retaliate oor Mongools


To do something harmful or negative to get revenge for some harm; to fight back or respond in kind to an injury or affront.

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15 Paul gives another compelling reason why we should not retaliate; it is the modest course to follow.
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“Where people have an alternative source of income, it is less likely for them to kill snow leopards either to sell illegally or in retaliation for livestock killings,” says Bayarjargal Agvaantseren, Mongolia Country Program Director, Snow Leopard Trust.
Барбара Шэр биднийг "гүйлгэн харагчид" гэдэг
Based on Paul’s reasoning found at Romans 12:1, 2, what moves us to avoid retaliating?
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“He submitted Himself to humiliation and insults from His enemies without complaint or retaliation.
Зөвхөн хүний эрхээ алдсан хүн л ойлгохоор их хайртай.LDS LDS
What reason to forgo retaliation is found at Romans 12:19?
Бид огторгуйн тухай хангалттайг мэдлээ гэхjw2019 jw2019
• Why is it wise not to retaliate when we are persecuted?
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“When we do not retaliate—when we turn the other cheek and resist feelings of anger—we too stand with the Savior.
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By forgoing retaliation and promoting peace, we lovingly hope to help even some fierce opposers to become worshippers of Jehovah.
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8 Jeremiah suffered at the hands of the very people he wished to help, yet he did not retaliate or become bitter.
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• What will motivate us not to retaliate?
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First, holding back from retaliating is the right course to follow.
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Three times jealous Saul tried to pin David to the wall with a spear, but David moved out of the way each time, refusing to retaliate.
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Why should we not retaliate if we experience opposition or persecution?
Энэ дэлгэц дээр Боно байна.jw2019 jw2019
I’ve often wondered, Was Jesus simply using a metaphor to teach His followers not to respond to insults with bloody retaliation, as was the usual practice?
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Do I avoid the spirit of retaliation?
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10 Another important principle that we can learn from the way Jesus and the apostles reacted under pressure is never to retaliate against our persecutors.
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Why We Do Not Retaliate
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Both of these aspects of the spirit’s fruitage help us to deal graciously with others, to remain calm under provocation, and to avoid retaliating when others say or do unkind things.
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Why is it better to endure suffering than to retaliate?
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(Zephaniah 2:3) The Hebrew expression for “meekness” denotes a disposition that enables a person to endure injury patiently, without irritation and without retaliation.
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Paul explained that when faced with hostility, we should not retaliate in kind.
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We reject persecution and retaliation of any kind, including persecution based on race, ethnicity, religious belief, economic circumstances or differences in gender or sexual orientation” (Dallin H.
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As the number of their wild prey decreased, snow leopards have turned to attacking domestic livestock. To protect their animals and livelihood, herders retaliate by killing the snow leopards.
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2. (a) Why do true Christians resist the urge to retaliate?
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39 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.