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per a tota la vida
for life
Comitè d’Acció per a la Justícia i la Democràcia dels Pensionistes
Alternative Democratic Reform Party
per si serveix d’alguna cosa
La Batalla per Wesnoth
The Battle for Wesnoth
per la teva banda
Agència Europea per a la Seguretat i la Salut en el Treball
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
per la meua banda
on my part
Per la Democràcia Social
For Social Democracy
pólvores per a la cara


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Descartes també va dir que Déu existeix per si mateix.
As you can tell, we are over our advertising budget for the monthLiterature Literature
—va exclamar en Complain com si parlés per si mateix—.
Oh, much more than thatLiterature Literature
En canvi, per si li interessa, li diré que segur que és culpable.
I just thought because, you two were going awayLiterature Literature
L'agrupació s'ha allunyat de la categoria de trastorns sexuals i per si mateixa.
Attention, all units respondingWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Vull dir, per si hi ha algú que... —Que sembla sospitosament interessat?
Chronological order | Alphabetical order | International Roadmaps Reports HTML Format PDF Format Contacts Aircraft Design Manufacturing and Repair and Overhaul - 1996Literature Literature
—ha cridat el Josh, mirant angoixat al seu voltant per si hi havia algú que ens pogués veure.
Guys, I saw the signLiterature Literature
Només tenim curiositat per si sabies què feia o potser on viu.
Stop pretending that you' re doing people favoursOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
La principal illa de Margarida per si sola té una superfície de 934 km 2.
What' d you expect?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
El coixí és per si de cas has de posar el peu a terra.
Suggests the establishment of a clearinghouse at EU level with the objective of collecting and analysing best practices from all institutions and organisations active in the fight against HIV/AIDS; believes that such a mechanism would help to identify shortcomings in the existing actions and to formulate new strategiesLiterature Literature
L'Isak diu que la Kerttu decideix per si mateixa, però evidentment pregunta de què es tracta.
From what I hear tell of Captain Barbossa, hes not a man to suffer fools nor strike a bargain with oneLiterature Literature
—Ja ho faria, però tinc el braç en un cabestrell, per si no te n'havies adonat!
Beautiful, you are both beautifulLiterature Literature
No gosava enfrontar-me als ulls de la V, per si de cas havia aconseguit que m’odiés.
That' s good, that' s just sweetLiterature Literature
Jo creo... la meva sang de bruixa ha agilitat la velocitat de la vida per si mateixa.
Then they stopped, suddenlyOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
No volen registrar-nos per si portem armes?
Twocoffees, four doughnuts, # centsOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
La Katy havia estat preocupadíssima per si la Vivien feia res que fes enfurismar més el seu marit.
Eragon només va sentir les últimes paraules: «... dosi de més, per si de cas».
Given my reputationLiterature Literature
Ell diu: «Per si surt malament».
Then there' s nothing to stop usLiterature Literature
I per si això no fos prou, somriure ens fa quedar bé davant dels altres.
We must therefore allow sufficient time for people to adapt and that is why we propose, on behalf of the Socialist Group in the European Parliament, a transitional period for those Member States which still have duty-free outlets, allowing them to gradually adjust to the new situation. We therefore propose the distant date of 1 January 2017 to allow a gradual convergence towards the common rule.QED QED
Però va tornar a decidir esperar-se una mica i veure primer per si mateix què havia passat.
uniform basis of assessment shall apply to the services referred to in Article # of this RegulationLiterature Literature
La Lucy estava amoïnada per si tenia una contusió.
I only came home because I knew that Daddy would be worriedLiterature Literature
—Em sembla que em quedaré per si la Steph torna —dic.
If you just happen tobe swimmin ' along and bump into ' em, wellLiterature Literature
I per si això no fos prou dolent, passa la girafa i s’embolica el coll amb els cables.
On the subject of the afterlife, here is my opinion-- depending on how we behave here on earth, we either go to heaven or go to hellLiterature Literature
En Perry que no vol calefacció central però que es preocupa per si ella passa fred.
These parties don' t come cheapLiterature Literature
Suècia és un món per si mateix, i tot el que tenen ho han aconseguit per mètodes pacífics.
Why don' t you shut up, please?Literature Literature
Estem buscant una casa per llogar, per si la cosa s'estabilitza.
The Netherlands said it was not possible to answer the Commission’s questions for all subsectors of the Dutch ceramic industry, because in some subsectors, such as tiles, ceramic pipes, and sanitary ceramic products, there was only one Dutch supplierOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
35582 sinne gevind in 224 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.