apesar de algo oor Engels

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Portugees - Engels

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A letra não era prontamente reconhecível, apesar de algo familiar.
The handwriting wasn’t immediately recognizable, but it was somehow familiar.Literature Literature
Era uma boa moça, bastante sensata, muito fácil de ser levada, apesar de algo voluntariosa.
She was a good-natured and sensible girl, very easy to get on with, though she had a will of her own.Literature Literature
Demorei muito tempo para entender que, apesar de algo não ser impecável, ainda tem valor.
It’s taken me a long time to understand that just because something isn’t pristine, it still has worth.Literature Literature
Ele não tinha ideia, apesar de algo lhe dizer que sim.
He had no idea, although something told him they did.Literature Literature
Eu teria que usar a faca, apesar de algo dentro de mim se rebelasse ante ao pensamento.
I’d have to use the knife, though something inside me cringed at the thought.Literature Literature
Continuava firme, apesar de algo ter feito ninho num dos cantos e as cordas terem começado a apodrecer.
It was still sturdy enough, though something had nested in one of the corners, and the ropes had begun to rot.Literature Literature
Não havia um pingo de compaixão no seu olhar, apesar de algo mais ter perpassado nas íris azuis.
There wasn’t an ounce of empathy in his eyes, though something else swam in the blue irises.Literature Literature
Podemos dizer a seu amigo: “Apesar de algo terrível estar acontecendo a você, há uma coisa maior.
"You might tell your friend, ""Though something terrible is happening to you, there is a greater thing."Literature Literature
Agora, também a admirava, apesar de algo em si se rebelar contra a visão da vida que ela tinha.
Now he admired her as well, even though something in him rebelled against her outlook on life.Literature Literature
Não hesito, apesar de algo no fundo da mente — a parte sombria e perversa — me dizer para deixar tudo como está.
I don’t hesitate, despite something in the back of my mind—the dark, malevolent part—telling me to leave it alone.Literature Literature
Os cabelos brancos indicavam que não se tratava de um jovem, apesar de haver algo de juvenil nele.
His white hair told her that he was not a young man, and yet there was something very youthful about him.Literature Literature
E apesar de ser algo bem pequeno, Jim não consegue fazê-lo.
And it is small really but Jim can’t do it.Literature Literature
Apesar de ser algo demorado de se fazer, caso você precise que eu faça outras coisas
Although time-consuming, if you need me to do other stuff.’Literature Literature
Apesar de haver algo que eu respeito.
There is something about him that makes me respect him in spite of this all.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Apesar de terem algo chamado Matadores de Crocodilos.
Though they did have something called Crocodile Killers.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Apesar de ser algo em que estamos sempre focados.
Yet it's something that we're constantly focused on.QED QED
O pensamento era perturbador, apesar de ser algo que eu já havia desejado algumas vezes.
The thought was uncomfortable, even though it was something I’d wished dozens of times before.Literature Literature
“O que ela sente quase com certeza não é culpa, apesar de ser algo igualmente problemático e desagradável...
“What she felt was most certainly not guilt, though it was similarly troubling and unpleasant....Literature Literature
Ali, a caligrafia era menor, mais controlada, apesar de haver algo de estranho a respeito dela
Here the writing was smaller, more controlled, though something seemed odd-looking about it.Literature Literature
Está escuro, apesar de ter algo brilhante.
It's dark in there, except for a kind of glow.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Eu entendi aquilo, mesmo na época - apesar de parecer algo idiota e desnecessário.
I understood this, even then—but it all seemed so dull and unnecessary.Literature Literature
E isso apesar de ser algo tão estranho, complicado e maluco.
And this was despite it being so strange and complicated and crazy.Literature Literature
Apesar de ser algo sutil, a energia se modifica com frequência, enquanto os rótulos permanecem estáticos.
Although it may be subtle, the energy constantly changes while the label remains static.Literature Literature
Apesar de existir algo de estranho em relação a Sanar e Ryelle.
Though there was something strange about Sanar and Ryelle.Literature Literature
Apesar de tudo, algo mudou nessa noite de novembro.
Nonetheless, something changed that night in November.Literature Literature
2018 sinne gevind in 197 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.