commonsense oor Kroaties


Exhibiting or using common sense

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What we need, first and foremost... is a commonsense approach.
Ono što nam najpre treba... je pristup zdravog razuma.

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She says it as if I’ve left my commonsense on the top deck of a bus.
Ponovi to kao da sam zdravi razum zabunom ostavila u autobusu.Literature Literature
His words were blunt and commonsense, but I could see the self-satisfaction oozing all over him with her words.
Riječi su mu bile iskrene i razumne, ali mogao sam vidjeti da je bio preplavljen zadovoljstvom zbog njezinih riječi.Literature Literature
Also in the determination of the commonsense approach often the is most comfortable and productive one.
Isto tako, u određiva nju naravi uzročnosti zdravorazumski pristup često je lakši i plodniji.Literature Literature
So I will simply take for granted the more or less universally accepted commonsense ways of understanding these notions.
Zbog toga ću jednostavno uzeti zdravo za gotovo manje ili više općeprihvaćene načine shvaćanja tih pojmova.Literature Literature
Except for the Russian commonsense.
A što je s ruskim zdravim razumom?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
What we need, first and foremost... is a commonsense approach.
Ono što nam najpre treba... je pristup zdravog razuma.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In other words, I am a commonsense pluralist.
Drugim riječima, ja sam pluralist.Literature Literature
In other spheres of our lives, such as fires, we adopt a commonsense attitude towards false alarms.
Kad se radi o drugim sferama života, na primjer požarima, prema lažnim uzbunama postavljamo se razborito.Literature Literature
So, commonsense said the Earth must be stationary with everything going round it.
Zdrav razum bi rekao da Zemlja mora biti nepokretna i da se sve okreće oko nje.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
This kind of precision is hard, but not impossible, to explain in conventional commonsense terms.
Ovakvu je preciznost teško, ali ne i nemoguće, objasniti zdravim razu mom.Literature Literature
Yeah, that's very commonsensical, just false.
Da, to je vrlo zdravorazumsko, ali je lažno.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
As Gerry had said, all such arrangements took was a modicum of thought and commonsense.
Kao što je Gerry rekao, treba malo promisliti zdravim razumom.Literature Literature
Instead, they began, as we all do, with comfortable, standard, commonsense notions.
Umjesto toga, oni počinju, kao i svi mi, s udobnim, standardnim, zdravorazumskim pojmovima.Literature Literature
The splendidly commonsensical theory of inertial rest broke down when it came to violent motion.
Izvanredno razumljiva teorija inercijalnog mirovanja rušila se na primjeru silovitog gibanja.Literature Literature
I have called this uncritical commonsense theory the conspiracy theory of society.
Tu nekritičku teoriju običnog razuma nazvao sam urotničkom teorijom društva.Literature Literature
Here are some commonsense suggestions for avoiding trouble when driving.
U ovom članku navedeno je nekoliko praktičnih savjeta o tome kako paziti na sigurnost u prometu.jw2019 jw2019
In every branch of science there have been commonsense opinions that have subsequently What been proven wrong.
U svakoj grani znanosti bilo je zdravorazumskih mišljenja koja su se, jedno za drugim, pokazala krivima.Literature Literature
Billy's commonsense prevailed, but commonsense is never enough to keep you safe, my friends.
" Billyjev razum je prevladao, ali zdrav razum nikada nije dovoljan da budeš siguran, dragi moji. "OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Simple, straightforward, commonsensical -- also, largely untested.
Jednostavno, otvoreno, zdravorazumski, i uglavnom neispitano.QED QED
Does it not strike you as amazing that the Bible makes such accurate statements —even in the face of the erroneous yet seemingly commonsense perceptions of the day?
Ne čini li ti se čudesnim to što su biblijske izjave tako točne — usprkos pogrešnim, a naizgled logičnim mišljenjima koja su vladala u njeno doba?jw2019 jw2019
The dark blue gown she chose was also designed in accordance with the commonsense principles of the movement.
Tamnoplava haljina što ju je izabrala također je bila dizajnirana u skladu s razumnim načelima pokreta.Literature Literature
They appear to be neutral, non-ideological, natural, commonsensical.
One se doimaju neutralnim, ne-ideološkim, prirodnim, zdravorazumskim.Literature Literature
Commonsense knowledge contains a variety of instructions as to how this is to be done.
Zdravorazumsko znanje sadrži raznorazne upute kako da se to učini.Literature Literature
"""That would seem the most plausible, commonsense hypothesis."
"""To izgleda kao najvjerojatnija, najuvjerljivija pretpostavka."Literature Literature
As for current criticism by professors ' unions, he says, " There are # reek college students around the world at present, and most are enrolled in systems that the current government wants to institute, yet most of the academic community here is against it... the majority of the people in the country are reasonable and commonsensical, but we 're governed by a minority; the same [ situation ] exists in the universities. "
Kada su u pitanju kritike koje sada iznose profesorske udruge, kaže: " Trenutačno diljem svijeta postoji # grčkih sveučilišnih studenata, a većina je upisana u sustave poput onog koji sadašnja vlada želi uspostaviti, a opet je veći dio akademske zajednice ovdje protiv toga... većina ljudi u zemlji je razborita i zdravog razuma, ali vodi nas manjina; ista je [ situacija ] na sveučilištima. "Setimes Setimes
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