whicker oor Spaans


/ˈwɪkə/, /ˈwɪkɚ/ werkwoord, naamwoord
The soft neigh made by a horse.

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Of a horse, to neigh softly, to make a breathy whinny.

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“Alastor,” John said in a warning tone, and the horse whickered innocently.
–Alastor –dijo John en tono de aviso y el caballo relinchó inocentemente.Literature Literature
No mind what you do, you never get a friendly whicker out of'em.
No importa lo que hagas, jamás obtendrás un relincho amistoso de ellas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
One was Genesis, who whickered with pleasure at seeing me.
Uno de ellos era Génesis, que relinchó de alegría al verme.Literature Literature
One of the horses, smelling the water being spilled all around it, whickered softly.
Uno de los caballos, al oler el agua que se derramaba a su alrededor relinchó con suavidad.Literature Literature
The moon might have had its way if Rowdy hadn't whickered then and shaken his big head, startling them.
Y, la Luna se hubiera salido con la suya sí Rowdy no hubiera relinchado y meneado la enorme cabeza, sorprendiéndolos.Literature Literature
He was superior to Whicker, whose responsibility was only at local level.
Era el superior de Whicker, cuya responsabilidad se restringía al nivel local.Literature Literature
He dressed and went to the stable where Galahad and Lady Priscilla greeted him with soft whickers.
Se vistió y fue al establo donde Galahad y Lady Priscilla lo saludaron con suaves relinchos.Literature Literature
Remache rode up instead, his stallion whickering a greeting as it stopped beside Gaspard’s horse.
Remache cabalgó en su lugar, su podenco resoplando un saludo mientras se detenía junto al caballo de Gaspard.Literature Literature
Sasha patted his mare's grey neck, and she whickered and swivelled her ears back in her master's direction.
Sasha acarició el cuello gris de la yegua, y el animal relinchó y giró las orejas hacia su amo.Literature Literature
The terrible sword whickered through the air.
La terrible espada silbó en el aire.Literature Literature
He hauled away at Richard, seeing too many of the whickering roots crawl gleefully toward them across the white line.
Tiró con fuerza de Richard al ver demasiadas raíces sinuosas cruzando alegremente la raya blanca en su dirección.Literature Literature
His horse whickered softly down by the rocks, and McCay swore violently to himself.
Su caballo relinchó suavemente bajando por las rocas, y McCay juró violentamente para sí mismo.Literature Literature
She was about to drift to sleep again when a horse whickered, calling her attention to the quiet murmur of voices.
Estaba a punto de dormirse otra vez cuando un caballo relinchó atrayendo su atención hacia un murmullo de voces.Literature Literature
The high thin whicker of a feather, a shadow passing, nothing.
El fino y agudo relincha de una pluma, una sombra que pasa, nada.Literature Literature
A bonfire, the whicker of horses . . . and the pain.
Una hoguera, el relincho de caballos... y el dolor.Literature Literature
The horses of the men around him whickered as his men drew near.
Los caballos de los hombres que le rodeaban resoplaron cuando sus dueños se aproximaron.Literature Literature
He liked listening to the horses’ low whickers and feeling their gentle, warm breath.
Le gustaba oír los suaves relinchos de los caballos y sentir su cálido y delicado aliento.Literature Literature
The first sound that warned him of the approach of visitors was the stamp of a horse’s hoof and a muffled whicker.
El primer aviso que tuvo de que se acercaban visitantes fue el sonido de un casco y un relincho amortiguado.Literature Literature
Out in the darkness, a thousand horses cropped the new grass, farted and whickered to each other.
En la oscuridad, mil caballos pastaban hierba fresca, se tiraban pedos y relinchaban.Literature Literature
Off in the middle of the cloud can be heard the nagging whicker of an engine refusing to start.
—En medio de la nube se oye el protestón zumbido de un motor que se niega a ponerse en marcha.Literature Literature
On foot with no horse beneath me: a single whicker in the darkness might give me away.
A pie, sin caballo que me acompañase; un mero relincho en la oscuridad podría haberme delatado.Literature Literature
Now listen to the whickering sound it makes.
Ahora, escucha el sonido burlón que hace.Literature Literature
From whicker island...
Desde la isla de Whicker.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
[ Chestnut whickers ] I missed you, too.
Yo también te he echado de menos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“Violet jelly and—” The whickering of his horse from deep within its stall interrupted him.
– Jalea de violetas y... El relincho de su caballo desde el fondo de su puesto, lo interrumpió.Literature Literature
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