gangly oor Spaans


/ˈɡæŋ.ɡli/ adjektief
Tall and thin, especially so as to cause physical awkwardness.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


The way that Ditko drew him, he's so thin and gangly and long and awkward.
Como Ditko lo dibujaba, es tan delgado y desgarbado y largo y torpe.


adjective noun
You're that gangly fellow we bought the stories from.
Eres ese sujeto larguirucho al que le compramos las historias. Sí.

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That winter she’d grown as thin and gangly as a papaya tree.
Aquel invierno se había vuelto tan delgada y desgarbada como un árbol de papaya.Literature Literature
A gangly youth who had shot up too quickly, he stood there, with his glasses and curly hair, as his own accuser.
Crecido demasiado aprisa, estaba ante el tribunal, con gafas y pelo rizado, como acusador de sí mismo.Literature Literature
Amram was wearing his usual white suit, which hung loosely on his gangly frame.
Amram llevaba su habitual traje blanco, que le colgaba, holgado, sobre su desgarbado cuerpo.Literature Literature
Satyrus had barely noticed the young man, a gangly youth with a face full of spots and pimples.
Sátiro apenas se había fijado en el joven, un muchacho desgarbado con la cara llena de granos y espinillas.Literature Literature
Carrying him would be too difficult, however, because he was gangly, spindle-legged.
Cargarlo sería muy difícil, no obstante, porque era de piernas largas.Literature Literature
With gangly muscled limbs, the things were a horrendous combination of humanoid and bat bodies.
Con extremidades musculosas, las cosas eran una combinación horrenda de cuerpos humanoides y murciélagos.Literature Literature
He wasn’t yet broad-shouldered, but he made Tiberius and Marcellus seem like gangly youths beside him.
Aún no tenía los hombros amplios pero, a su lado, Tiberio y Marcelo parecían jóvenes desgarbados.Literature Literature
He was vaulted in, and Rollo Martins walked quickly away as though his long gangly legs wanted to break into a run, and the tears of a boy ran down his thirty-five-year-old face.
Se cerró la tumba y Rollo Martins se fue con tal rapidez que parecía que sus piernas largas y delgaduchas quisieran echar a correr, mientras lágrimas de chiquillo corrían por su rostro de treinta y cinco años.Lagun Lagun
Pale and gangly, he always reminded Clarke of a long-stemmed plant starved of sunlight.
Era pálido y desgarbado, y a Clarke siempre le recordaba a una planta de tallo largo a la que no le daba la luz del sol.Literature Literature
Emil was tall, gangly, and sour-faced.
Emil era alto, desaliñado y de cara agria.Literature Literature
When a beautiful, young co-ed took a chance on a gangly boy of a man named Clark she was taking a gamble, too.
Cuando una linda joven... -... arriesga todo por un tipo desvergonzado llamado Clark ella también estaba apostando.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I compared the two of them, walking side-by-side toward the house with their matching gangly strides.
Los comparé mientras caminaban codo con codo hacia casa con las mismas zancadas largas.Literature Literature
The fourth figure was a mystery — a gangly teenager with black hair and dusky skin.
La cuarta era un misterio —un desgarbado adolescente de pelo negro y piel oscura—.Literature Literature
To see Solomon standing up on his platform, tall, thin, and gangly, yet firm and noble in his stance.
Vio a Solomon de pie en su plataforma, alto, delgado y, sin embargo, firme y noble en su postura.Literature Literature
She was just a kid, thirteen, gangly, innocent.
Era apenas una niña de trece años, flacucha, inocente.Literature Literature
Tall and lean, like gangly youths, but soon they’d fill out and be as muscular as their older brother.
Altos, delgados, desgarbados como los jóvenes, pero pronto se llenarían y serían tan musculosos como su hermano mayor.Literature Literature
Gangli said they were lucky there had never been an actual plague, like the Black Death or the Hot Shivers.
Gangli dijo que tenían suerte de no haber sufrido nunca una verdadera plaga, como la Muerte Negra o los Escalorosos.Literature Literature
I'm a nice person you bald, gangly...
Soy una buena persona, pelón, desgarbado...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The gangly young soldier made his way forward and asked what his duty might be.
El desgarbado y joven soldado dio un paso al frente y preguntó cuál sería su cometido.Literature Literature
Strange girl, curled up like a gangly ten-year-old in her seat.
Extraña chica, acurrucada como una larguirucha niña de 10 años.Literature Literature
It was fast and strong despite its gangly limbs, and thrashed violently as it launched another attack.
Era rápido y fuerte, a pesar de sus extremidades aguadas, y golpeaba violentamente mientras lanzaba diferentes ataques.Literature Literature
At sixteen years of age, she was already shedding the gangliness and rough-edges of adolescence.
Con sus dieciséis años, ya empezaba a dejar atrás las formas larguiruchas y desproporcionadas de la adolescencia.Literature Literature
And sometimes it will catch up to you, throw its gangly arms around you, dampen your neck with its hot breath.
Y a veces te atrapará, te rodeará con sus brazos larguiruchos, te humedecerá la nuca con el calor de su aliento.Literature Literature
Behind him on the beach, a gangly sign stood high above the water on rusted stilts.
Detrás de él, en la playa, un letrero desgarbado sobresalía del agua sobre postes oxidados.Literature Literature
You're that bad mannered, gangly farmer boy that used to pester me.
Eres aquel patán desgarbado que me perseguía.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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