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soccer ball


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Mashabiki fulani wa mpira wa miguu (soka) katika Uingereza wamejibidiisha kuhusiana na mpira wa miguu kupita kiasi kile cha kawaida: Wao watoa ombi la kwamba wafapo, majivu yao yatawanywe juu ya uwanja wa kuchezea wa kikoa chao wakipendacho.
Some soccer fans in England have carried their devotion to an unusual extreme: They request that after they die, their ashes be scattered on the playing field of their favorite team.jw2019 jw2019
Katika mchezo wa soka, kupiga mpira kwa kutumia kichwa ni sehemu ya mchezo.
In soccer, ball control with the head —or “heading”— is part of the game.jw2019 jw2019
Gazeti la The New York Times Magazine lasema hivi: “Pesa zinazotokana na biashara ya ponografia zinazidi jumla ya zile zinazopatikana katika soka, mpira wa vikapu na besiboli ya kulipwa.
“Pornography is a bigger business than professional football, basketball and baseball put together.jw2019 jw2019
Timu ya soka ya taifa ya Ujerumani ni timu ya soka ya mpira wa miguu ambayo imewakilisha Ujerumani katika mashindano ya kimataifa tangu mwaka 1908.
The German national football team represents Germany in international football competitions since 1908.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Katika tenisi, soka, mpira wa vikapu, besiboli, riadha, gofu, au mchezo mwingine wowote, wachezaji walio bora zaidi hufikia upeo kwa kujitoa kabisa kuzoeza mwili na akili ili wawe stadi iwezekanavyo katika mchezo ambao wamechagua.
In tennis, soccer, basketball, baseball, track, golf, or any other sport, the best reach the top only by unwavering dedication.jw2019 jw2019
Chuo kikuu hutoa michezo ifuatayo kwa wanafunzi wake: List of sports Riadha Bouldering Badminton Mpira wa Vikapu kuendesha boti Kriketi Mbio za Nyika Baiskeli Fencing Gofu Gymnastics Mpira wa Magongo Judo Kendo Netiboli Kupiga Makasia Raga Soka Squash Surfing Kuogelea Taekwondo Tennis Magongo mbizi Voliboli Polo ya Maji Mashua Mwaka wa 2006 Stellenbosch ilikuwa kituo cha kujaribia mapendekezo kahdaa katika sheria za shirikisho la raga, zinazojulikana kama Sheria za Stellenbosch.
The university offers the following sports to its students: List of sports Athletics Bouldering Badminton Basketball Canoeing Cricket Cross country running Cycling Fencing Golf Gymnastics Field hockey Judo Kendo Netball Rowing Rugby union Soccer Squash Surfing Swimming Taekwondo Tennis Underwater hockey Volleyball Water Polo Yachting Stellenbosch has served as a test site in 2006 for a set of proposed modifications to the rules of rugby union, commonly referred to as the Stellenbosch Laws.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Jonathan Nahimana (alizaliwa 12 Desemba 1999) ni mchezaji wa soka wa timu ya taifa Burundi ambaye anacheza kama kipa wa Vital'O FC na timu ya taifa ya mpira wa miguu ya Burundi.
Jonathan Nahimana (born 12 December 1999) is a Burundian footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Vital'O FC and the Burundi national football team.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
michezo zifuatazo ni kutolewa kwa wanafunzi: kufuatilia na shamba, mpira wa kikapu, mpira wa mikono, mpira wa wavu, soka, aerobics, risasi, kumenyana, Ping Pong-, nk utalii.
The following sports are offered to the students: track and field, basketball, handball, volleyball, soccer, aerobics, shooting, wrestling, ping-pong, tourism etc.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Katika mfumo wa programu hii, wachezaji wa mpira wa miguu wenye umri wa miaka 12 kutoka nchi mbalimbali hushiriki katika jukwaa la watoto la kimataifa, Kombe la Dunia katika "Soka kwa ajili ya Urafiki", Siku ya Kimataifa ya Soka na Urafiki.
