ideologist oor Sweeds


One who theorizes or idealizes; one who advocates the doctrines of ideology.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds


Those who tell us that we must leave the market alone are naïve ideologists.
De som säger till oss att vi måste låta marknaden vara i fred är naiva ideologer.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
The question is not how to rebuild, but to what extent we will destroy Iraq, humiliate the Arab people and heighten their anger to play into the hands of the ideologists who want at all costs to provoke a general war between civilisations, which will be a war against civilisations, beginning with what is left of our own.
Ingenting är för bra för Fader Brind' amourEuroparl8 Europarl8
Until quite recently, political and economic ideologists of all tendencies pinned their hopes on scientific progress and technology.
Om det inte svänger, eller om du tycker att jag dillar, säg bara tilljw2019 jw2019
When commenting about one of this summer’s conventions in the Soviet Union, the newspaper Krasnoyarskiy Komsomolets observed: “The ideologists of our country finally realized that Jehovah’s people in no way threaten public law and order.”
Jag lägger mig inte ijw2019 jw2019
This was the work of a handful of blinded ideologists who refused to recognise the reality of the totally failed multi-cultural model.
Tejpen, som ska vara minst # mm bred, ska under minst fem minuter pressas mot ytan som preparerats enligt punktEuroparl8 Europarl8
However, I am pleased that the Hungarian Parliament has recently approved amendments to its controversial media law to address points proposed by the European Union, and in doing so, took the wind from the sails of those ideologists inciting tensions.
Han talade perfekt engelskaEuroparl8 Europarl8
Obviously they looked at him as a political ideologist, kind of an anti-communist leader of an ideologically alternative group.
Det är inte känt om romiplostim passerar ut i modersmjölkOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Those who tell us that we must leave the market alone are naïve ideologists.
Jag blir så orolig när jag tänker på hur illa hon måste fara där inneEuroparl8 Europarl8
on behalf of the S&D Group. - Madam President, debates on Russia very often divide us into ideologists and pragmatists, confrontational geo-strategists and conciliatorists, Cold War veterans and new utilitarian opportunists.
Han avfärdade mig, så att jag...- General!Europarl8 Europarl8
In harmony with the teachings of Darwinian evolution, “German ideologists argued that the modern state, instead of devoting its energy to protecting the weak, should reject its inferior population in favor of the strong, healthy elements.”
De leasingavgifter som leasetagaren betalar till leasegivaren skall vara utgifter som berättigar till medfinansiering om de styrks med kvitterade fakturor eller bokföringsunderlag med motsvarande bevisvärdejw2019 jw2019
Actually, it divided us into ideologists and pragmatics; into confrontational geo-strategists and conciliatorists; into old Cold War fighters and new utilitarian opportunists.
Där fastställs att analytiker och andra anställda inte får köpa eller sälja eller inleda någon annan transaktion med något finansiellt instrument från någon kreditvärderad enhet som hör till dem som en berörd analytiker har primärt analysansvar för, och de får inte begära eller ta emot gåvor från den enhetenEuroparl8 Europarl8
whereas the activities of radical teachers and ideologists related to Muslim fraternities remains a major internal source of radicalism among the Palestinian population in Gaza,
Nej, de bara omgrupperar för en ny attacknot-set not-set
I do not mind saying this, even if Mr Brie, the chief ideologist of Germany' s old communists, whose party wrecked a whole state and who would do better to keep quiet here, does not like it.
Du gjorde ditt jävla jobbEuroparl8 Europarl8
After the Bolshevik Revolution, he became the leading ideologist of Proletkult, an organization designed to foster a new proletarian culture.
Jag kände honomWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mr President, the hostility of the United States towards the International Criminal Court should not surprise us in the least, for we have long been well aware that, in its international relations, the United States will not contemplate the mere idea of partnership and is no less averse to an Atlantic partnership, whatever pathetic illusions may be harboured by the Europeanists and other ideologists of the great fusion of nations.
Tio sekunder, SuperEuroparl8 Europarl8
Culture must not be the test-bed used by ideologists for the creation of the "European nation" .
Du, Cara och jag spårar banelingsEuroparl8 Europarl8
In some ways it was a kind of fratricidal struggle between federalist lawyers and federalist ideologists.
Jag vill tacka domarnaEuroparl8 Europarl8
Disregarding the need for safety and prepared to dismantle the social progress achieved through a century of struggles, the ideologists of Euro-federalism and the Talibans of free trade want to man their merchant vessels, many of them sailing under flags of convenience, with immigrant labour from Asia and the developing world that will undertake all the work and services currently performed by French workers in ports from Sète to Bordeaux, from Marseilles to Dunkirk, Le Havre or Anvers.
Jag är så spänd på att få se vilka Peter valde som följeEuroparl8 Europarl8
It is working on defining a system of courts of arbitration along the lines of traditional practice, where the courts are made up of citizens elected to the various levels of local administration, and they would be established to judge three categories of defendant: firstly, ordinary murderers, secondly, those who assaulted but did not kill, and thirdly, finally, the looters, leaving the instigators and ideologists of the genocide and massacres to be judged effectively by ordinary courts, which must be organised in some way to be able to take on this task.
Hämtar adressbokEuroparl8 Europarl8
We need an honest broker to operate within the European Union because, despite what the ideologists may think, the European Union is not the model of something else.
Vi är ett fitthår näraEuroparl8 Europarl8
(DE) Madam President, I am not going to deal with the issue of ideology at this point - we can do that another time - but I do think that the ideologists, really, are on the other side of this Chamber.
Forsteo minskade också risken för andra frakturer med # procent, dock inte risken för höftfrakturerEuroparl8 Europarl8
He's Nazism's chief ideologist and big shot of the German film industry.
Pneumoni, hudinfektionOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Or maybe these health ideologists are planning a return to pre-common market policies, or indeed to the autarchic states of the pre-war period?
Använda sidoradens mediaspelareEuroparl8 Europarl8
I objected to Mr Bolkestein because he is an ideologist of the wrong kind of Europe, although I have always taken his qualities as politician completely seriously.
Han var en gammal militant antifascist, en gammal federalist, och jag framför min hyllning till de ledamöter av parlamentet som röstade för det här förslaget under sammanträdet den 14 februari 1984.Europarl8 Europarl8
But some of his ideas were close to what National Socialist ideologists considered ideally German.
Jag vill att du åker senast på söndagjw2019 jw2019
Have not some philistine ideologists built up the ‘resist not evil’ theory?
Betänkande om förslaget till Europaparlamentets och rådets förordning om ändring av Europaparlamentets och rådets förordning (EG) nr #/# om införande av gemensamma skyddsregler för den civila luftfarten [KOM #- C#-#/#- #/#(COD)]- Utskottet för regionalpolitik, transport och turismParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
93 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.