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It should include specific goals and activities to help members of ward priesthood and auxiliary organizations participate in member missionary work, retention, and activation.
эрэгтэй, эмэгтэй хүмүүсийн цалингийн зөрүүLDS LDS
We all know that member participation in missionary work is vital to achieving both conversion and retention.
♫Африкийн хөрсөн дээр бордоо болоод байж байх байсан биз♫LDS LDS
Convert retention.
тодорхой хэмжээнд харуулдаг гэж боддог.LDS LDS
We encourage youth presidencies to help all quorum and class members participate in every aspect of the work of salvation, including member missionary work, convert retention, activation of less-active members, temple and family history work, and teaching the gospel.5 Youth presidencies help all young men and young women learn the joy and the blessing of serving in the name of the Savior and feeding His sheep.
Энэ л намайг тэр бүхнийг туулах эрч хүчээ алдахгүй байхад нэмэр болсон гэж боддог.LDS LDS
Convert retention
Кинонууд хорон санаатныг даржLDS LDS
Where available, using the subtitle feature on audiovisual presentations may increase understanding and retention for students, especially for those who have difficulty hearing.
Үүний дараагаар та соронзон танхим руу орно.LDS LDS
The bishop may assign one of his counselors to coordinate convert retention and the other to coordinate activation.
эхний туршилтаараа амжилттай болсон шүү дээ.LDS LDS
Counsel together about how to strengthen individuals and families, solve problems in the stake, and improve in areas such as leadership, home teaching, member missionary work, retention, activation, temple and family history work, welfare, and gospel instruction.
Цахим аргаар холбогддог багаасLDS LDS
Well, there are a few ways to influence the extent and effectiveness of memory retention.
оршин суугчдын хамгийн их айдаг зүйл бол хүчирхийлэл гэж хариулна.ted2019 ted2019
* Sharing the gospel: member missionary efforts, fellowshipping new and less-active members, neighborhood outreach, activation and retention, welcoming new sisters into Relief Society, and preparing for full-time missions.
Гэвч мэдээж бид тэнд санал өгөх боломжгүй л дээ.LDS LDS
The bishop has overall responsibility for convert retention.
Таныг анхаарлаа хандуулан сонсоно гэдэгт итгэж байна.LDS LDS
In ward council meetings, members of the council review their goals for convert retention as outlined in the ward mission plan (see 5.1.8).
Үүнийг ер нь яаж мэдэх вэ?LDS LDS
* All Members: Help priesthood and auxiliary leaders, ward councils, ward and full-time missionaries, and members work cooperatively in a balanced effort to rescue individuals, strengthen families and Church units, increase priesthood activity, and gather Israel through conversion, retention, and activation.
Бүр сонин дээр гарсан урьдчилсан дүнгийн графикт ч багтаагүй.LDS LDS
The work of salvation includes member missionary work, convert retention, activation of less-active members, temple and family history work, and teaching the gospel.
баяр, догдлолыг мэднэ.LDS LDS
Matters to discuss include the number and location of missionaries, the role of members in missionary work, the assistance of missionaries in retention and activation efforts, the assistance of missionaries in training local members, and meals, housing, and transportation for missionaries.
Гэхдээ тархинд чинь байгаа зураглал болLDS LDS
Convert Retention
Гэсэн хэдий ч Сан Франциско хотод 80-аад онд бэлтгэгдсэн маш олон эмч нарын адилLDS LDS
“Approximately 40 percent of our worldwide missionary force soon will be using digital devices as tools in the work of conversion, retention, and activation,” he said.
Окситоцин нь мэдрэлийн гормон.LDS LDS
Participating in missionary work, retention, activation, temple work, and family history work.
бий болсон нойргүйдэл, ядаргаа байдаг.LDS LDS
Set specific goals for member missionary work, retention, and activation to be accomplished within the next year.
Гэхдээ зүрх судсанд хал болох хэмжээнд биш байв.LDS LDS
This important work includes member missionary work, convert retention, activation of less-active members, temple and family history work, and teaching the gospel.1 Too often, we think these aspects of the gospel are unrelated.
Яг энэ ярилцлаганы үеэр бүгдийг нь тайлбарлахад хэцүү.LDS LDS
Convert Retention
үг хэлж сурах хэрэгтэй байсан.LDS LDS
As we make member missionary work, convert retention, activation of less-active members, temple and family history work, and teaching the gospel a natural part of our lives, we will experience great joy and be endowed with the spiritual gifts we need to strengthen the Church in the 21st century.
Пердюгийн их сургуулийн эволюцын биологич Виллиам Мюр тахиануудыг судалсан байна.LDS LDS
Do we recognize that one of the greatest influences on convert retention is the spirit of Elijah?
хоёрт, хамт ажиллагсадтайгаа сайхан харилцаатай байх;LDS LDS
“I don’t believe missionary work has ever been easy, nor that conversion is, nor that retention is, nor that continued faithfulness is.
Анхны төслүүдийн нэг маань удирдлагын протоколынLDS LDS
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