Within the framework of the program, football players at the age of 12 from different countries take part in the annual International Football for Friendship Children's Forum, the Football for Friendship World Championship, the International Day of Football and Friendship.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Kuna mengi ya kuweka wimbo wa majira kwa ajili ya mashabiki wa soka na mpira wa miguu yote na mechi ya kutangazwa.
There is a lot to keep track of the summer for football fans with all the football and the matches were broadcast.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Michezo vilabu katika mpira wa wavu, mpira wa kikapu, kumenyana, tenisi meza, chess, riadha, mini-soka zinapatikana kwa wanafunzi.
Sports clubs in volleyball, basketball, wrestling, table tennis, chess, athletics, mini-football are available for the students.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Online Michezo: michezo kwa ajili ya wavulana soka, kucheza mpira wa miguu kwa online bure. Kandanda Michezo
Online Games: games for boys soccer, play football for free online. Football GamesParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Huwezi kucheza na mikono yake katika michezo ya mpira wa miguu online bure, si basi hiyo, mpira akaruka nje ya uwanja wa kucheza soka online kwa bure - kupata mchafu.
You can not play with his hands in online games free football, do not let it, the ball flew out of the field playing football online for free - get a foul.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Kudhibiti timu yako michezo football online, wewe jaribu kuchukua mpira kutoka kwa mpinzani na alama ya juu kwa ajili ya michezo online bure ya malengo ya soka. Usisahau kwamba, kama katika soka halisi, kucheza mpira wa miguu kwa online bure na sheria.
Control your team online football games, you try to pick up the ball from the opponent and score the highest for the online games free of soccer goals. Do not forget that, as in real football, play football for free online to the rules.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Kandanda michezo flash kuendeleza mindfulness, ujuzi motor, wakati majibu. Aidha, kucheza michezo ya soka, wewe kujifunza na kuendeleza mkakati wa ushindi ambayo itakuwa na manufaa kwako na kucheza mpira halisi. uamuzi - kucheza soka online kwa bure lazima-wote.
Football flash games develop mindfulness, motor skills, reaction time. In addition, playing soccer games, you learn to develop a winning strategy that will be useful to you and to play real football. The verdict - play football online for free must-all.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Wakati jana ikitangazwa kwamba mchezaji wa mpira wa kikapu,Hasheem Thabeet, ameingia mkataba wa kuichezea Oklahoma City Thunder,kwa upande wa soka barani Ulaya,kuna habari zingine za kufurahisha kwa watanzania wapenzi wa michezo kusikia kwamba mtanzania,mzaliwa wa Kikwajuni Zanzibar,Adam Nditi, ameingia mkataba wa kuanza rasmi kuwa mchezaji wa kulipwa wa timu ya kwanza ya klabu ya Chelsea ya nchini Uingereza.
After expressing her desires to be the first woman to win the Big Brother grand prize since Zambia’s Cherise did so seven seasons ago, Dillish has done it for all of Africa’s women! The gorgeous Namibian started her Chase race as the proverbial underdog and was labeled everything from lazy, to a pampered princess. As the Chase rolled on however, Dillish quickly emerged as a very strong contender for the Chase title and won her fellow Housemates and Africa over, with her quirky, accented alter ego, aptly titled Princess Dillish.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Pamoja na Mechi za ‘Live’ ndani ya SS3, itakuwa inakuonyesha vipindi muhimu vya shoo za magazeti, yanayojiri ndani ya La Liga, pamoja na vipindi maalum vya ligi za soka. Makombe yote ya mpira wa miguu, Mabingwa wa Ulaya na Ligi ya Europa, Kombe la FA, Kombe la Mfalme Hispania (Copa Del Rey), Kombe la Ujerumani, Euro 2016 na mechi za kirafiki za kimataifa zitaendelea kutapatikana kwenye SS3 .
