feminist oor Spaans


/ˈfɛmɪnɪst/, /ˈfɛmənɪst/ adjektief, naamwoord
Relating to or in accordance with feminism.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


adjektief, naamwoordmasculine, feminine, manlike, m;f, masculine;feminine
person who supports the equality of women with men
My husband tells me feminist, but he is too sexist.
Mi marido me dice feminista, pero él es demasiado machista.

el feminista

Feminists have no sense of humour.
Las feministas no tienen sentido del humor.

la feminista

Feminists have no sense of humour.
Las feministas no tienen sentido del humor.


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Soortgelyke frases

feminist therapy
terapia feminista
feminist archaeology
arqueología feminista
feminist pedagogy
pedagogía feminista
feminist pornography
pornografía feminista
feminist art
arte feminista
feminist economics
economía feminista
feminist philosophy
feminismo filosófico
feminist biblical criticism
crítica bíblica feminista
feminist novel
novela feminista


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
The role of emotions within the feminist classroom has been the subject of much discussion.
Sería la mejor pelea de la historiaLiterature Literature
Here are the people I know: I know Catholics who are pro-choice, and feminists who wear hijabs, and veterans who are antiwar, and NRA members who think I should be able to get married.
Pero no soy cocinerated2019 ted2019
Being a feminist South African, Jennifer Thorpe noted that the environment she lives in affects women’s lives most tangibly.
Porque tienes esa mirada tan fea?gv2019 gv2019
Feminists and gender activists conceptualize rape culture as a cultural environment that encourages gender violence, as well as perpetuating "rape myths", ranging from treating rape as merely "rough sex" to blaming the victim for inviting rape.
Johan Van Hecke, en nombre del Grupo ALDE, sobre las armas ligeras y de pequeño calibre (BWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I do not know why this novel became a feminist bible.
¿ Qué apartamento?Literature Literature
Fat, David, is a feminist issue.
El equipo defectuoso se reparará o sustituirá en un plazo máximo de un mesOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
When she returned to practise in Hungary she joined the Feminists guild.
Salvo que no puedo hacer nada al respecto ahoraWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
QUIZ Is this an anti-feminist joke or an anti-chauvinist-pig joke?
Son seres de otro planetaLiterature Literature
She said she was a right feminist.
Mi pie izquierdoLiterature Literature
For example, UN-Women provided technical and financial assistance in India for consultations with feminist economists and prepared policy briefs as inputs that were incorporated into the 12th five-year plan.
Qué sabes de MirandaUN-2 UN-2
Jensen: Would you call The Days of Abandonment a feminist novel?
?Y usted no sospecho nada?Literature Literature
Even when a woman says fuck in anger, even a radical feminist saying fuck, that’s a turn-on.
Bueno, hubiera sido bueno si me llamabas primeroLiterature Literature
Indonesian feminists have challenged these practices through the study and reinterpretation of religious texts.
los cristales de insulina protamina se disuelven a un pH ácidoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When I wanted to get a commission on men like the county has a commission on women, the feminists fought that tooth and nail.
Parece satisfecho.- ¿ Y tú?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
An excellent collection of feminist work in cultural studies.
Tiene que saber que arriesgas tanto como élLiterature Literature
Christine Delphy (born 1941) is a French sociologist, feminist, writer and theorist.
¡ No sé nadar!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Kalayaan, an NGO working against VAW, has staged mime-drama-musical projecting feminist views and values.
Ese viaje comienza con la masturbaciónUN-2 UN-2
A Centre for Women’s Studies was established on the initiative of a group of feminist researchers at the University of Iceland in 1991.
¿ Pan tostado?UN-2 UN-2
As a result, innumerable feminist organizations have taken to the Internet to encourage discussion and activism, to address doubts and share information.
Los Estados miembros beneficiarios comunicarán a la Comisión las decisiones administrativas o judiciales, o los elementos fundamentales de las mismas, relativas a la conclusión de dichos procedimientos y, en particular, indicarán si los elementos constatados revelan o no una sospecha de fraudegv2019 gv2019
As a teenager, Pelletier attended feminist and anarchist groups.
Así es para mi.Apunto al resultadoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nevertheless, it now and then broadcasts, upon the request of feminist or nongovernmental bodies, programs that have allowed them to publicize this Convention
Si buscamos neonazis, hay que conocer la esvástica, ¿ no?MultiUn MultiUn
She's part of your mom's feminist group.
Y es para eso que estoy acá, para apoyarloOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Thinking what she thinks, she cannot be a prominent feminist any longer.
Los recipientes de las muestrasLiterature Literature
In spite of feminist rhetoric about abortion and freedom of choice, if women truly had control of their own bodies they should never be in a position where they had to have recourse to abortion
Un poco maltratado, eso siMultiUn MultiUn
We know from the feminists that when a woman says 'No', it means no.
Los trabajadores y las competencias que aportan constituyen un aspecto fundamental para la competitividad de las pymesEuroparl8 Europarl8
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