to be envious of oor Spaans

to be envious of

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


Amelia, those men from overseas have no reason to be envious of our time doors.
Amelia, esos oceánicos no tienen nada que envidiar a nuestras puertas del tiempo.

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Which means... that others are bound to be envious of our success.
Lo que significa que otros tienen envidia de nuestro éxito.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She’d gone from being repulsed by Suzie’s dress, to being envious of the cotton disaster.
Ella había pasado del rechazo que le producía el vestido de Suzie a la envidia por aquel pingo de algodón.Literature Literature
In spite of her lack of grace, it’s hard not to be envious of Sara.
A pesar de su falta de gracia, es difícil no envidiar a Sara.Literature Literature
The qualification to understand the devotees, to not to be envious of them.
La cualidad de entender a los devotos ( sloka ) no envidiarlosQED QED
Amelia, those men from overseas have no reason to be envious of our time doors.
Amelia, esos oceánicos no tienen nada que envidiar a nuestras puertas del tiempo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Don’t you think it’s a bit late to be envious of the girl I’m marrying?”
¿No crees que es un poco tarde para ponerte celosa de mi futura esposa?Literature Literature
Their relationship has always been one to be envious of.
Su relación siempre me ha parecido envidiable.Literature Literature
Too kind, too old now to be envious of Peony, yet sometimes she stepped forward before the family.
Demasiado vieja ahora para tenerle envidia a Peonía, sin embargo, a veces se atrevía a plantarse frente a la familia.Literature Literature
The Mercenary has no reason to be envious of the Armsman.
Los Mercenarios no tienen motivos para envidiar a los Maestros de Armas.Common crawl Common crawl
It’s hard not to be envious of Dad.
Cuesta no sentir envidia de mi padre.Literature Literature
Torres could easily have allowed himself to be envious of Pintado’s wealth.
Torres podría haberse permitido fácilmente sentir envidia por la riqueza de Pintado.Literature Literature
It was hard not to be envious of those blue eyes and perfect features.
Resultaba difícil no envidiar sus ojos azules y sus rasgos perfectos.Literature Literature
Sophocles warns us never to be envious of the powerful until we see the nature of their endings.
Sófocles nos advierte de nunca envidiar al poderoso hasta que veamos la naturaleza de su desenlace.Literature Literature
I admit to being envious of you; I only wish it was me who was staying here.
Debo confesar que me das envidia; ojalá fuera yo la que se quedara aquí.Literature Literature
It' s not really a situation to be envious of
Realmente no es una situación que envidiaropensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
It is foolish to be envious of another, for the other is ourselves.
Es tonto que envidiemos a otro, porque el otro somos nosotros mismos.Literature Literature
He worried about Perry and tried not to be envious of him.
Se preocupaba por Perry y procuraba no envidiarlo.Literature Literature
You know, I actually used to be envious of you.
Sabes, en realidad solía envidiarte.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Most of them seemed to be envious of her new-found, elevated position).
La mayoría envidiaba la nueva posición a la que había ascendido).Literature Literature
“Boys grow up to be envious of their father’s power.
—Cuando los hijos crecen, codician el poder de su padre.Literature Literature
Torres could easily have allowed himself to be envious of Pintado's wealth.
Torres podría haberse permitido fácilmente sentir envidia por la riqueza de Pintado.Literature Literature
What folly, to be envious of another's lot!
¡Qué locura envidiar la suerte de otro!Literature Literature
Is it not then both absurd and unreasonable to be envious of our benefactors?
¿No resulta pues absurdo y poco razonable tener envidia de nuestros benefactores?Literature Literature
Ralph had realized, since his first weekend at his cottage, that he was going to be envious of Ed.
Ralph se había percatado, desde el primer fin de semana que pasara en su chalet, de que iba a tenerle envidia a Ed.Literature Literature
A sigh nearly escaped her before she realized she was allowing herself to be envious of a twelve-year-old.
Se le escapó un suspiro, pero enseguida se dio cuenta de que estaba teniendo envidia de una niña de doce años.Literature Literature
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