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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
To guard the entrance, Jehovah posted cherubs —very high-ranking angels— along with the flaming blade of a sword that turned continually. —Genesis 3:24.
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9 And it came to pass that I caused that the women and children of my people should be hid in the wilderness; and I also caused that all my old men that could bear arms, and also all my young men that were able to bear arms, should gather themselves together to go to battle against the Lamanites; and I did place them in their ranks, every man according to his age.
Би найз охиноо оройн хоолонд оруулаад,LDS LDS
(The Glorious Ministry of the Laity) He also maintains: “Preaching was never meant by Jesus Christ to be the exclusive privilege of certain ranks of the ministry.”
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But those words spoken at the trial, “Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above” (John 19:11), proved mercy was of equal rank.
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(Mark 8:34) Are they ready to join the ranks of those who are for Jehovah’s sovereignty and thus prove Satan a liar and a slanderer?
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6 Within our ranks are those who began their association with Jehovah’s organization in the 1920’s, ’30’s, and ’40’s.
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For listed companies, failure to capitalize on these resources—for example, by adding more women to their boards and ranks of senior leadership—represents a substantial opportunity cost.
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The chill wind of dying hopes and vanished dreams whistles through the ranks of the elderly and those who approach the declining side of the summit of life.
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(James 4:7, 8) Reliance upon Jehovah enables us to keep our ranks unbroken and to ‘stand firm in the Christian faith.’
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In a comparable way, after the death of the apostles, “oppressive wolves” came from the ranks of anointed Christian elders. —Acts 20:29, 30.
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He said the friendship and support they gave each other as they faced challenges and moved forward through the ranks of the Aaronic Priesthood helped them to reach their goal of serving full-time missions.
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Since that time, thousands have heeded the prophet’s call, and many more join their ranks each week.
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Some have been able to auxiliary pioneer for one or more months each year, while others have been able to enter the ranks of the regular pioneers.
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Today, visits to Church sites such as the Temple Square complex rank high on the itineraries of tourists and travelers to Salt Lake City.
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The project will support competitiveness of the economy and contribute to Mongolia’s improved global rankings for e-government.
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Previous year’s rankings are back-calculated to account for the addition of new indicator(s), data corrections, and methodology changes in existing indicators so as to provide a meaningful comparison with the new rankings.
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How can we close ranks?
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Note: The rankings are based on the average of each economy’s distance to frontier scores for the 10 topics included in this year’s aggregate ranking.
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During the Master’s ministry, He called fishermen at Galilee to leave their nets and follow Him, declaring, “I will make you fishers of men.” 2 May we join the ranks of the fishers of men and women, that we might provide whatever help we can.
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One source observes that according to the Roman scholar Pliny the Elder, pearls occupied the “topmost rank among all things of price.”
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With a global ranking of 27th, Mauritius tops the rankings in Africa on the ease of doing business—and also had the most reforms in the region, with improvements in six of the 10 areas studied by Doing Business.
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Today, Britain’s pioneer ranks are increasing again, as God’s war of Armageddon approaches.
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Yes, the “evil slave” came from the ranks of the faithful slave.
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For the elders, their replacements are found tonight in the ranks of the Aaronic Priesthood of the Church.
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Some great people have come up through our ranks.
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93 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.