Through targeted advertising, Group-on type bulk deals [NINAYO organizes group deals], NINAYO can help the agricultural dealers reach their customers when the customers are able to purchase their products. NINAYO was also endorsed in a speech by US former President Barack Obama during the seventh annual Global Entrepreneurship (GES) Summit in Silicon Valley on 25 June 2016. US Former President Obama quotes for the GES Summit:ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Pia Lucas aliwaeleza watanzania kutotazama rekodi ya timu wanayocheza nayo bali wajitokeze kwa wingi kuipa sapoti timu hiyo ya taifa kwani kama itafanikiwa kushinda kwenye mchezo huo kutawapandisha mara kadhaa kwenye viwango vya Mpira wa miguu vinavyotolewa na Shikirikisho la Soka Duniani(FIFA). Kwa Upande wake Nahodha wa Timu hiyo, Mbwana Samatta alisema wanakila sababu za kuibuka na ushindi katika mchezo wao huo kwani maandalizi yaliyofanyika yanaonesha hari na utayari mkubwa walionao wachezaji wa timu hiyo na pia watajitahidi ili washinde kama walivyo fanya kwa Botswana .
In a letter addressed to Buddhist partners, the WCC general secretary said, “As you commemorate the birth, enlightenment and the passing away of Gautama Buddha on this festive occasion this is an appropriate occasion to be reminded of the growing need in today’s world to transform suffering into peace, joy and liberation – something which was at the heart of the Buddha’s teachings.”ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Ni unaweza haja kwa yeyote online football mchezo kwa bure. Na kama alitaka kitu fun, si kubwa kucheza soka - unaweza kucheza pamoja na favorite yao wanyama cartoon kidogo na michezo ya kufurahisha kwa ajili ya soka ya wavulana. Au kujaribu bahati yako katika mchezo jiwe umri wa soka ambapo utakuwa caveman kujaribu score adhabu kubwa kwa ajili ya wengi zote za soka michezo flash, jiwe mpira.
And if you wanted something fun, not serious play football - you can play along with their favorite cartoon little animals and fun games for boys soccer. Or try your luck in the stone age football game where you will be a caveman trying to score the most enormous penalty for all football flash games, stone ball.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
12/6: All incl soka. mara kipindi hiki cha majira ya michuano ya Ulaya, THE, H... Hivi sasa ni ukurasa mpya na zote za soka husika katika majira, walikusanyika upande mmoja –!Kuna mengi ya kuweka wimbo wa majira kwa wale wanaopenda mpira na... Soma zaidi
12/6: All football incl. TV times this summer for the European Championship, THE, H... Now there is a new page with all relevant football in the summer, gathered on one side –!There is a lot to keep track of the summer for those interested in football with... read moreParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Nchini Marekani kuna kitu kinaitwa NBA Gives Back.Hawa ni wachezaji wa ligi ya mpira wa kikapu ya Marekani ya Kaskazini waki-toa chochote wanachoweza au walichopata kwa jamii zao,kwa mashabiki wao.Wachezaji wenye majina nchini Tanzania,wanaweza kuiga hili.Wadhamini wa ligi hiyo,Vodacom,wanaweza kuhamasisha hili kwa kuwatumia wachezaji wa ligi ya soka Tanzania.Shirikisho la Soka nchini linaweza kusimamia au kuongoza harakati kama hizo.
One of the major functions of her office is to support the African diplomatic corps in its efforts to consolidate and strengthen partnerships with both the executive and legislative branches of the U.S. government, as well as other federal agencies, the Bretton Woods institutions and the Organization of American States. Ambassador Amina Salum Ali with former US President, George W.Bush Before embarking on her current role, she was a long-serving Member of Parliament and has held various ministerial positions in the Tanzanian government. Her most recent position before moving to the US was minister of state in the office of the chief minister in Zanzibar. Ambassador Ali also served as a board member of various institutions such as the Tanzania Telecommunication Company and Mzumbe University in Morogoro.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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