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E as súas teimas sempre temos que pagalas os anciáns.
They gotta take out their cussedness on somebody's old folks!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
O paradoxo " aquí ", abondo loxicamente, é que algúns dos máis teimosos opositores ao totalitarismo soviético, esa xente da Nova Esquerda á que este comentario está en boa medida dirixida, fixo o mesmo camiño na súa caída.
But in a paradoxical logic, some of the staunchest opponents of Soviet totalitarianism, these men of the New Left to whom this film is largely devoted, fell into the same whirlwind.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Por que teima a túa nai en poñernos guapos para o Rei?
Why is your mother so dead set on us getting pretty for the King?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ve, Mr Manager, eu non son teimoso, e estou feliz de traballar.
You see, Mr. Manager, I am not pig- headed, and I am happy to work.QED QED
" Foi o vento th'", dixo Martha teimoso.
" It was th'wind, " said Martha stubbornly.QED QED
Mais na miña fábrica eu teimo en utilizar só noces enteiras.
But in my factory, I insist upon only whole walnuts.Literature Literature
Capuleto Como agora, meu teimoso! onde estivo gadding?
CAPULET How now, my headstrong! where have you been gadding?QED QED
Eran eles, teimosos no erro, os que chegaban a destempo.
Then there are the venial sins (or veritable sins!)Literature Literature
Teimou en que velo había servir coma punto de arranque... para o noso filme " A casa da araña ".
Then we'd discuss the film as a starting point for our film, " The House of the Spider. "OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
¡Eu teimo en que as miñas estancias sexan fermosas!
I insist upon my rooms being beautiful!Literature Literature
E a pesar de todo, un escocés e un brasileiro teimaron en facelo, porque así foi como nos aprenderon nos nosos respectivos países e durante 12 ou 15 anos, demostramos ensaio tras ensaio que era posible.
And despite that, a Scot and a Brazilian persevered, because that's how we were raised in our respective countries, and for 12, 15 years, we made demonstration after demonstration suggesting that this was possible.ted2019 ted2019
Mais na miña fábrica eu teimo en utilizar só noces enteiras.
But in my factory, I insist upon using only whole walnuts.Literature Literature
CA: Ti es un programador moi intelixente e es soberanamente teimudo.
CA: You're a very smart computer coder, and you're hellish stubborn.ted2019 ted2019
Edith teima en que debería utilizarse a lexislación inglesa...... porque o criminal é un súbdito da Raíña
Edith insisted, that english law should be used, because the criminal was subject of the Queenopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
É moi teimuda.
She's adamant.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Tamén foi utilizada internamente para tratar a melancolía, as convulsións e as teimas.
It was also used internally to treat melancholy, convulsions, and mania.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O que me atrae é unha teima maior: fixar dunha vez e por todas a perigosa maxia das ninfetas. 30 Debo pisar con coidado.
A greater endeavour lures me on: to fix once for all the perilous magic of nymphets. 30 I have to tread carefully.Literature Literature
Teimou en que todos fósemos a ver " O ciclista ".
The following Thursday, he insisted that we all go to the movies together to see The Cyclist.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Involucrar- me na miña chaqueta felpudos do tecido chamado de pel de oso, eu loitei miña maneira contra a tempestade teimoso.
Wrapping myself in my shaggy jacket of the cloth called bearskin, I fought my way against the stubborn storm.QED QED
Xob 32:2. En que sentido tiña Xob “teima de leva-la razón contra Deus”?
Job 32:2 —In what sense did Job try “to prove himself right rather than God”?jw2019 jw2019
Por que teimas, daquela?
" As soon as I saw you,OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Hilary Goldstein de IGN comentou que o carácter de Edward é unha mestura entre un «mozo intelixente» e un «neno teimoso», o que lle permite ter momentos cómicos e dramáticos subxacentes sen que parezan falsos.
IGN's Hilary Goldstein wrote that the characterization of the protagonist Edward balances between being a "typical clever kid" and a "stubborn kid", allowing him to float between the comical moments and the underlying drama without seeming false.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
En realidade, o vento e o bater das ondas integraban todo murmurio, berro ou voz nun teimoso urdido musical.
In fact, the wind and the beating of the waves integrated every murmur, shout or voice into a stubborn, musical warp.Literature Literature
Este home foi escollido de entre un milleiro pola súa teima cunha imaxe do pasado.
This man was selected due to his fixation on an image from his past.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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