rest area oor Katalaans

rest area

A place on the interstate where one can stop to use the restroom, rest or do other things.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans


public area, usually adjacent to limited-access highway, used for rest from travel

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The rest areas of Krossbu and Sognefjellshytta are located beside the road high up in the mountains.
col · legis professionals de Catalunya i la publicació dels EstatutsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the rest areas, the situation hadn’t changed, even though more than an hour had passed.
Deixeu- me sortirLiterature Literature
I stopped at prisons and even placed tracts with men in the restrooms of the rest areas.
No penso que tingui temps per a aixòjw2019 jw2019
“I think it’s about ten miles to the next rest area,” he said.
administratiu davant la Sala Contenciosa Administrativa del Tribunal SuperiorLiterature Literature
As the Volvo pulls into a rest area, his vigilance increases.
Aquest no és el teu llocLiterature Literature
Rest-area bathrooms are always full of graffiti, some of it extremely weird.
Ambdues utilitats encara estan en ús. Per als que no hi estan familiaritzats, aquí hi ha unes breus explicacionsLiterature Literature
“Listen,” he said, slowing down as they approached the entrance to the rest area.
Roba interior francesa i una caixa de va venirLiterature Literature
It will also serve as a crew work and rest area.
Vol dir DeskTop Publishing (publicació d' escriptoriWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nakata was hungry and decided to have a bowl of ramen in the rest area restaurant.
El valor de color es refereix a com de brillant o d' obscur és un color. Colors amb un valor baix són més negres en aparença. Colors amb un valor més alt són colors més ricsLiterature Literature
Was it in Colorado that she saw a man sitting on a bench under pines in a rest area?
Minimitza el nombre de passos en signar correus, usa els valors predeterminats, excepte que es detectin problemesLiterature Literature
She went out to the rest area and asked the woman from social services to take mother and son home.
On són no ho sé, però no em fa gràciaLiterature Literature
Bodyguard exits front of car and takes a pee while he appears to check the rest area for any unwelcome presence.
L ’ horari de treball del personal és de dilluns a divendres , de 9 a 14 hores i de 16 a 18 ’ 30 hores .Literature Literature
If it’s a rest area, she pretends to sleep—too few people and therefore too much risk of her being spotted.
Que estás tronat, Toro?Literature Literature
The road passes the villages of Galdesanden, Spiterstulen, and Elveseter, then the mountain Galdhøpiggen, lake Bøvertunvatnet, and then the Bøvertun rest area.
Fa molts anys va començar a pispar paper de cartes de l' hotel MarberryWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In Quebec, blue is often used for public services such as rest areas; many black-on-yellow signs are red-on-white instead.
És arriscat anar de dia al " Barret d’ en Tom "WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They’d waited around the rest area for a half hour, in case Christine decided to turn up, but that was just a formality.
Públiques , segons la resolució de 25 d ' abril de 1997 publicada alLiterature Literature
Just after five, without warning, the bus pulls off the highway and comes to a stop in a corner of a roadside rest area.
Acció del botó dret del ratolíLiterature Literature
The falls are a well known tourist attraction within Guy Fawkes River National Park, with viewing platforms of the falls and walking tracks, a rest area with barbecues, an information display, picnic tables and toilet.
d ' aplicació de la nova ordenació del sistema educatiu aWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Because the Ardennes was considered a quiet sector, considerations of economy of force led it to be used as a training ground for new units and a rest area for units that had seen hard fighting.
Es modifica l' article 1 del Decret 72 / 1995 , de 7 de març , pel qual esWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The radius of action and thus the distance between breeding, hunting and rest area is in the males of 20–100 meters and is therefore very small, the females were observed, however walking distances of up to four miles per day.
Branca és perquè no m' ha ordenat a fer- hoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He also identified likely incursion points and marked out forward routes, rest and refuelling areas and anti-aircraft gun positions.
Aquesta opció produeix una mena de vibració en la lluminositat de l' estrellaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Visual information enters the ventral stream through the primary visual cortex and travels through the rest of the areas in sequence.
Mostra la informació del propietariWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When the ice cleared in the spring, Hudson wanted to explore the rest of the area, but the crew mutinied on June 22, 1611.
La cadena de certificats és més llarga que la profunditat màxima especificadaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The rest of the coastal area was partially used by a factory and later also for military defense.
delimitació de l ' entorn de protecció de l ' immoble esmentat i , enWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Approximately half the population lives near the town center, while the rest live in rural areas.
l ' etapa d ' educació secundària obligatòria del centreWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
117 sinne gevind in 30 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.