spatial assessment unit oor Spaans

spatial assessment unit

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

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The spatial assessment unit used for determining the area of accounting for afforestation, reforestation and deforestation;
Quizás, si pensara que podría arreglármelasUN-2 UN-2
Member States shall use the same spatial assessment unit in calculations to determine the forest falling within afforestation, reforestation and deforestation.
En vista de lo que antecede, ¿puede contestar la Comisión las preguntas siguientes?not-set not-set
Each Member State shall determine the forest area using the same spatial assessment unit as specified in Annex V in calculations for the activities of afforestation, reforestation and deforestation.
El bien de la mayoría... vale más...... que el bien de unos pocosEurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
* Parties shall provide transparent and verifiable information on how the time-series consistency of the reported Article # paragraph # activities is maintained in case of changing the spatial assessment unit for determining forest area for second commitment period]
Querrás estar fuera del radarMultiUn MultiUn
* Parties shall provide transparent and verifiable information on how the time-series consistency of the reported Article 3, paragraph 3, activities is maintained in case of changing the spatial assessment unit for determining forest area for second commitment period].
Tras un examen preliminar, la Comisión considera que la operación notificada podría entrar en el ámbito de aplicación del Reglamento (CE) noUN-2 UN-2
For the purposes of determining the area of deforestation to come into the accounting system under Article # each Party shall determine the forest area using the same spatial assessment unit as is used for the determination of afforestation and reforestation, but not larger than # hectare
Lo siento, pero ¿ quiere ir a por la escalera?MultiUn MultiUn
For the purposes of determining the area of deforestation to come into the accounting system under Article # arties shall determine the forest cover using the same spatial resolution as is used for the determination of afforestation and reforestation, but not spatial assessment units larger than # ha
No veo que pueda, dadas las circunstanciasMultiUn MultiUn
For the purposes of determining the area of deforestation to come into the accounting system under Article # paragraph # each Party shall determine the forest cover using the same spatial assessment unit as is used for the determination of afforestation and reforestation, but not larger than # hectare
Dijo, " Ninguna perrita puede hacer que acabe "MultiUn MultiUn
For the purposes of determining the area of deforestation to come into the accounting system under Article 3.3, Parties shall determine the forest cover using the same spatial resolution as is used for the determination of afforestation and reforestation, but not spatial assessment units larger than 1 ha.
Además, la aplicación de la medida supondrá una pérdida anual de impuestos estimada en unos # millones EURUN-2 UN-2
For the purposes of determining the area of deforestation to come into the accounting system under Article 3, paragraph 3, each Party shall determine the forest area using the same spatial assessment unit as is used for the determination of afforestation and reforestation, but not larger than 1 hectare.
Deja de molestarlaUN-2 UN-2
For the purposes of determining the area of deforestation to come into the accounting system under Article 3, paragraph 3, each Party shall determine the forest area using the same spatial assessment unit as is used for the determination of afforestation and reforestation, but not larger than 1 hectare.
Escucha, hay un mercado enorme para estos videos fetichistas...... Europa del Este mayormenteUN-2 UN-2
For the purposes of determining the area of deforestation to come into the accounting system under Article 3, paragraph 3, each Party shall determine the forest area using the same spatial assessment unit as is used for the determination of afforestation and reforestation, but not larger than 1 hectare.
Había una ancianaUN-2 UN-2
For the purposes of determining the area of deforestation to come into the accounting system under Article 3, paragraph 3, each Party shall determine the forest cover using the same spatial assessment unit as is used for the determination of afforestation and reforestation, but not larger than 1 hectare.
No volveremos a vernos, YvonUN-2 UN-2
For the purposes of determining the area of deforestation to come under the accounting system under Article 3, paragraph 3, each Party shall determine the forest area using the same spatial assessment unit as is used for the determination of afforestation and reforestation, but this must be not larger than 1 hectare.
Nada más venganUN-2 UN-2
For the purposes of determining the area of deforestation to come under the accounting system under Article 3, paragraph 3, each Party shall determine the forest area using the same spatial assessment unit as is used for the determination of afforestation and reforestation, but this must not be larger than 1 hectare.
Lo siento, Jeanne.No puedoUN-2 UN-2
For the purposes of determining the area of deforestation to come into the accounting system under Article # paragraph # each Party shall determine the forest area using the same spatial assessment unit as is used for the determination of afforestation and reforestation, but not larger than # hectare # per cent of total forest area in the country
La principal finalidad de la legislación propuesta es permitir que los Estados miembros y los terceros países implicados en el Programa Marco comunitario de investigación y desarrollo establezcan y utilicen conjuntamente las estructuras de investigación de interés paneuropeoMultiUn MultiUn
For the purposes of determining the area of deforestation to come into the accounting system under Article 3, paragraph 3, each Party shall determine the forest area using the same spatial assessment unit as is used for the determination of afforestation and reforestation, but not larger than [1 hectare] [0.00005 per cent of total forest area in the country.
Reese, atiendeUN-2 UN-2
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