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European Commission
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Both have been granted the status of a protected designation of origin by the European Commission, which requires that only cheese produced in the three counties of Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire and made according to a strict code may be called "Stilton".
& Itzali ordenagailuaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As long as the Council has not acted, the Commission may alter its proposal at any time during the procedures leading to the adoption of a Union act.
& Aplikatu gelditzen diren fitxategi guztieiLagun Lagun
He attended the University of Virginia for three years; then received his commission in the U.S. Marine Corps through a week-long competitive examination in 1908, becoming a second lieutenant on January 22, 1909.
Bazen komentuan hilero zortzi egunez etortzen zen neskazahar bat, arropa zuria lantzera.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A study commissioned by the EC's Directorate-General for Translation estimated the language industry in European member states to be worth 8.4 billion euro in 2008.
Berriro egingo dut. Amari abisatuko diote. Barnetegiko zuzendariarekin egotera etorri eta eskatuko dio utz nazala libre gauetan, ez kontrolatzeko zein ordutan itzultzen naizen, ez behartzeko igandetan barnetegiko neskekin paseatzera joatera.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At the request of the European Parliament or the Council, the Commission shall report on the measures taken in the light of these observations and comments and in particular on the instructions given to the departments which are responsible for the implementation of the budget. These reports shall also be forwarded to the Court of Auditors.
IragazkiakLagun Lagun
The Commission shall keep the Council regularly informed of the situation and of how it evolves.
Data hau eta ondoren sortuakLagun Lagun
If the Commission considers that the Member State concerned has not taken the necessary measures to comply with the judgment referred to in paragraph 1, it may bring the case before the Court of Justice of the European Union after giving that State the opportunity to submit its observations.
MD# Egiaztamen batuketaLagun Lagun
Where a Member State is in difficulties or is seriously threatened with severe difficulties caused by natural disasters or exceptional occurrences beyond its control, the Council, on a proposal from the Commission, may adopt a European decision granting, under certain conditions, Union financial assistance to the Member State concerned.
– Zer egin behar dugu? Koch bere baitan bildu eta bere etxetik bota ninduen. – Ni ez nau botako – esan zuen – , ez eta bere Ilsek ere.Lagun Lagun
If, as regards the aid in question, the Commission has already initiated the procedure provided for in the first subparagraph of this paragraph, the fact that the Member State concerned has made its application to the Council shall have the effect of suspending that procedure until the Council has made its attitude known.
Nahi gabe gertatutako filtrazio baten erruduna banintz, zugana joko nuke aitorpen eske. — Absoluzioaren esperantzan? — Ez, zuzentasun apur baten esperantzan. — Horrela balitz, oker zeundeke. Nik ez dakit zer esan nahi duen < zuzentasun > hitzak, ezta hurrik eman ere.Lagun Lagun
In the Force Publique, black people could not pass the rank of non-commissioned officer.
Zurezko eskalaproinen pauso-hotsak buruansentitzen dira, karrankariak dira ahotsak, oihuka hitz egiten da txineraz, desertuko hizkuntzak beti irudikatu izan ditudan bezalaxe, izugarri hizkuntza arrotza da txinera.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It will start commissioning the reactor that same year and initiate plasma experiments in 2025, but is not expected to begin full deuterium-tritium fusion until 2035.
Medikuaren kontrako sumin itzela pizten zaio eta, bapatean, zutik aurkitzen da, inondiko zauririk ez duela izan ohartuz. Mespretxuz begiratzen dio medikuari, eta momentu horretan itzartu egiten da.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
However, the Japan Boxing Commission doesn't permit Japanese professional boxers to fight in other professional combat sports.
Hiztegi entrenatzaile dokumentuaCommentWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
If the Commission has not delivered an opinion within three months of the date on which the matter was brought before it, the absence of such opinion shall not prevent the matter from being brought before the Court.
Denbora luzean egon ginen elkarri begira, eta gero irribarre gozo askoa egin zidan, burlati samarra; hain ezaguera sakona adierazten zuen begirada hark bere seme-alabez eta beren etorkizunaz denaz bezainbatean, non Choleni buruz hitz egiten hastekotan egon bainintzen.Lagun Lagun
The Commission is responsible for appointing a director.
Botilez betetako egurrezko kutxa polit bat eman zidaten, haurrentzako kimika-estutxe horiek bezalakoa. Ur-irakigailu elektriko bat ere bai... eta puntua egiteko plastikozko orratz batzuk.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Specific groups shall be set up within the Agency bringing together Member States engaged in joint projects. The Agency shall carry out its tasks in liaison with the Commission where necessary.
Sarah kalerantz zihoala, Percival doktoreak ez zion, jakina, begirik kendu gainetik, eta hatz erakuslea altxatu zuen, astiro-astiro alde batetik bestera eraginez, Sarah zegoen lekurantz.Lagun Lagun
Members of the Electoral Commissions.
Artxiboa ezin izan da ireki, agian formatua onartzen ez delako. %Lagun Lagun
During the 1960s, the European Commission occasionally tried to establish a regional fund, but only Italy ever supported it.
Ezgaitu artxibatzeaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After consulting the European Parliament and after discussion in the European Council, the Council, on a proposal from the Commission, shall adopt a European decision establishing which Member States with a derogation fulfil the necessary conditions on the basis of the criteria laid down in paragraph 1, and shall abrogate the derogations of the Member States concerned.
Koadro auto-erakutsiaLagun Lagun
The rules referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 governing the nature of their composition shall be reviewed at regular intervals by the Council to take account of economic, social and demographic developments within the Union. The Council, on a proposal from the Commission, shall adopt European decisions to that end.
Dataren formatuaLagun Lagun
In the absence of an exchange-rate system in relation to one or more currencies of third States as referred to in paragraph 1, the Council, acting either on a recommendation from the European Central Bank or on a recommendation from the Commission and after consulting the European Central Bank, may formulate general orientations for exchange-rate policy in relation to these currencies. These general orientations shall be without prejudice to the primary objective of the European System of Central Banks, to maintain price stability.
Estatu kideetako gobernuek izendatuko dituzte, denak ados jarrita, sei urteko epe baterako. Epaile eta abokatu nagusi horiek, epe hori bukatutakoan, berriro ere izenda litezke.Lagun Lagun
request the Commission or the group of Member States from which the draft originates to submit a new draft; in that case, the act originally proposed shall be deemed not to have been adopted.
— Eta zu Castle al zara? — Davis naiz. — Castlerekin, mesedez.Lagun Lagun
The Commission may also prepare a report if, notwithstanding the fulfilment of the requirements under the criteria, it is of the opinion that there is a risk of an excessive deficit in a Member State.
Iraultzaile hinduez idazten duenean ere antzerako mespretxua erakusten du.Lagun Lagun
It was Ghiberti who won the commission.
Gehiengo kualifikatutzat joko da, gutxienez, Kontseiluko gainerako kideen %55 lortzen denean, baldin eta ehuneko horretan, gutxienez, partaide diren estatu kideetako biztanleriaren %65 ordezkatuta badago.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Member States, the Commission and the European Central Bank shall each appoint no more than two members of the Committee.
IP helbideaLagun Lagun
In the event of one or more Member States being confronted by an emergency situation characterised by a sudden inflow of nationals of third countries, the Council, on a proposal from the Commission, may adopt European regulations or decisions comprising provisional measures for the benefit of the Member State(s) concerned.
Gorde pantaila-argazkia erabiltzaileak zehaztutako fitxategira, fitxategia gordetzeko elkarrizketa-koadroa erakutsi gabeLagun Lagun
211 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.