to lean against a tree oor Spaans

to lean against a tree

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apoyarse en un árbol


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Finally, when they had gone perhaps a hundred feet, Steadman told him to lean against a tree.
Finalmente, cuando hubieron avanzado unos trescientos metros, Steadman le ordenó que se apoyara contra un árbol.Literature Literature
He had stopped suddenly to lean against a tree.
Se había detenido de pronto para apoyarse contra un árbol.Literature Literature
She walked the beach, stopping to lean against a tree or me as each contraction hit.
Paseó por la playa arriba y abajo, se paraba para apoyarse en un árbol o en mí cuando llegaba la contracción.Literature Literature
She had to lean against a tree.
Tuvo que apoyarse en un árbol.Literature Literature
She staggered to lean against a tree.
Ella se tambaleó para apoyarse contra un árbol.Literature Literature
Other possibilities would be to lean against a tree trunk, or simply sit down on the grass.
Otras posibilidades eran recostarse contra un árbol o sentarse simplemente en la hierba.Literature Literature
‘I need to lean against a tree,’ he confessed, wincing, his hand against his chest.
—Necesito apoyarme contra un árbol —reconoció Charles con una mueca, llevándose la mano al pecho.Literature Literature
He felt dizzy at first and stretched out his arm to lean against a tree.
Al principio se sintió mareado y alargó el brazo para apoyarse en un árbol.Literature Literature
Other possibilities would be to lean against a tree trunk, or simply sit down on the grass.
Otra posibilidad era apoyarse en el tronco de un árbol o sencillamente sentarme en la hierba.Literature Literature
Having circled close to the intruders, he allowed his body to lean against a tree.
Tras rodear a los intrusos, se permitió recostar el cuerpo contra un árbol.Literature Literature
As on the day before, we had to lean against a tree if we were not to lose our balance.
Como el día anterior, tuve que apoyarme en un árbol por miedo a perder el equilibrio.Literature Literature
As on the day before, we had to lean against a tree if we were not to lose our balance.
Como el dia anterior, tuve que apoyarme en un arbol por miedo a perder el equilibrio.Literature Literature
She preferred to lean against a tree or the wooden wall of the inn and fling her skirt over her shoulders.
Prefería apoyarse de cara a un árbol o a una de las paredes de madera de la taberna y echarse la falda sobre la espalda.Literature Literature
From time to time, his vision became blurred and he had to lean against a tree while he tried to focus again.
De vez en cuando, la vista se le nublaba y tenía que apoyarse en algún árbol, mientras intentaba enfocar los ojos.Literature Literature
He stops to lean against a tree, his body trembling, and I walk back to his side and wrap an arm around him.
Se detiene para apoyarse contra un árbol, con el cuerpo tembloroso; yo vuelvo a su lado y lo rodeo con un brazo.Literature Literature
He had tried to put his arms round her but she had pulled away from him to lean against a tree and continue crying.
Había intentado abrazarla, pero ella se había apartado bruscamente para apoyarse contra un árbol y seguir llorando.Literature Literature
CHAPTER SIXTEEN SNIPER When I come to, I’m leaning against a tree trunk.
CAPÍTULO 16 FRANCOTIRADOR Cuando vuelvo en mí, estoy apoyado en un tronco de árbol.Literature Literature
Roger saw him glance to see that his rifle was to hand, leaning against a tree trunk.
Roger lo vio comprobar que el rifle estaba a mano, recostado contra el tronco de un árbol.Literature Literature
Rachel stopped to rest, leaning against a tree for support.
Rachel se detuvo a descansar, apoyándose en un árbol para sostenerse.Literature Literature
Wenzel, who was now on watch, had gone to sleep leaning against a tree-trunk.
Wenzel, el hombre de guardia, se había dormido apoyado contra un tronco.Literature Literature
When he wheeled the crippled cycle to lean it against a tree trunk, he saw my father lying among the bushes.
Al empujar la bicicleta accidentada para apoyarla contra el tronco del árbol, vio a mi padre tendido entre los arbustos.Literature Literature
They ate in silence and Kim came out of the wagon to sit, leaning against a tree while Wes hovered over her.
Comieron en silencio y Kim abandonó la carreta para sentarse contra un árbol, mientras Wes revoloteaba a su alrededor.Literature Literature
Exhaustion forced her to pause a moment and lean against a tree, greedily gasping for breath.
El agotamiento la obligó a detenerse un momento y apoyarse en un árbol, se esforzaba por respirar con frenesí.Literature Literature
A pimp with a cigarette sticking to his upper lip leaned against a tree and stared at him.
Un rufián, con el cigarrillo pegado al labio superior, estaba recostado contra un árbol y lo miraba fijamente.Literature Literature
I had to stop and lean against a tree, let the sorrow wash through me, making no attempt to stop it.
Tuve que detenerme y apoyarme contra un árbol, dejarme inundar por la pena, sin intentar pararla.Literature Literature
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