western hemisphere oor Indonesies

western hemisphere

Alternative spelling of Western Hemisphere.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Indonesies

belahan barat

You're talking to one of the three men in the Western hemisphere capable of following that train of thought.
Kau berbicara dengan salah satu dari tiga pria di belahan barat bumi yang mampu mengikuti pemikiran itu.

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Western Hemisphere

The hemisphere of the Earth to the west of the Greenwich Meridian (zero degree longitude) and east of 180 degrees longitude (approximately the International Date Line).

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THE Western Hemisphere was first called the New World about the beginning of the 16th century.
PADA mulanya, Belahan Bumi Barat disebut Dunia Baru kira-kira pada awal abad ke-16.jw2019 jw2019
Costa Rica had been the only country in the western hemisphere that forbade IVF.
Kosta Rika dikatakan sebagai satu-satunya negara di belahan bumi barat yang sepenuhnya melarang IVF.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They are the largest flying land birds in the Western Hemisphere.
Mereka adalah burung terbang darat terbesar di Belahan Barat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The 1949 Ambato earthquake was the largest earthquake in the Western Hemisphere in more than five years.
Gempa Bumi Ambato 1949 adalah gempa bumi terbesar di belahan bumi barat dalam lebih dari lima tahun.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And that vaccine allowed us to eliminate polio virus from the Western Hemisphere by 1991.
Vaksin tersebut membuat kita dapat menelimnasi virus polio dari belahan dunia bagian barat pada tahun 1991.QED QED
24 The Western Hemisphere’s “King of the Jungle”
24 ”Raja Rimba” di Belahan Bumi Baratjw2019 jw2019
* The land of inheritance for the lineage of Joseph is the Western Hemisphere.
* Tanah warisan untuk keturunan Joseph adalah belahan bumi Amerika.LDS LDS
Yes, I guess that means there are two in the Western Hemisphere, huh?
Ya, Jadi kurasa sekarang ada dua di Western HemisphereOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The history of the resurrected Savior visiting the Western Hemisphere and His teachings about baptism thrilled them.
Sejarah tentang Juruselamat yang telah bangkit mengunjungi Belahan Barat, dan ajaran-ajaran-Nya tentang pembaptisan menyentuh hati mereka.LDS LDS
Accordingly, He appeared to those assembled in the land Bountiful in the Western Hemisphere.
Oleh karena itu, Dia menampakkan diri kepada mereka yang berkumpul di negeri Bountiful di Belahan Barat.LDS LDS
The virus was not detected in the Western Hemisphere until 1999.
Virus itu tidak terdeteksi di Belahan Bumi Barat hingga tahun 1999.jw2019 jw2019
Didelphimorphia is the order of common opossums of the Western Hemisphere.
Didelphimorphia adalah ordo oposum umum di belahan barat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
8: Japanese forces begin to evacuate Kiska Island in the Aleutians, their last foothold in the Western hemisphere.
8: Pasukan Jepang meninggalkan Pulau Kiska di Kepulauan Aleut, pendudukan terakhir mereka di belahan Barat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Meanwhile, in the Western Hemisphere, the Dutch West India Company was doing business in sugar, tobacco, and furs.
Sementara itu, di Belahan Bumi Barat, Perusahaan Dagang Hindia Barat Belanda menjalankan bisnis gula, tembakau dan kulit binatang.jw2019 jw2019
In 1934, President Franklin D. Roosevelt renounced interventionism and established his Good Neighbor policy for the Western Hemisphere.
Pada tahun 1934, Presiden Franklin D. Roosevelt mengakhiri intervensionisme dan menerapkan kebijakan Tetangga Baik di belahan Barat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Jaredites were people who came to the Western Hemisphere centuries before the people of Lehi.
Orang-orang Yared adalah orang-orang yang datang ke Belahan Bumi Sebelah Barat berabad-abad sebelum orang-orangnya Lehi.LDS LDS
One of the highest literacy rates in the Western Hemisphere
Salah satu tingkat melek huruf tertinggi di Belahan Bumi Baratjw2019 jw2019
Jesus similarly established the Church in the Western Hemisphere after His Resurrection.
Demikian pula Yesus menegakkan Gereja di Belahan Bumi Bagian Barat setelah Kebangkitan-Nya.LDS LDS
IT IS said that they were one of the greatest civilizations of the Western Hemisphere.
KONON, mereka adalah salah satu peradaban terbesar di Belahan Bumi Barat.jw2019 jw2019
Following His Resurrection, Jesus appeared to the Nephites in the Western Hemisphere.
Setelah Kebangkitan-Nya, Yesus menampakkan diri kepada bangsa Nefi di Belahan bagian Barat.LDS LDS
In 1492 —exactly 500 years ago next October— Columbus stumbled, as it were, upon the Western Hemisphere.
Pada tahun 1492—tepat 500 tahun yang lalu pada bulan Oktober mendatang—Columbus seolah-olah tersandung di Belahan Bumi Barat.jw2019 jw2019
Unless you live in the Western Hemisphere, you will not have that privilege.
Kecuali anda hidup di belahan bumi sebelah Barat, anda tidak akan pernah mendapat kesempatan itu.jw2019 jw2019
In the Book of Mormon we read of the resurrected Savior’s appearance to those in the Western Hemisphere.
Di dalam Kitab Mormon kita membaca tentang penampakan Juruselamat yang telah bangkit kepada mereka yang tinggal di Belahan bagian Barat.LDS LDS
Lehi and his sons built a boat and sailed to the western hemisphere (1 Ne.
Lehi dan para putranya membangun sebuah kapal dan berlayar ke belahan bumi sebelah barat (1 Ne.LDS LDS
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