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Ja sam iskreno ojađen, tetka Augusta, što nije bilo krastavaca, čak ni za gotovinu.
I am greatly distressed, Aunt Augusta... about there being no cucumbers, not even for ready money.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"""Da, u tome ste u pravu"", reče Brett prilično ojađeno, pijuckajući Pepsi."
"""Yeah, now you are right about that, "" Brett said, sipping his Pepsi and looking pretty miserable."Literature Literature
Činjenica da si ojađen i ljut na sebe sama po sebi je dokaz da nisi otišao predaleko.
The fact that you feel grieved and vexed with yourself is proof in itself that you have not gone too far.jw2019 jw2019
Moraš se odjenuti u skladu s vremenom i ne smiješ dopustiti da te ojadi.""
You’ve got to dress for weather and you can’t let it get you down.”Literature Literature
No, nadam se da još nisam tako ojađen i potrošen da se ne mogu još tu i tamo osjetiti živim.
But I hope I’m not so disillusioned and jaded that I can’t feel alive now and then.’Literature Literature
Sada svatko može dovršiti posao, shvati ojađeno.
Any builder could now finish the job, he realized with dismay.Literature Literature
Jedna riječ s njegovih živućih usana promijenila je njezinu ojađenu žalost u zanosnu radost.
One word from His living lips changed her agonized grief into ecstatic joy.LDS LDS
Kako će biti bijesni i ojađeni, pomislio je indijski admiral.
How angry and frustrated they would be, the Indian Admiral thought.Literature Literature
Michael je primijetio kako don Tommasino ojađeno odmahuje glavom jer je njihova tajna otkrivena.
Michael saw Don Tommasino shaking his head in disgust at the general knowledge of their secret.Literature Literature
To može ojaditi druge posjetioce.
This can cause distress for their fellow visitors.jw2019 jw2019
– Čuj – rekao je tada Guilder kleknuvši ispred ojađena čovjeka – nešto bih ti predložio.
“Listen,” Guilder had said, kneeling before the grief-sticken man, “I’d like to make you a proposition.”Literature Literature
Ne izgledaj tako ojađeno.
All right, well, don't look so put out.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Mama je opet sjela za stol i ojađeno uzdahnula čim je shvatila o čemu razgovaramo.
Mama returned to the table and sighed in despair when she realised what we were talking about.Literature Literature
Izgledaš ojađen.
You look annoyed.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Poput Matilde W., i konjušar je bio ojađen što Mali sveti Petar nije obavio svoj posao
Like Matilda W., the groom was aggrieved by Little Saint Peter's failure to do his job.Literature Literature
– rekla sam ojađeno. – Zašto me progonite ako ne znate tko sam?
"""Why are you chasing me if you don't know who I am?"Literature Literature
... Napad koji se u pogrebnoj povorci izvan Peshawer ubio 17 ojađene.
... attack that killed 17 mourners in a funeral procession outside Peshawer.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Merthin ga je uvijek uspijevao nadjačati u svakoj raspravi, prisjeti se Ralph ojađeno.
Merthin had always been able to overcome him in an argument, Ralph recalled dismally.Literature Literature
Silno ojađen, Dalton je uspio prebaciti glavu lijevo, pa desno i tjeskobno procviliti.
Greatly distressed, Dalton managed to roll his head side to side and produce an anguished mewling.Literature Literature
Toranaga ojađeno iziđe iz dvorišta, dok mu je jedan samuraj pridržavao kišobran da ga zaštiti od kiše.
Despondently Toranaga stomped out of the courtyard, a samurai holding a large umbrella for him against the rain.Literature Literature
Iz njegova se opusa izdvajaju kantata Ojađeno zvono , Simfonija fantazija i Simfonijska impresija .
His most acclaimed works are the Ojađ eno zvono cantata , the Simfonija fantazija ( Fantasy Symphony ) and the Simfonijska impresija ( Symphonic Impression ) .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Najveći dio vremena vukao sam se po kući, previše ojađen da bih razmišljao o vježbama.
I spent the better part of my time moping around the house, too dejected to think about practicing my stunts.Literature Literature
To je zbog mirisa, objasnio je ojađeno.
It was the smells, he explained miserably.Literature Literature
Tri su sudruga stajala još neko vrijeme nepomično i bez riječi, ojađeni ovim novim udarcem zle kobi.
For some time the three companions stood still and silent, troubled by this new stroke of ill fortune.Literature Literature
Više ojađen, ustvari.
More like annoyed, actually.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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