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Aquae ductus
Aqueduct · aqueduct
p. of subduco
Ductus choledochus
Common bile duct · common bile duct
Ductus cysticus
Cystic duct · cystic duct
Ductus arteriosus
ductus arteriosus
Aquae Ductus Segoviensis
Aqueduct of Segovia
ductus paramesonephricus
paramesonephric duct
ductus exemplo
leadership by example


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Fidelium associationes, quae subsunt ductui ac moderamini alicuius Religionis, etiam si sint ab Apostolica Sede erectae, iurisdictioni subsunt et vigilantiae Ordinarii loci, qui ad normam sacrorum canonum eas invisendi ius habet et munus.
Associations of the faithful which are under the leadership and direction of a Religious institute, even if they have been established by the Apostolic See, are subject to the jurisdiction and vigilance of the local Ordinary who, according to the norms of the sacred canons, has the right and the duty of holding a visitation of them.vatican.va vatican.va
Ut coloni in occasum? in territorium novum Tennesiam moverant, civitas materna Carolinae Septentrionalis viam construere mandavit colonos in Colonias Cumberlandias ductum—a termino meridionale Montis Clinch in Tennesia Orientale usque ad Stationes Francogallicas (Nasburgum).
In an effort to encourage settlers to move west into the new territory, in 1787 the mother state of North Carolina ordered a road to be cut to take settlers into the Cumberland Settlements—from the south end of Clinch Mountain (in East Tennessee) to French Lick (Nashville).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ita sane Concilium Vaticanum II docet: « Illo enim sensu fidei, qui a Spiritu veritatis excitatur et sustentatur, Populus Dei sub ductu sacri magisterii, cui fideliter obsequens, iam non verbum hominum, sed vere accipit verbum Dei (cfr 1 Thess 2, 13), semel traditae sanctis fidei (Ids 3) indefectibiliter adhaeret, recto iudicio in eam profundius penetrat eamque in vita plenius applicat ».114 Est enim Verbum quod, in sinu communitatis et coram ea, non est simpliciter Verbum Episcopi tamquam privati viri, sed Verbum Pastoris qui in fide confirmat, circa mysterium Dei congregat et vitam generat.
It penetrates more deeply into that same faith through right judgment, and applies it more fully to life''.114 The word of the Bishop is thus, within the community and before it, no longer simply his private word, but rather the word of a pastor who strengthens the community in faith, gathers it around the mystery of God and gives it life.vatican.va vatican.va
Aquae ductus
Aqueduct (bridge)langbot langbot
Attamen, absque ductu caritatis in veritate, orbis conatus concurrere potest ad ferenda pericula detrimentorum, quae hactenus ignorantur, et novorum discriminum intra humanam familiam.
Nevertheless, without the guidance of charity in truth, this global force could cause unprecedented damage and create new divisions within the human family.vatican.va vatican.va
Spiritus Sancti ductu, Ecclesia ab initio per Eucharistiam sese et manifestavit et con firmavit.
Guided by the Holy Spirit, the Church from the beginning expressed and confirmed her identity through the Eucharist.vatican.va vatican.va
Igitur Ioseph ductus est in Aegyptum; emitque eum Putiphar eunuchus pharaonis, princeps satellitum, vir Aegyptius, de manu Ismaelitarum, a quibus perductus erat.
And Joseph was brought into Egypt, and Putiphar, an eunuch of Pharaoh, chief captain of the army, an Egyptian, bought him of the Ismaelites, by whom he was brought.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Huiusmodi vero sodalitates, quamvis permanentes esse nequeant, validum, tamen, in ipso communitatis contextu ordinatum ductum offerre valebunt ad vocationem agnoscendam et maturandam.
200) While they lack the quality of permanence, such groups can offer a systematic guide, in a community context, with which to check the existence and development of vocations.vatican.va vatican.va
Hi vero qui cum imperio praesunt, quorum tam necessaria est opera ad Ecclesiae incommoda sananda, facile intelligent, quemadmodum Lusitanum nomen ad tantum gloriae fastigium catholicae religionis virtute beneficioque pervenit, ita unam esse viam tollendis malorum caussis expeditam, si eiusdem religionis ductu auspiciisque res publica constanter administretur.
7. Those who are at the head of the government and whose cooperation is so necessary to heal the wounds of the Church easily understand that, just as Portugal attained great glory from the strength and blessings of the Catholic religion, so too the Church provides the only speedy elimination of the causes of evil. The state must always be governed under the leadership and guidance of this same religion.vatican.va vatican.va
abrogati inde legem ferente Domitiano consulatus quos Vitellius dederat, funusque censorium Flavio Sabino ductum, magna documenta instabilis fortunae summaque et ima miscentis.
After this, on the motion of Domitian, the consulships conferred by Vitellius were cancelled, and the honours of a censor's funeral were paid to Sabinus; great lessons both of the mutability of fortune, ever bringing together the highest honours and the lowest humiliations.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Quod et Nos in votis habemus, dum Evangelii praecones hortamur, cuiuscumque ordinis velcondicionis sunt, ut sine intermissione Spiritui divino summa fide et ardore supplicent, illiusque ductui prudenter se permittunt tamquam auctoris praecipui consiliorum suorum, suoium coeptorum suaeque operae ad evangelizationem spectantis.
