boyhood oor Mongools


The state or period of being a boy.

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Many years ago a couple of fellow airline captains and I decided to fulfill a boyhood dream of restoring an antique airplane.
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Let us see what we can learn from Samuel’s example, starting in his early boyhood.
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During my boyhood, we interacted with members of our extended family daily and shared moments of working, playing, and visiting together.
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We were at least smart enough not to leave a trace of our mischievous boyhood curiosity.
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His two youngest sons were my boyhood friends.
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Still, I have to believe that my boyhood and my current situation are a little like heaven, with beloved family members living close to each other.
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Growing up, Ron was blessed with good friends and trusted priesthood leaders, including his boyhood stake president of 14 years—James E.
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Recently I thought back to an experience from my boyhood—an experience I have related on another occasion or two.
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The Bible speaks of “the traits of a babe” and the “foolishness” of boyhood.
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He spent much of His boyhood in Nazareth of Galilee, and when 12 years of age He was brought to the temple again.
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The very fact that I had not experienced righteous family patterns in my boyhood home created in me a strong desire to work diligently with Susan to make sure such patterns were always a part of the home we created together.
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Samuel’s boyhood can teach us much about building faith in Jehovah despite bad influences
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So she continued telling the boys about the boyhood of Jesus.
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After more than sixty years, I can still hear in my mind the bleating, frightened cry of the lamb of my boyhood that I did not shepherd as I should have.
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To single out one example is difficult, and yet whenever I think of challenges, my thoughts turn to Brother Brems, one of my boyhood Sunday School teachers.
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