Del Boca Vista oor Engels

Del Boca Vista

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Del Boca Vista


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Crea reglas para los residentes de Del Boca Vista y las aplica en caso de conflicto.
It creates rules for the residents of Del Boca Vista and applies them in case of disputes.Literature Literature
La Junta de Copropietarios de Del Boca Vista participa de una actividad compartida de planificación social.
The Condo Board of Del Boca Vista engages in a shared activity of social planning.Literature Literature
Para que se hagan una idea del tamaño, esta es la vista a la boca del glaciar Beardmore.
To give you an idea of scale, this is looking down towards the mouth of the Beardmore Glacier.ted2019 ted2019
Estaban justo en la boca del Goulet, con vista directa sobre los fondeaderos exteriores.
They lay right in the mouth of the Goulet, with a view straight up into the Outer Roads.Literature Literature
Lo seguí hacia la boca del corredor donde había visto la primera foto en la penumbra.
We made our way to the corridor where I’d seen the first photograph in the gloom.Literature Literature
Sam salió del portal y en cuanto se encontró fuera de la vista de la boca del túnel, echó a correr.
Sam eased away from the doorway and as soon as he was out of sight of the tunnel entrance he began to run.Literature Literature
Al otro, la larga perspectiva del paseo dirigía la vista al este, hacia la concurrida boca del puerto de Portsmouth.
Look the other, and the sweep of the promenade took the eye west towards the busy mouth of Portsmouth Harbour.Literature Literature
Mientras rodeaban la boca del cañón, aparecieron a la vista varios saltacielos más.
As they circled over the mouth of the canyon, several more skyhoppers came into view.Literature Literature
Las últimas palabras le salieron involuntariamente de la boca a la vista del susto de la muchacha.
These last words slipped out involuntarily on She stood as if turned to seeing her alarm.Literature Literature
Mason levanta la vista del cuenco, con la boca enmarcada por sirope de chocolate.
Mason looks up from his bowl with his mouth ringed in chocolate syrup.Literature Literature
El coronel se acercó a la negra boca del hoyo, y midió con la vista su profundidad.
The colonel went up to the pit’s black opening and measured its depth by sight.Literature Literature
Desde el punto de vista del universo madre, la boca del agujero de gusano parecería un agujero negro.
From the viewpoint of the mother universe, the mouth of the wormhole would appear to be a black hole.Literature Literature
Vio una herida perforada y se preocupó por la baba que había visto en la boca del perro.
He saw puncture wounds and worried about the saliva he’d seen at the dog’s mouth.Literature Literature
Levantó la vista del diario, abrió la boca y soltó una parrafada en un idioma extranjero.
He looked over the paper, opened his mouth, and a torrent of foreign words flew out.Literature Literature
A cada casa llegó la noticia en boca del capataz correspondiente, que los había visto caer durante la madrugada.
Every important household received the news from their own foreman, who had seen the disaster earlier that morning.Literature Literature
Su mecánico terminó la lenta exploración de la superficie cuando la boca del Pozo 2 estuvo ante su vista.
Her mech finished its slow scan of the surface as the mouth of Shaft 2 came into view.Literature Literature
Leo apartó la boca del micrófono buscando refugio mental en la vista soleada de la Alameda.
Leo moved his mouth away from the microphone, trying to find mental shelter in the sunny view of the Alameda square.Literature Literature
El primer egipcio muerto que he visto estaba boca abajo, separado del suelo por la hinchazón del vientre.
The first dead Egyptian I saw was on his belly, raised from the ground by bloat.Literature Literature
Pero sus mejillas y su boca eran del rosa más bonito que había visto en su vida.
But her cheeks and mouth were the prettiest pink he’d ever seen.Literature Literature
Pero no escuché sus objeciones; por el rabillo del ojo había visto a Ramsés cerrar la boca.
But I did not hear his objections; for, out of the corner of my eye, I had seen Ramses close his mouth.Literature Literature
Ni apartar la vista de la boca roja del payaso.
I couldn’t take my eyes off the clown’s red mouth.Literature Literature
El oficial volvió la vista hacia la oscura boca del pozo.
The officer looked back at the dark mouth of the well.Literature Literature
Sobre la alfombra descubrió dos o tres trozos de papel semejantes a los que había visto en la boca del perro.
On the carpet lay two or three bits of the paper similar to that which he had already recognized in the dog’s mouth.Literature Literature
Ese capullo no había recogido la mandíbula del suelo ni cerrado la boca desde que había visto a Mili.
The asshole hadn’t pulled his jaw off the floor and shut his mouth once since he’d seen her.Literature Literature
Los cuatro corsarios yacían boca abajo en medio del terrado, fuera de la vista.
The four corsairs lay on their bellies in the middle of the floor, keeping out of sight.Literature Literature
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