to his friends oor Spaans

to his friends

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

a sus amigos

When he returned, he brought a baseball cap and gave it as a present to his friend.
Cuando él volvió, él trajo una gorra de béisbol y se la dio como regalo a su amigo.

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Soortgelyke frases

you give a present to your friend for his birthday
le das un regalo a tu amigo para su cumpleaños
he cannot tend to his friends
no puede atender a sus amigos
a letter to his friend
una carta a su amiga


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In the comic, Joe is sitting in full lotus meditation posture, talking to his friend Mort.
En él aparece Joe sentado en postura de meditación de loto, hablando con su 80 LA SOLUCIÓN MINDFULNESS amigo Mort.Literature Literature
The sex, as Kurt later described it to his friends, was amazing.
El sexo, como Kurt lo describiría posteriormente a sus amigos, fue extraordinario.Literature Literature
If you wanna know the rest, you should probably talk to his friends-
Si quieren saber más, hablen con sus amigos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
—introduced us to his friends, the bandits, who were keen to rob defenseless American teenagers.
, presentarnos a sus amigos bandoleros, ansiosos por robar a turistas norteamericanos jóvenes e indefensos.Literature Literature
He was referring to his friend James Glenn, the contractor he’d recommended she hire.
Se refería a su amigo James Glenn, el constructor que le había recomendado.Literature Literature
As he got better and better, he started giving lessons to his friends.
A medida que mejoraba y mejoraba en el deporte de sus desvelos, empezó a dar lecciones a sus amigos.Literature Literature
He would have liked to explain this to his friend.
Esto hubiera querido explicarle a su amigo.Literature Literature
In 1935 and 1936, Wilhelm’s desire for paternal authority rang out in his letters to his friend.
En 1935 y 1936 el anhelo de Guillermo de una autoridad paternal se traslucía en la correspondencia con su amigo.Literature Literature
He gave the menu to his friend and asked him to order for them both.
Pasó el menú al colega y le dijo que pidiera comida para los dos.Literature Literature
he taunted over his shoulder to his friends, who were dismounting.
- gritó por encima de su hombro a sus amigos, que ya estaban desmontando.Literature Literature
Ryan waved to his friends who spoke English, and a little shyly, they walked over.
Ryan les hizo señas a sus amigos que hablaban inglés y, con un poco de timidez, ellos se acercaron.LDS LDS
Atna introduced him to his friends, and they all switched back to speaking Standard.
Atna le presentó a sus amigos, y todos ellos empezaron a hablar en «estándar».Literature Literature
James showed the book to his friends.
James mostró el libro a sus amigos.Literature Literature
The other rat didn’t even bother to say goodbye to his friend.
La otra rata no se molestó ni siquiera en despedirse de su amigo.Literature Literature
Like a kid when he buys a movie ticket and then passes it back to his friends.
Como un niño que compra un boleto de cine y luego se lo pasa a sus amigos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He gave me access to his friends, helped start my firm, supported me socially.
Él me presentó a sus amigos, me ayudó a montar mi estudio y me presentó en sociedad.Literature Literature
Grabeau went to put his hand to his friend’s shoulder, but Singbe leapt forward and began to run.
Grabeau tendió una mano para apoyarla en el hombro de su amigo, pero Singbé dio un salto y echó a correr.Literature Literature
That's where he says 'elementary' to his friend Watson.
Es ahí donde le dice «elemental» a su amigo Watson.Literature Literature
While giving these explanations to his friend, the adventurer had doffed a portion of his garments.
Y mientras daba estas explicaciones a su amigo, el aventurero se había quitado algunas prendas de su traje.Literature Literature
Perhaps not to his friends,” I mused, aware that Tiberius thought I was being too unkind.
Aunque quizá no lo fuera para sus amigos —sopesé, consciente de que Tiberio creía que estaba siendo demasiado cruel—.Literature Literature
"So he'd settled for crumbs, bits of ""public"" telepathy Remillard addressed to his friends and associates."
Así que se limitó a los mendrugos, trozos de telepatía «pública» que Remillard dirigía a sus amigos y asociados.Literature Literature
He hated her for undermining his loyalty to his friend.
La odiaba porque estaba minando la lealtad que sentía hacia su amigo.Literature Literature
He described the visit to his friend, Joris-Karl Huysmans.
Relató la visita a su amigo Joris-Karl Huysmans.Literature Literature
Did he want to reveal to his friends the true depths of his despair?
¿Quería él revelar a sus amigos las auténticas profundidades de su desesperación?Literature Literature
According to his friends, who joked about it, he wasn’t much of a man.
Según sus compañeros, que se reían de él, no era del todo hombre.Literature Literature
78383 sinne gevind in 177 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.