gotar oor Engels


beyanat, demeç, bildiri, konuşmacı, bir toplulukta konuşan kimse, şarkı, konferans, konuşma, nutuk, söylev, hitabet

Vertalings in die woordeboek Koerdies - Engels


Ew du gotar bona wan cahila ne, yên ku dixwazin bêne nixumandinê
The following two articles are addressed to young people who are considering baptism






Ewî sê gotar gotin, û ji du mêrên mayîn daha dirêj xeber da
He gave three speeches and spoke longer than the other two men
[rojnama "rîya teze" bi gotara rojnamevanê xwe prîskê [m]hoyî li ser helbestvan casimê celîl deng kir. em li jêr wê gotarê bi tîpên latînî raberê xwendevanên xwe dikin: the newspaper r.t. (new path), in a report by its journalist p.[m). spoke of the poet jasim jelil. below we offer to our readers that report in latin script.]
lecture, speech, sermon, article (in a newspaper, etc), report

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Li payiza wê salê, li çend bajarên din jî gotar hatin pêşkêş kirin, û gelek kes ji bo van gotaran hatin.
Autumn of the same year saw other towns visited, with good attendances.jw2019 jw2019
Di van çend salên paşîn de, gelek gotar di derbarê kurdolojî de çap dibin.
In the last few years, many articles about Kurdology have been publishedFerhenga Şên Ferhenga Şên
Ma tu car caran piştî gotar, meqale an bernameyeke JW Broadcasting wisa nafikirî: “Ev yek ji sedî sed li gor hewcedariya min bû!”
Have you ever heard a talk, read an article, or watched a broadcast and thought, ‘That is just what I needed’?jw2019 jw2019
Di sala 1973an de 27 Cotmehê, me hev stand û me qedirekî mezin stand ku birayê Knorr gotar bona zewaca me xwend.
On October 27, 1973, we got married and were privileged to have Brother Knorr deliver our wedding talk.jw2019 jw2019
Paşê, gava ew ji nû ve çû civînan, wî dîsa jî nikaribû li sehneyê gotar pêşkêş bikirana.
Even after returning to the meetings, he was still not able to handle parts on the program.jw2019 jw2019
Lê belê, rojekê, piştî ku ew çûbû civînê, wê wisa nivîsand: “Gotar li ser mewzûya bêcesaretiyê bû.
However, after she made the effort to attend a public meeting, she wrote: “The talk was about discouragement.jw2019 jw2019
Ez sê sal êdî çawa pêşeng xizmet dikirim, çaxa birak ji bûro Earl Stewart, di Angatʹê de li ber 500 mirovî zêdetir gotar xwend.
In my third year of pioneering, Earl Stewart, a brother from the branch office, delivered a talk to over 500 people in the public plaza of Angat.jw2019 jw2019
7 sinne gevind in 2 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.