to become dehydrated oor Spaans

to become dehydrated

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“She keeps forgetting to drink, and we don’t want her to become dehydrated.”
Se olvida de beber y no queremos que se nos deshidrate.Literature Literature
- When it’s hot and humid, it’s easy to become dehydrated.
Cuando hace calor y humedad, es fácil deshidratarse.Literature Literature
When we begin to become dehydrated, we usually get thirsty, which causes us to drink liquids.
Cuando comenzamos a deshidratarnos, nos entra sed, lo cual nos mueve a beber líquidos.Literature Literature
He had been in the sun all afternoon, and had not noticed that he was beginning to become dehydrated.
Llevaba toda la tarde al sol y no se había dado cuenta de que empezaba a deshidratarse.Literature Literature
Snake would not allow her to become dehydrated, but she did not want to have to argue her into eating, either.
Serpiente no podía permitir que se deshidratase, pero tampoco quería discutir con ella para obligarla a comer.Literature Literature
I tried to monitor how close she was to becoming dehydrated by judging how many times she peed and the color.
Intentaba comprobar lo cerca que estaba de la deshidratación controlando las veces que hacía pipí y el color que tenía.Literature Literature
If a cell has no strategy to counteract this, it will become dehydrated and unable to grow.
Si la célula no tiene una estrategia para evitarlo, se deshidratará y será incapaz de crecer.Literature Literature
“In this weather, your number-one goal should be to keep yourself from becoming dehydrated.”
Con este tiempo, tu objetivo principal tendría que ser no deshidratarte.Literature Literature
She had covered her friend to keep her warm and gave her sips of water to keep her from becoming dehydrated.
Había tapado a su amiga para mantenerla caliente y le había hecho tomar sorbos de agua para impedir que se deshidratase.Literature Literature
PLA TE Ute is becoming dehydrated due to excessive perspiration and not drinking enough fluids.
PLATILLO Ute presenta deshidratación debido a la transpiración excesiva y a que no bebe suficientes líquidos.Literature Literature
His body will literally start to fall apart if he becomes dehydrated.
Su cuerpo literalmente comenzará a desmoronarse si se deshidratara.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You have to watch out that you don’t become dehydrated.
Tienes que ir con cuidado de no deshidratarte.Literature Literature
However, she refused to drink water, so she had become dehydrated.
Sin embargo, se negaba a beber agua, por eso tenía un cuadro de deshidratación.Literature Literature
“It is animal tissue which has become dehydrated by exposure to the air.”
—Es tejido animal que se ha deshidratado por haber estado expuesto al aire.Literature Literature
You becomedehydrated”: that is to say, thirsty.
Te «deshidratas»: es decir, tienes sed.Literature Literature
Off-license use often occurs with specialists in hospitals to treat inpatients who have become severely dehydrated in pregnancy.
El uso sin licencia a menudo ocurre con especialistas en hospitales para tratar a pacientes hospitalizados que se han deshidratado gravemente durante el embarazo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Various church groups and NGOs in Tucson and Douglas presented the Special Rapporteur with their projects for installing antennas with water tanks in the desert in order to help migrants who become dehydrated during their journey
Diversos grupos eclesiásticos y ONG de Tucson y Douglas presentaron a la Relatora Especial sus proyectos para instalar antenas con depósitos de agua en el desierto para ayudar a los migrantes que se deshidratan durante el trayectoMultiUn MultiUn
If this continues, he’ll become severely dehydrated and we’ll have to hydrate him by force.”
Si sigue así, sufrirá una grave deshidratación y tendré que hidratarle a la fuerza.Literature Literature
He explained it was just to start an IV, that the baby had become dehydrated.
Me explicó que solo era para abrir una vía intravenosa, porque la niña se había deshidratado.Literature Literature
The camel stores water, not in his hump as commonly thought, but in his digestive system, allowing him to go for long periods without becoming dehydrated.
El camello almacena agua, no en su giba como generalmente se opina, sino en su aparato digestivo, lo que le permite resistir mucho tiempo sin beber y sin deshidratarse.jw2019 jw2019
This causes the cells to become very permeable to water and causes profuse, intense diarrhea with a high risk of dehydration.
Esto hace que las células se vuelvan muy permeables al agua, y causa una diarrea profusa e intensa, con un alto riesgo de deshidratación.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
You could become dehydrated, but we will take steps to prevent that.
También podría deshidratarse, pero tomaremos medidas para evitarlo.Literature Literature
To achieve this close contact, the two surfaces must become at least partially dehydrated, as the bound surface water normally present causes bilayers to strongly repel.
Para lograr este contacto, las dos superficies deben llegar a ser al menos parcialmente deshidratadas, ya que el agua de la superficie límite normalmente presente, causa bicapas para repeler con fuerza.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Isosthenuria (urine osmolality equal to that of serum) is routine, and patients can easily become dehydrated.
La isostenuria (osmolalidad de la orina igual a la del suero) es habitual y los enfermos se deshidratan con facilidad.Literature Literature
Look, if you dehydrate, youll become weak and far more vulnerable to my questions and mind probes.
—Mira, si te deshidratas, te debilitarás y serás mucho más vulnerable a mi interrogatorio ya mis sondeos mentales.Literature Literature
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