European political cooperation oor Letties

European political cooperation

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Eiropas politiskā sadarbība


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nor to exports which are at present restricted by the Member States pursuant to a decision taken in European Political Cooperation
atgādina tā prioritātes lauksaimniecības nozarē, piemēram, cīņu pret dzīvnieku slimībām un ES politiku attiecībā uz pārtikas produktu kvalitāti, un uzsver nozīmi, ko Eiropas Parlaments piešķir lauku attīstībai kā ilgtspējīgas lauksaimniecības priekšnoteikumam; uzsver nepieciešamību it īpaši atbalstīt jaunos lauksaimniekus un pielāgot pieejamos līdzekļus to jauno lauksaimnieku skaitam, kam paplašinātajā ES nepieciešama palīdzība; vēlreiz norāda, ka šīm prioritātēm var izmantot lauksaimniecības modulāciju, ja #. a apakškategorijā ir līdzekļu rezerveeurlex eurlex
- nor to exports which are at present restricted by the Member States pursuant to a decision taken in European Political Cooperation.
Uz norādēm, ko patērētājs uztver kā minētajā sarakstā iekļautās uzturvērtības norādes, būtu jāattiecina tie paši nosacījumi, kādus attiecina uz sarakstā iekļautajāmnorādēmEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Whereas Article # of the Single European Act determines that the external policies of the European Community and the policies agreed in European Political Cooperation must be consistent
Starpnozaru organizācijas mērogu nosaka, ņemot vērā prasību, ka kokvilnas attīrīšanas uzņēmumam ir jāspēj pieņemt pietiekamus daudzumus piegādātās neattīrītās kokvilnaseurlex eurlex
Whereas, in their declarations of # and # October #, the European Community and its Member States, meeting within the framework of European Political Cooperation, took note of the crisis in Yugoslavia
Komisija var arī prasīt, lai kompetentā iestāde atsauktu paziņojumu par ārkārtas stāvokli, ja Komisija uzskata, ka šāds paziņojums nav vai vairs nav pamatots saskaņā ar #. punkta c) apakšpunktueurlex eurlex
whereas, therefore, Member States may be allowed to maintain some restrictions on exports until # December #, in particular on those exports for which restrictions have been agreed in European Political Cooperation
enerģijas patēriņu samazina ekrāna spilgtuma samazināšanaeurlex eurlex
- including Romania in the group of countries receiving regular information on the issues dealt with by the European Political Cooperation as well as exchanging information with a view to achieving the objectives set out in Article 2,
Pirms zāļu lietošanas uzmanīgi izlasiet visu instrukciju.  Saglabājiet šo instrukciju!EurLex-2 EurLex-2
- including Bulgaria in the group of countries receiving regular information on the issues dealt with by the European Political Cooperation as well as exchanging information with a view to achieving the objectives set out in Article 2,
Tev jâbût stipramEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Whereas the appeal launched by the European Community and its Member States, meeting within the framework of European Political Cooperation on # October # at Haarzuilens, calling for compliance with the cease-fire agreement reached in the Hague on # October #, has not been heeded
Citi nosaukumi, piemēram, parasti vai vispārpieņemti nosaukumi tiek ietverti dažos gadījumoseurlex eurlex
Whereas the Community and its Member States, at an extraordinary ministerial meeting held in the framework of European Political Cooperation in Brussels on # August #, confirmed their decision to establish diplomatic relations with the Republics of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania (hereinafter referred to as the
Piešķīrējas iestādes nosaukums un adreseeurlex eurlex
Whereas the appeal launched by the European Community and its Member States, meeting within the framework of European Political Cooperation on 6 October 1991 at Haarzuilens, calling for compliance with the cease-fire agreement reached in the Hague on 4 October 1991, has not been heeded;
atzīt, ka, nepieņemot normatīvus un administratīvus aktus, kas vajadzīgi, lai izpildītu Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes #. gada #. maija Direktīvu #/#/EK, ar ko paredz sabiedrības līdzdalību dažu ar vidi saistītu plānu un programmu izstrādē un ar ko attiecībā uz sabiedrības līdzdalību un iespēju griezties tiesās groza Padomes Direktīvas #/#/EEK un #/#/EK, un jebkurā gadījumā tos nepaziņojot Komisijai, Beļģijas Karaliste nav izpildījusi pienākumus, ko tai uzliek šī direktīvaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Whereas the appeal launched by the European Community and its Member States, meeting within the framework of European Political Cooperation on 6 October 1991 at Haarzuilens, calling for compliance with the cease-fire agreement reached in the Hague on 4 October 1991, has not been heeded;
tā kā ar likumu noteikta sistēma darbinieku dalībai uzņēmumu līmenī, kā tas ir vairumā dalībvalstu, jāuzskata par Eiropas uzņēmumu vadības neatņemamas sastāvdaļas iedīgļiem, kas dod ieguldījumu Lisabonas stratēģijas mērķu sasniegšanāEurLex-2 EurLex-2
By declarations of 16 November 1983 (Bulletin of the European Communities No 11/1983, 2.4.1) and 27 March 1984 (Bulletin of the European Communities No 3/1984, 2.4.3), the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Member States, in the framework of European Political Cooperation, also condemned the proclamation of secession.
šo klasifikāciju piemēro tādai informācijai un materiāliem, kuru nesankcionēta izpaušana var nopietni kaitēt Eiropola, ES vai vienas vai vairāku dalībvalstu būtiskām interesēmEurLex-2 EurLex-2
`Whereas, in their declarations of 5 and 28 October 1991, the European Community and its Member States, meeting within the framework of European Political Cooperation, took note of the crisis in Yugoslavia; whereas the United Nations Security Council expressed, in resolution 713 (1991), the concern that the prolongation of this situation constituted a threat to international peace and security;
