media pista oor Engels

media pista

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Al cabo de medio día no había llegado a repasar siquiera media pista de aterrizaje.
After half a day, I had gone over less than half a runway.Literature Literature
A media pista bajamos los morros y empezamos a frenar.
Halfway down we lowered the noses and started to brake.Literature Literature
O tal vez no quiere molestarte con cada media pista que lo lleva a ninguna parte.
Or maybe he just doesn't want to bother you with every half-lead that goes nowhere.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Sí, bueno, son todas medias pistas, y yo soy tu cómplice.
Yeah, well, they're all half-leads and I'm your accomplice.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Si, bueno, media pista, señor.
Well, half a clue, sir.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Despegaré con este maldito cacharro, aunque tenga que arrastrar su culo por media pista
“I’ll get this goddam crate off the ground if I have to drag its ass halfway down the runway.”Literature Literature
Despegaré con este maldito cacharro, aunque tenga que arrastrar su culo por media pista».
“I’ll get this goddam crate off the ground if I have to drag its ass halfway down the runway.”Literature Literature
Media pista y media pista —bramó Tony— no suman una pista entera, ¡suman cero!
Half a clue plus half a clue,” Tony thundered, “does not make a whole clue: it makes zero!”Literature Literature
Mierda, son tres sobre tres con media pista.
Shit, that's three-on-three with a half court.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Tiene media pista.
He's got half a clue.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Había también un aro de baloncesto y un espacio de por lo menos media pista para jugar.
There was also a basketball rim and at least a half court of space in which to play.Literature Literature
Media pista?
Half-tracks?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Alcanzó a Bryce a media pista de baile y la detuvo con una mano en el brazo.
She caught up to Bryce midway across the dance floor, halting her with a hand on her arm.Literature Literature
Normalmente, pasaban el rato en un parque hasta el atardecer, jugando a softball o a baloncesto a media pista.
They usually went to a nearby playground until dark, playing softball or half-court basketball.Literature Literature
Creía en su bicicleta de media pista, con la cual recorría el Valle y se internaba por Topanga Canyon.
He believed in his mountain bike, which he rode all across the Valley and down into Topanga Canyon.Literature Literature
La celda era grande, aproximadamente del tamaño de media pista de tenis, y allí podía dar unas vueltas cortas.
The cell was big, about the size of half a tennis court, allowing him to run short, tight laps.Literature Literature
Hay dos 75s, tres pistolas SP de media pista y siete posiciones de Spandau enterradas en un carril hundido.
There are two 75s, three SP guns a half track and seven Spandau positions dug into a sunken lane.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Si esta ciudad tuviese media pista de lo que somos, nos encadenarían a las Piedras Ardientes y nos prenderían fuego.
If this city had half an inkling of what we are, they’d chain us to the Burning Stones and set us on fire.Literature Literature
Se hizo rico gracias a sus inventos, como la todo-tracción y los camiones de media pista para el ejército.
He grew rich from his inventions such as all-wheel drive and half-track trucks for the army.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
El sótano, que es más o menos como media pista de tenis, es también la casa de Nora, la encargada del Guapa.
The basement room, about half the size of a tennis court, is also where Nora, Guapa’s manager, lives.Literature Literature
Era medio una pista de obstáculos, medio una carrera.
It was half obstacle course, half steeplechase.Literature Literature
Tucán se puso en medio de la pista, a medio camino de los bolos, y empujó la bola.
Toucan positioned herself in the middle of the lane, halfway to the pins, and pushed the ball.Literature Literature
Lo hace parándose de repente, en medio de la pista, en medio del baile.
He does it suddenly, stopping in the middle of the floor and in the middle of the dance.Literature Literature
La portezuela del frente se abrió, como antes, cuando Peter Stride había atravesado a medias la pista.
The forward hatch opened, as it had before, when Peter Stride was half-way across the tarmac.Literature Literature
De modo que Bruno cumplió su promesa y los dos niños pasaron una hora y media buscando pistas.
So Bruno kept his word and the two boys spent an hour and a half searching the camp looking for evidence.Literature Literature
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