to sue for peace oor Spaans

to sue for peace

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

pedir la paz

That's the only way to sue for peace.
Es la única forma de pedir la paz.

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I want you to prevail on him to sue for peace.
Quiero que le convenzas de que demande la paz.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In the end I elected to sue for peace.""
Al final decidí apostar por la paz.Literature Literature
Napoleon expected the Tsar to sue for peace.
Napoleón esperaba que el zar suplicara la paz.Literature Literature
‘Maybe they want to sue for peace already.’
Tal vez están ya dispuestos a pedir la paz.Literature Literature
Cassivellaunus, though his army had not yet been beaten, was forced to sue for peace.
Si bien su ejército no había sido derrotado aún, Casivelauno se vio obligado a pedir la paz.Literature Literature
Once Moscow fell, Alexander would have to sue for peace.
Una vez caída Moscú, Alejandro tendría que pedir la paz.Literature Literature
It seems the Malian regime is prepared to sue for peace!""
¡Parece que el régimen Malí está dispuesto a firmar la paz!Literature Literature
During these occurrences envoys from the Volscians and Aequi came to sue for peace.
Durante estos acontecimientos llevaron embajadores de los volscos y ecuos a pedir la paz.Literature Literature
Under the sheer weight of firepower and numbers, Finland was forced to sue for peace on 6 March.
Bajo el peso de la potencia de fuego y la inferioridad numérica, Finlandia se vio obligada a pedir la paz el 6 de marzo.Literature Literature
Lenin prevailed over his colleagues to sue for peace.
Lenin se impuso a sus colegas en la búsqueda de la paz.Literature Literature
Napoleon hoped to inflict a major defeat on the Russians and force Alexander to sue for peace.
Napoleón esperaba infligir una derrota importante en los rusos y forzar a Alejandro para demandar la paz.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There is nothing we can offer them to sue for peace.
No tenemos nada que ofrecerles a cambio de la paz.Literature Literature
Louis had no option but to sue for peace.
A Luis no le quedaba otra opción que demandar la paz.Literature Literature
The fall of Lavaur forced Roger-Taillefer to sue for peace.
La caída de Lavaur forzó a Roger-Taillefer a pedir la paz.Literature Literature
The generals ruled out total victory, but a decisive blow might force the Russians to sue for peace.
Los generales descartaban una victoria total, pero un golpe decisivo podía forzar a los rusos a demandar la paz.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"""The mensch have returned a third time to sue for peace, Councillor."
—Los mensch han vuelto por tercera vez para negociar la paz, consejero.Literature Literature
In effect, terms were dictated to Germany, which had to sue for peace in November 1918.
Allí se impuso una serie de condiciones a Alemania, que tuvo que pedir la paz en noviembre de 1918.Literature Literature
The Byzantines achieved a decisive victory, forcing the Hungarians to sue for peace on Byzantine terms.
Los bizantinos lograron una victoria decisiva, lo que obligó a los húngaros a pedir la paz en condiciones bizantinas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Floridians had just lost a big naval battle and had to sue for peace.
Los floridenses acababan de perder una batalla naval y estaban negociando la paz.Literature Literature
They will have to sue for peace.
Y tendran que implorar paz.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Forced to sue for peace, the Austrians signed another in a series of treaties.
Forzados a pedir la paz, firmaron éste como uno más de una serie de tratados.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The following day he sent three ambassadors to Chioggia under safe conduct to sue for peace.
Al día siguiente envió tres embajadores a Chioggia con un salvoconducto para pedir la paz.Literature Literature
George VII had to sue for peace, and sent his brother with the contributions.
Jorge VII tuvo que negociar la paz y envió a su hermano con las contribuciones recolectadas como tributo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Bulgarian army was defeated, and Bulgaria was forced to sue for peace in the Armistice of Salonica.
El ejército búlgaro fue derrotado, y Bulgaria se vio obligada a buscar la paz en el Armisticio de Salónica.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Balian, however, decided to sue for peace.
Con todo, Balián decidió pedir la paz.Literature Literature
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