distractedly oor Hongaars


In a distracted manner

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Hongaars


Ilona Meagher


Ilona Meagher

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Again he wished distractedly for the comforting weight of his shotgun over his arm.
Jól estek azokon a hideg éjszakákon egyedül a susogó szélbenhunglish hunglish
Marvelous analysis, Brand, Pearson thought distractedly as he turned away from them.
Nos, nemrég kiderítettem, hogy az állításaid igazak voltakhunglish hunglish
They acknowledged her, but only distractedly.
Fogalommeghatározásokhunglish hunglish
'- that I did,' said Mr. Wickfield, glancing helplessly and distractedly at his partner, 'that I did doubt her, and think her wanting in her duty to you; and that I did sometimes, if I must say all, feel averse to Agnes being in such a familiar relation towards her, as to see what I saw, or in my diseased theory fancied that I saw.
Oké, megmondom, mi legyen... mesélje el, hogyan kezdődötthunglish hunglish
Toots this and toots that, she thought distractedly.
• Nem szükséges visszatennie a használt tűre a kupakot. • A használt fecskendőket tartsa gyermekektől elzárva. • A használt fecskendőket a helyi előírásoknak megfelelően kell megsemmisítenihunglish hunglish
The coziness of the room was almost too much for Gordon, and he wandered distractedly around it, unable to settle, letting the warm liveliness of the firelight play through him.
Az érzékelők veszélyes radioaktív szintet jeleznekhunglish hunglish
'What?' said Weems, distractedly.
Mit csinálsz te itt?hunglish hunglish
"Follow THAT! the girl cried, pointing to the Thing half limping, half running distractedly before them.
De a tény az, hogy amikor szarul mennek a dolgok, csak ti vagytok egyedül, akikre számíthatokhunglish hunglish
She did not look at Gamal, only stared distractedly at the way his pant leg sustained the slight bend of his knee.
A Fevaxyn Pentofel hatásosnak bizonyult a Feline leukaemia ellen, a Feline rhinotracheitis vírus, a Feline calicivirus és a Feline Chlamydia psittaci baktérium által okozott légzőszervi fertőzések ellen, valamint a Feline panleukopenia vírus által okozott betegség ellenLiterature Literature
I slapped distractedly at my neck—pointless irritation reflex; the code-fly was there and gone, as designed.
Szomjazom hűvös ajkáraLiterature Literature
Favourite, Blachevelle's friend, the one aged three and twenty, the old one, ran on in front under the great green boughs, jumped the ditches, stalked distractedly over bushes, and presided over this merry-making with the spirit of a young female faun.
Ők voltak az Osztrák- Magyar Monarchia uralkodóihunglish hunglish
It had been a hard day and I had, until then, participated rather distractedly in the evening’s proceedings.
önkéntes beszámoló az ENSZ kézi- és könnyűfegyverek tiltott kereskedelme elleni cselekvési programja alapjánLiterature Literature
Marvellous analysis, Brand, Pearson thought distractedly as he turned away from them.
E-#/# (EL) előterjesztette: Marios Matsakis (ALDE) a Bizottsághoz (#. decemberLiterature Literature
He patted his nightshirt pockets distractedly and finally found what he was looking for lodged behind his ear.
Ne várakoztassuk a doktorthunglish hunglish
“She looks a bit like me,” Olivia said distractedly.
Eggyel kevesebb ok a háborúraLiterature Literature
‘Of course,’ the Ceda continued distractedly, ‘they just use that as an excuse to be rude to inquisitive old men.’
De az is tönkretenné az életemetLiterature Literature
'I thought they were talking rather too much to be doing their work properly, my dear,' replied Mr. Bumble: glancing distractedly at a couple of old women at the wash-tub, who were comparing notes of admiration at the workhouse-master's humility.
Egyetértek Stannelhunglish hunglish
My watchfulness has been effectual; and though I certainly should be a more interesting object to all my acquaintances were I distractedly in love with him, I cannot say that I regret my comparative insignificance.
Amennyiben ilyen helyzet felmerül, azt az átvitelirendszer-üzemeltetőknek le kell írniuk és átláthatóan be kell mutatniuk minden rendszerhasználó számárahunglish hunglish
'Watch your tongue, Historian,' the Wickan said distractedly.
A vizsgálatokat a fent említett irányelvekkel összhangban vizsgálat és ellenőrzés céljából kijelölt műszaki szolgálat végziLiterature Literature
'Concentrate all fire in that sector,' he answered distractedly.
Tudja Adam, hogy te... egész éjjel ideát kószálsz?Literature Literature
He leaped to his feet and began pacing distractedly.
Henry korteskedett mellettünkhunglish hunglish
Scully reached behind him, and Jody distractedly aside to give her room.
A merülés után meghívotta bulira az arizonai pompom lány csapathunglish hunglish
distractedly through his hair.
Szvetlana lakása szemben vanhunglish hunglish
Marcus found his face strangely familiar for some reason, and wondered distractedly whether they had met before.
Közelebb is mehetünkLiterature Literature
Keli looked at her distractedly.
Nem kéne levágni?hunglish hunglish
72 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.