Šīs veidlapas aizpilda vienā no valodām, kurā šis nolīgums ir sagatavots un saskaņā ar eksportētājvalsts tiesību aktiemEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Whereas, in their declarations of 5 and 28 October 1991, the European Community and its Member States, meeting within the framework of European Political Cooperation, took note of the crisis in Yugoslavia; whereas the United Nations Security Council expressed, in resolution 713 (1991), the concern that the prolongation of this situation constituted a threat to international peace and security;
Ja transportlīdzeklis ir jāpārvieto, tad starp šiem posmiem transportlīdzekli aizstumj uz nākamo testu zonu (neveicot atkārtotu uzlādiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Whereas Article 30 (5) of the Single European Act determines that the external policies of the European Community and the policies agreed in European Political Cooperation must be consistent; whereas, therefore, Member States may be allowed to maintain some restrictions on exports until 31 December 1992, in particular on those exports for which restrictions have been agreed in European Political Cooperation;
mikrofinansējumu, lai veicinātu MVU un mikrouzņēmumus, unEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Whereas, in the declaration of # October #, the European Community and its Member States, meeting within the framework of European Political Cooperation, announced their decision to terminate the Agreements between the Community and Yugoslavia should the agreement reached in the Hague on # October # between the parties to the conflict, in the presence of the President of the Council of the European Communities and the President of the Conference on Yugoslavia, not be observed
Trešo valstu piedalīšanāseurlex eurlex
Whereas, in the declaration of 6 October 1991, the European Community and its Member States, meeting within the framework of European Political Cooperation, announced their decision to terminate the Agreements between the Community and Yugoslavia should the agreement reached in the Hague on 4 October 1991 between the parties to the conflict, in the presence of the President of the Council of the European Communities and the President of the Conference on Yugoslavia, not be observed;
Tiesas rīkojums (ceturtā palāta) #. gada #. janvārī lietā C-#/# P José Luis Zuazaga Meabe pret Iekšējā tirgus saskaņošanas biroju (preču zīmes, paraugi un modeļi) (ITSB) (Apelācija- Kopienas preču zīme- Prasība atcelt tiesību aktu- Nepieņemamība noilguma dēļ- Acīmredzami nepamatota apelācijaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Whereas, in the declaration of 6 October 1991, the European Community and its Member States, meeting within the framework of European Political Cooperation, announced their decision to terminate the Agreements between the Community and Yugoslavia should the agreement reached in the Hague on 4 October 1991 between the parties to the conflict, in the presence of the President of the Council of the European Communities and the President of the Conference on Yugoslavia, not be observed'.
Tādēļ jebkurā Eiropas rūpniecības politikā mašīnbūve uzskatāma par stratēģisku nozari, kurā pie tam šobrīd ir vērojams uzplaukumsEurLex-2 EurLex-2
- engage citizens in dialogue with elected representatives and European political organisations, in close cooperation with the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions.
Eiropas enerģētikas politikas noteikšana (...EurLex-2 EurLex-2
This is all the more regrettable since the EU’s contribution to the gestation of the peace and democratisation process in the area during that decade and the progress of the San Jose ministerial dialogue launched in September 1984 were at the time one of the very few successes of what was known as European Political Cooperation, the antecedent of the current Common Foreign and Security Policy, and one of the few cases in which the EU maintained truly autonomous positions in relation to those held by the United States, at that time under the Reagan administration.
nodrošina, ka darbiniekus informē par to pienākumiem, un uzrauga drošības politikas piemērošanunot-set not-set
Whereas the Community and its Member States, at an extraordinary ministerial meeting held in the framework of European Political Cooperation in Brussels on 27 August 1991, confirmed their decision to establish diplomatic relations with the Republics of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania (hereinafter referred to as the 'Baltic republics') and emphasized their commitment to offer support for these States' economic and political development; whereas the provisions of the Agreement between the Community and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on trade in textile products, concluded on 3 June 1991 (1), is therefore no longer applicable to textile products originating in these three countries;
Šajā posmā nebija pieņemts galīgais lēmums ne par visa projekta finansiālajām vajadzībām, ne par akciju galīgo sadalījumu (...EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(DA) Mr President, a prominent, popular Danish businessman wrote the following in yesterday's Berlingske Tidende newspaper: 'Europeans fully support international political cooperation and global responsibility.
Tādēļ pasākumu piemērošanas laikposms būtujāpagarinaEuroparl8 Europarl8
The Commission signalled its intention to work with European political parties, the European Cooperation Network on Elections and civil society to improve participation 113 and this will be part of the work under the European democracy action plan and the Commission’s forthcoming report on EU citizenship.
Tiesvedības valoda- vācuEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
215 Furthermore, those provisions are part of the extension of a practice based, before the introduction of Articles 60 EC and 301 EC by the Maastricht Treaty, on Article 113 of the EC Treaty (now, after amendment, Article 133 EC) (see, to that effect, Case C‐70/94 Werner [1995] ECR I‐3189, paragraphs 8 to 10, and Case C‐124/95 Centro-Com [1997] ECR I‐81, paragraphs 28 and 29), which consisted of entrusting to the Community the implementation of actions decided on in the context of European political cooperation and involving the imposition of restrictive measures of an economic nature in respect of third countries.
Priekšmets un darbības jomaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
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