This is our desire too, and we exhort all evangelizers, whoever they may be, to pray without ceasing to the Holy Spirit with faith and fervor and to let themselves prudently be guided by Him as the decisive inspirer of their plans, their initiatives and their evangelizing activity.vatican.va vatican.va
Ductus pancreaticus
Pancreatic ductlangbot langbot
Attamen, Coreanum dominium in mare perrexit, ab admirali Yi Sunsin ductum.
Nanjung Ilgi: War Diary of Admiral Yi Sun-sin.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
End Phase (Momentum finale): Finis ductus est et ductus adversarii incipit.
The End Times Controversy: The Second Coming Under Attack.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Vos autem, Venerabiles Fratres, vehementer hortamur, ut sacerdotes errantes, statim ac sincere resipuerint, paterna charitate amplectamini, eosque rite probatos ad munia sacerdotalia, ductu vestro, denuo obeunda vocare non renuatis.
12. You, Venerable Brethren, We earnestly exhort to embrace with paternal charity erring priests immediately they sincerely repent, and not to refuse to call them again, under your direction, to their priestly duties, when they have been duly proved worthy.vatican.va vatican.va
Oritur autem haec cohaerentia ex illo formae collegialis principio, quod Concilium Vaticanum II proposuit quodque ipse Christus Collegio duodecim Apostolorum sub Petro capite inseruit et sine intermissione in Collegio renovat Episcoporum, ita ut magis ac magis toto orbe terrarum id crescat, cum Petri successore coniunctum et sub eius ductu exsistens.
This unity springs from the principle of collegiality, mentioned by the Second Vatican Council. Christ himself made this principle a living part of the apostolic College of the Twelve with Peter at their head, and he is continuously renewing it in the College of the Bishops, which is growing more and more over all the earth, remaining united with and under the guidance of the Successor of Saint Peter.vatican.va vatican.va
Ita fiet ut charismata et ministeria, munera et servitia christifidelis laici in communione exsistant et ad communionem, quippe quae divitiae sint complementariae sub sapienti Pastorum ductu omnibus destinatae” (IOANNIS PAULI PP.
Thus, the charisms, the ministries, the different forms of service exercised by the lay faithful exist in communion and on behalf of communion.vatican.va vatican.va
Interea Paulini et Celsi ductu res egregie gestae.
Meanwhile, brilliant successes were gained under the command of Celsus and Paullinus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Propterea illi, et quidem praecipue, semper clarius conscii esse debent se non solum ad Ecclesiam pertinere, sed Ecclesiam esse, id est, christifidelium in terris communitatem sub communis Capitis ductu, nempe Romani Pontificis, et Episcoporum in communione cum ipso.
Therefore, they in particular, ought to have an ever-clearer consciousness not only of belonging to the Church, but of being the Church, that is to say, the community of the faithful on earth under the leadership of the Pope, the head of all, and of the Bishops in communion with him.vatican.va vatican.va
Ex hoc inducitur eum non veluti sibi sumpto sponte officio, nec sua ipsius ductum mentis incitatione agere, sed in communione cum Ecclesiae munere atque eiusdem nomine.
This presupposes that he acts not in virtue of a mission which he attributes to himself or by a personal inspiration, but in union with the mission of the Church and in her name.vatican.va vatican.va
Visitatio vero illa Ecclesiae Mexicanae occasionem Nobis dedit populum catholicum eiusdem Civitatis modo paene continuo contingendi; qui, spiritu fidei ductus, quocumque vehebamur, ubicumque consistebamus, incitatis animis Nos saepiebat.
But that visit to the Mexican Church gave us the opportunity to be in contact almost continually with the Catholic people of that State, who, moved by the spirit of faith, thronged around us enthusiastically wherever we travelled, wherever we stopped.vatican.va vatican.va
Attamen anno MDXXXI, propter quandam suam contionem haud bene perceptam, in carcerem ductus est.
In 1531, because of a misunderstanding about a homily he had given, John was imprisoned.vatican.va vatican.va
Animos itaque doctorum virorum et omnium credentium ac non credentium convertere desideramus ad viam ac rationem quam Scotus secutus est in statuenda concordia inter fidem et rationem, in definienda tali modo natura theologiae, ut iugiter extulerit actionem, operationem, praxim, amorem, potius quam puram speculationem; quo in opere exsequendo ductus fuit Magisterio Ecclesiae ac sano sensu critico circa incrementum notitiae veritatis, atque persuasum sibi habebat scientiam tantum valere quantum ipsa in praxim deduceretur.
Thus we desire to remind scholars and everyone, believers and non-believers alike, of the path and method that Scotus followed in order to establish harmony between faith and reason, defining in this manner the nature of theology in order constantly to exalt action, influence, practice and love rather than pure speculation; in fulfilling this task he let himself be guided by the Magisterium of the Church and by a sound critical sense regarding growth in knowledge of the truth and was convinced that knowledge is valuable to the extent that it is applied in praxis.vatican.va vatican.va
Nunc vero ut concreta voluntas Domini de nostra possit detegi vita, necessaria semper sunt: docilis et sollicita verbi Dei et Ecclesiae exauditio, filialis et constans oratio, sapienti et benevolo spirituali ductui referentia, interpretatio in fide receptorum donorum et talentorum ac simul socialium et historicarum circumstantiarum intra quas quisque est insertus.
To be able to discover the actual will of the Lord in our lives always involves the following: a receptive listening to the Word of God and the Church, fervent and constant prayer, recourse to a wise and loving spiritual guide, and a faithful discernment of the gifts and talents given by God, as well as the diverse social and historic situations in which one lives.vatican.va vatican.va
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