zatvoreni automobil oor Engels

zatvoreni automobil

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Nisu se ni obazreli na to da je pred njihovim vratima stajao velik, zatvoren automobil.
They didn’t see the large car parked in front of their house.Literature Literature
Bijela lica i priglupo uplašeni, gospodin i gospođa Barton upali su u zatvoren automobil.
White-faced, scared, witless, Mr and Mrs Hugh Barton got into a closed car.Literature Literature
Bit će pakleno sjediti u zatvorenom automobilu po ovoj sparini.
It’ll be hell being inside a closed car in this heat.Literature Literature
Vlastito je disanje bilo preglasno u zatvorenom automobilu pa je spustila prozorska stakla.
Her own breathing was too loud in the closed car, so she fumbled for the window control.Literature Literature
Nekoliko minuta kasnije prozor se tiho zatvorio i automobil se udaljio.
After a few minutes the car window soundlessly went back up and the car moved off.Literature Literature
Upravo će to i učiniti, odlučila je, zatvorivši vrata automobila, upalivši motor i izvezavši se na ulicu.
That’s what she’d do, she decided, closing the car door and starting the engine, pulling into the street.Literature Literature
Kate odmahne glavom, žaleći ga kao što bi žalila psa zatvorenog u automobilu na vrućini.
Kate shook her head, pitying him as she would have pitied a dog left in a car on a hot day.Literature Literature
Bonnie je zatvorila vrata automobila, a Josh se odvezao na cestu.
Bonnie closed the car door and Josh backed out of the driveway.Literature Literature
"""Mrzim što vam to moram reći, ali sada je Kanal 5 zatvorio vaš automobil."
“Hate to tell you, but now Channel Eight’s got you blocked in.Literature Literature
"""A kad moja prijateljica zatvori stražnjavrata automobila, odmah krenite odavde."
“When my friend has shut the back door, you should already be rolling out of here.Literature Literature
Zatim je cesta opet opustjela, kao da je sasvim utihnula nakon što su se zatvorila vrata automobila.
And then the street was empty again, seemed to have gone mute with the slam of the car door.Literature Literature
Moram - htio je reći, izaći, ali već se bio vratio iz svoje slike u zatvoreni prostor automobila.
“I have to”—to get out, he was going to say, but he was already back in the stalled car.Literature Literature
Nije posve zatvorila vrata automobila.
She did not close the car door all the way.Literature Literature
“Još jednom vas molimo da nam oprostite”, rekao je muškarac s pištoljem i zatvorio vrata automobila.
“Once again, we are very sorry,” said the man with the gun as he closed the car door for the brother.jw2019 jw2019
Maggie je zatvorila prozor automobila, približila zvono podu i zazvonila.
Maggie closed the car window, held the bell near the floor of the car and swung it.Literature Literature
Tako sam kupio zatvoreni automobil s četverim vratima, a nakon što sam prešao preko 160 000 kilometara vozeći se njime po području koje mi je bilo dodijeljeno za propovijedanje, mogao sam samo reći: ‘Tata je opet bio u pravu.’
So I bought a four-door sedan, and after driving it over 100,000 miles [160,000 km] in my preaching assignment, I could only say, ‘Dad was right again.’jw2019 jw2019
Pažljivo ju je omotao u kaput za koji je shvatio da je Phuryjev, zatim ju je zatvorio u automobil i sjeo za upravljač.
He draped her carefully in what he realized was Phury’s coat, and then he shut her in and got behind the wheel.Literature Literature
Trebalo bi je zatvoriti zbog zlostavljanja automobila.
She ought to be arrested for vehicular abuse.Literature Literature
[ Sighs ] [ Vrata automobila zatvorena ] Kako dugo Veleposlanstvu?
How long to the Embassy?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Podigao je krov automobila, zatvorio prozore i zaključao vrata kako bi se obranio od novinara.
He had raised the top on the car, shut the windows, and locked the doors to keep the press at bay.Literature Literature
No Don nije imao odgovor, a proćelavi je prošetao oko automobila, zatvorivši sva vrata.
But Don had no answers, and then the thin-haired man walked once around the car and slammed all the doors.Literature Literature
U redu, moramo da zatvorimo okolinu pretresemo automobile koji odlaze iz ove oblasti.
Okay, we need to lock down the perimeter, search cars heading out of the area.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
( Otvara vrata automobila, zatvori )
( car door opens, shuts )OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Neće ga zatvoriti za kradu automobila.
He wasn’t going to go away for auto theft.Literature Literature
Jesu li prozori na automobilu zatvori kad je pronašao?
Were the car windows shut when she was found?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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