feito a man oor Engels

feito a man

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Cando lles dixen que o meu jeep era feito a man puxéronse tristes.
When I told them my jeep was made by hand they all became sad.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
" Esta é a derradeira Zwiebelturm feita a man ", dixo un vello.
" This is the last handcrafted Zwiebelturm ", said one old man.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Preciso dun traxe feito a man
I need to have a suit custom-made.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"A palabra desdeñada e feita a man". pp. 173-187.
"Indirect speech acts and what to do with them." pp. 143–184.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O cuarto estaba cheo de adornos sucios feitos a man.
The room was full of dirty things all made by hand.Literature Literature
Proporcionou a Pinin Farina un chasis, sobre o que este montou unha carrozaría de aluminio feita a man.
He provided Pinin Farina with the chassis, on which an aluminum body was handcrafted.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Feitas a man.
Handmade.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
(Risos) Están sempre feitos á man con materiais sumamente baratos.
These are always handmade from extremely cheap materials.ted2019 ted2019
As súas follas foron feitas a man con aceiro ó carbono e tratamento térmico e deixadas sen afiar.
Their blades were hand ground from carbon steel and heat treated and left unsharpened.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Os habitantes de Taquile son coñecidos polos seus produtos téxtiles feitos á man, considerados entre as manufacturas de mellor cualidade do Perú.
Taquileños are known for their fine handwoven textiles and clothing, which are regarded as among the highest-quality handicrafts in Peru.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As estampas ukiyo-e imprimíanse en papel feito a man de forma manual, en lugar de utilizar unha prensa mecánica como se facía en Occidente.
Ukiyo-e prints were impressed on hand-made paper manually, rather than by mechanical press as in the West.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As personaxes de Jim e Hilda Bloggs están feitos a man, mais o seu fogar e a maioría dos obxectos nel están animados con stop motion.
The characters of Jim and Hilda Bloggs are hand-drawn, but their home and most of the objects in it are real objects that seldom move but are animated with stop motion when they do.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Xa que a impresión estaba feita a man, os impresores podían conseguir efectos imposibles de facer con máquinas, como a gradación de cores na prancha de impresión.
As printing was done by hand, printers were able to achieve effects impractical with machines, such as the blending or gradation of colours on the printing block.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Esta procura da innovación, a procura constante da excelencia, a fixación pola calidade, os procesos complexos de construción e a anticuada maquinaria de produción significaba que todos os coches esencialmente deberían ser feitos a man.
This drive for innovation, constant quest for excellence, fixation of quality, complex construction processes and antiqued production machinery meant that all cars essentially had to be hand-made.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Na parte inferior e en cada piar, o interior da mesquita está revestido con máis de 20.000 azulexos de cerámica feitos a man, fabricados en İznik (a antigua Nicea) con máis de cincuenta deseños diferentes de tulipáns.
At its lower levels and at every pier, the interior of the mosque is lined with more than 20,000 handmade İznik style ceramic tiles, made at İznik (the ancient Nicaea) in more than fifty different tulip designs.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Dado que o 202 nunca fixo unha produción a gran escala e todos os coches foron feitos a man, o talentoso pequeno grupo de Cisitalia, incluíndo a Carlo Abarth, Dante Giacosa e Giovanni Savonuzzi efectuaron diversas variantes do 202.
Since the 202 never made large scale production and all the cars were handmade, the small talented group at Cisitalia, including Carlo Abarth, Dante Giacosa and Giovanni Savonuzzi, made several variants of the 202.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Teriades que lles ver as caras cando me ensinaban as táboas coloridas de gramática e os cartóns cuidadosamente feitos a man, e as súas estatísticas aprendendo léxico usando aplicacións, e incluso como lles gusta cociñar a partir de receitas noutra lingua.
You should have seen their faces when they were showing me their colorful grammar charts and their carefully handmade flash cards, and their statistics about learning vocabulary using apps, or even how they love to cook based on recipes in a foreign language.ted2019 ted2019
Creceu un consenso entre todos os que guiábamos á xente por esa zona, sobre o feito de que a manada estaba movéndose máis despacio para adaptar a ese elefante.
And a consensus developed between all of us who were guiding people in that area that that herd was in fact moving slower to accommodate that elephant.ted2019 ted2019
Parece feita á medida da miña man.
Feels like the right fit for my hand.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Entre as estruturas relixiosas máis importantes están a Sacred Heart Catholic Church, un referente da cidade, que destaca erguida no centro da cidade dende 1905, cando foi construída, é famosa polo seu estilo neorrománico de granito e mármore con vidreiras de orixe alemán feitas a man, A St. James Episcopal House of Prayer, cunha distintiva pedra, que aparece clasificada no Rexistro Nacional de Lugares Históricos, e a igrexa St. Paul A.M.E., que visitaron persoas tan ilustres coma Martin Luther King, Jr., e o presidente Bill Clinton.
Among Tampa's noteworthy religious structures are Sacred Heart Catholic Church, a 1905 downtown landmark noted for its soaring, Romanesque revival construction in granite and marble with German-crafted stained glass windows, the distinctive rock and mortar St. James Episcopal House of Prayer, listed with the National Register of Historic Places, and the St. Paul AME church, which has seen the likes of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and President Bill Clinton speak from its pulpit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A miña man foi feita para o gatillo, meu pai me dixo.
My hand was made for the trigger, my father told me.QED QED
Os conxuntos teñen unha importancia fundamental nas matemáticas; de feito, de maneira formal, a mecánica interna das matemáticas (números, relacións, funcións etc.) pode definirse en termos de conxuntos.
Sets are of great importance in mathematics; in modern formal treatments, most mathematical objects (numbers, relations, functions, etc.) are defined in terms of sets.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
E dinme conta de que o resto da manada estaba, de feito, coidando a este xoven elefante.
And it occurred to me that the rest of the herd was in fact looking after this young elephant.ted2019 ted2019
O teorema de Jordan-Hölder é a maneira máis precisa de establecer este feito sobre os grupos finitos.
The Jordan–Hölder theorem is a more precise way of stating this fact about finite groups.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
De calquera forma, no acadio existía un dual, aínda que o seu uso estaba restrinxido a formas feitas como "as dúas mans", "os ollos" ou "os brazos".
Likewise, Akkadian had a dual number, though its use was confined to standard phrases like "two hands", "two eyes", and "two arms".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
66 sinne gevind in 10 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.