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Urges States and the international community to increase resources at all levels, particularly in the education and health sectors, so as to enable young people, especially girls, to gain the knowledge, attitudes and life skills that they need to overcome their challenges, including the prevention of HIV infection and early pregnancy, and to enjoy the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, including sexual and reproductive health;UN-2 UN-2
不僅 一個 有 本職 工作 的 調查員 揪住 一個 年 輕 女孩 的 前后 陳 述 不 一致...
There are other indicia of reliability here.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
该项《公约》的缔约国并一致认为,教育应使所有的人能有效地参加自由社会,促进各民族之间和各种族、族裔或宗教团体之间的了解、容忍和有一,和促进联合国维护和平的各项活动; 《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》,尤其是第五条款,该款禁止一切形式种族歧视,并保证人人有不分种族、肤色或民族或族裔在法律上一律平等的权利,尤得享受思想、良心与宗教自由的权利; 《儿童权利公约》,尤其是第 # 条,该条禁止因儿童或其父母或法定监护人的宗教而有任何差别;第 # 条,该条规定尊重儿童享有思想、信仰和宗教自由的权利;及第 # 条,该条保证属于宗教少数的儿童信奉自己的宗教并举行宗教仪式的权利; 《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》; 《防止及惩治灭绝种族罪公约》,尤其是第二条,该条规定:"灭绝种族系指蓄意全部或局部消灭某一......宗教团体”; 《关于难民地位的公约》,尤其是第四条,该条规定难民在关于举行宗教仪式的自由以及对其子女施加宗教教育的自由方面,应至少给予其本国国民所获得的待遇;和第三十三条,该条禁止将难民驱逐至其生命或自由因为他的宗教而受到威胁的国家; 《保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员权利国际公约》,尤其是第 # 条,该条涉及移徙工人及其家庭成员享有思想、良心和宗教自由; 国际人道主义法律的相关条款,其中尤其是 # 年 # 月 # 日的四项《日内瓦公约》及其《附加议定书》。
b) The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, in particular article # which ensures the right of everyone to education that education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and the sense of its dignity, and shall strengthen the respect for human rights and fundamental freedom. States parties to the Covenant further agree that education shall enable all persons to participate effectively in a free society, promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations and all racial, ethnic or religious groups, and further the activities of the United Nations of the maintenance of peaceMultiUn MultiUn
Some speakers reported on pilot prevention and social reintegration projects designed in accordance with best practices and the evaluation of those projects, which included bullying prevention in schools, local justice, peaceful conflict resolution in communities and psychological interventions aimed at children and adults in vulnerable situations, including the introduction of special programmes for the prison population to prevent re-offending, which were practical applications of the Guidelines for the Prevention of Crime.UN-2 UN-2
JUSCANZ: (t) As a matter of priority, especially in those countries most affected, and in partnership with Support NGOs[,] in efforts to intensify education, services and develop community-based strategies to protect women of all ages from HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, including the provision of male and female condoms, voluntary HIV testing and counselling, and intensify research on and make available as soon as possible other female-controlled methods, such as microbicides and vaccines; provide care to infected girls, women and their families and mobilize all parts of the community;UN-2 UN-2
The second oath ceremony took place on the evening of January 21, 2009 in the Map Room of the White House before a small audience of presidential aides, reporters and a White House photographer.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Key policy initiatives and capacity-building for gender mainstreaming: elimination and prevention of all forms of violence against women and girls: focus on the prevention of violence against women and girls*UN-2 UN-2
The objective of that policy was to “Judaize” Arab East Jerusalem by increasing the number of Jewish inhabitants, thereby altering the demographic composition of the city’s population.UN-2 UN-2
The maintenance of high fertility among poorer women generates a vicious circle whereby their children, particularly girls, are less likely to receive schooling and are more likely to have high numbers of children themselvesMultiUn MultiUn
Some of the examples mentioned included the work of the Entity towards the creation of gender equality committees in parliaments; the enhancement of efforts to incorporate gender-related consideration into national plans with strengthened planning frameworks; the strengthening of legislation on ending violence against women and girls; and the development of national plans on women and peace and security.UN-2 UN-2
Today millions of adolescents, particularly girls, also face the prospect of incomplete education which increases their chances of living in poverty, as well as contracting infectious diseases, including HIV/AIDSMultiUn MultiUn
The IASC Gender Marker is a practical tool that grades consolidated appeals process projects on how well they ensure that the different needs of women, girls, boys and men are integrated into humanitarian programming.UN-2 UN-2
Follow-up to the study being collaboratively undertaken on the impact of armed conflict on women and girls, the role of women in peace-building and the gender dimensions of peace processes and conflict resolution, to be submitted to the Security Council as a report of the Secretary General, will also be an important part of collaborative efforts during the period of the system-wide medium-term plan.UN-2 UN-2
It’s complicated to go out with a girl just as friends, unless the girl knows how people date in the United States: going out together to get to know each other and just become friends.LDS LDS
Strongly condemns violence against women and girls committed in situations of armed conflict, such as murder, rape, including widespread and systematic rape, sexual slavery and forced pregnancy, and calls for effective responses to these violations of human rights and international humanitarian law;UN-2 UN-2
不 你 看 每個 人 都 為 女孩 神魂 顛倒 對 嗎?
No, see, because girls have it reversed.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
— 你 是不是 把 那 两个 小女孩 藏 起来 了?
You put those girls somewhere?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Strengthened policies and programmes to end violence against women and girlsMultiUn MultiUn
They include both adolescents who were infected through mother-to-child transmission and older adolescents —primarily girls — who were infected through sexual transmission early in adolescence.UN-2 UN-2
My Jewish parents had me start learning ballet at an early age.jw2019 jw2019
世界 上 最 快乐 的 女孩.
The happiest girl in the world, now.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Women and girls suffer disproportionately from inadequate sanitation and access to water.UN-2 UN-2
在 法國 你 可以 上 一個 年紀 只有 十五 歲 的 女孩
You can fuck a 1 5-year-old in France.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
你 在 说 什么 女孩 吸 出 英雄 获得 权力 的 剂量 ?
You're talking about girls sucking off heroes to get a dose of powers?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Of the paid child workers (including daily-paid child workers) 46,1% were boys and 28,5% are girls.UN-2 UN-2
206 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.