open mouth exposes two remaining teeth.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ten algo na súa boca.
You got something on your mouth.QED QED
A señora Salt abriu a súa gran boca encarnada e comezou a berrar.
Mrs Salt opened her huge red mouth and started to scream.Literature Literature
440 a.C.) describiu o crocodilo en detalle, aínda que gran parte desa descrición é fantasiosa; afirmaba que deixaba a boca aberta para permitir que unha ave "trochilus" (posiblemente un Pluvianus aegyptius) entrase nela para quitarlle as samesugas que encontrase.
440 BC) described the crocodile in detail, though much of his description is fanciful; he claimed that it would lie with its mouth open to permit a "trochilus" bird (possibly an Egyptian plover) to enter and remove any leeches it found.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O xeróglifo que indicaba a fracción era semellante a unha boca, e significaba "parte": As fraccións escribíanse con este xeróglifo,que funcionaba como trazo de fracción, onde o 1 era, por defecto, o numerador e o número que ficaba por baixo era o denominador.
The hieroglyph indicating a fraction looked like a mouth, which meant "part": Fractions were written with this fractional solidus, i.e., the numerator 1, and the positive denominator below.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Eh, seca a boca.
Hey, wipe your mouth.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
O danake foi unha das moedas que se utilizaron como "óbolo de Caronte", que se colocaba na boca dos defuntos para o pagamento do barqueiro que levaría as súas almas a través do río que dividía o mundo do vivindo do dos mortos.
The danake is one of the coins that served as the so-called Charon's obol, which was placed on or in a dead person's mouth to pay the ferryman who conveyed souls across the river that divided the world of the living from the world of the dead.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O vómito é a expulsión violenta e espasmódica do contido do estómago a través da boca.
Vomiting is the forceful ejection of stomach contents through the mouth.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Este programa incluía tamén adestramento para a entrega de materiais e equipos baixo a auga a mergulladores, localización de persoas desaparecidas, vixilancia de botes e submarinos e monitorización baixo a auga usando cámaras suxeitas na boca.
The program included training these mammals to carry equipment and material to divers working under water, the location of lost objects, surveillance of ships and submarines, and underwater monitoring using cameras held in their mouths.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Cando o animal encontra un novo cheiro, lambe e morde a fonte do cheiro, despois forma unha escuma olorosa na súa boca e lambe con ela as súas espiñas.
When the animal encounters a new scent, it will lick and bite the source, then form a scented froth in its mouth and paste it on its spines with its tongue.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A hixienista dental díxome, estando tombado na cadeira, "Ben, por favor abre a boca."
The woman dental hygienist said to me, lying down in the chair, "Right, please open your mouth."tatoeba tatoeba
E que é daquela a boca?
What is the muzzle then?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Leva un casco que oculta toda a súa cara agás a boca.
An open-face helmet will protect everything but the face.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O doutor Da Barca sangraba polo nariz, pola boca, polas orellas, mais non se rendía.
Doctor Da Barca was bleeding from the nose, the mouth, the ears, but he would not give up.Literature Literature
El fixo un esforzo para virar a chave na fechadura coa boca.
Then he made an effort to turn the key in the lock with his mouth.QED QED
" E mentres as outras cousas, se besta ou barco, que entran na abismo espantoso da boca deste monstro ( balea ), son inmediatamente perdidos e enguliu cara arriba, o mar se retira en gudgeon- lo gran seguridade, e non durmir. "
" And whereas all the other things, whether beast or vessel, that enter into the dreadful gulf of this monster's ( whale's ) mouth, are immediately lost and swallowed up, the sea- gudgeon retires into it in great security, and there sleeps. "QED QED
Mais a boca non deu as grazas.
But his mouth refuses to say thank you.Literature Literature
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