push down oor Italiaans

push down

cause to come or go down; "The policeman downed the heavily armed suspect"; "The mugger knocked down the old lady after she refused to hand over her wallet"

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I must have pushed down too hard with the eraser.
Non avrei dovuto premere cosi'tanto con la gomma.

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to push down
abbassare · spingere


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A woman in a wheelchair is being pushed down a ramp to a waiting car.
Una donna in carrozzella viene spinta verso un’auto in attesa.Literature Literature
I must have pushed down too hard with the eraser.
Non avrei dovuto premere cosi'tanto con la gomma.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“Hey,” says Joe, and the pressure is a hand pushing down on Freya’s chest.
“Ehi,” dice Joe, e la pressione è una mano che schiaccia il petto di Freya.Literature Literature
Just push down as hard as you can.
Tieni premuto piu'che puoi.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Pushed down the green button and began filling out the answers.
Schiacciai il bottone verde e cominciai a rispondere alle domande.Literature Literature
It’s Allya’s, she told herself, pushing down panic.
“È di Allya” disse a se stessa, cercando di placare il panico.Literature Literature
It's a fat kid getting pushed down an escalator.
Un ragazzino grasso spinto giu'da una scala mobile.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They were the very same stairs, reader, that the mouse Despereaux had been pushed down the day before.
Le stesse identiche scale, lettore, dalle quali Topin Meschino era stato spinto il giorno prima.Literature Literature
To help me keep rhythm, he stood behind me, pushing down on my right shoulder for every beat.
Per aiutarmi a tenere il ritmo, mi stava alle spalle e mi premeva su quella destra a ogni battuta.Literature Literature
But Lucy knew that the initial break, the initial push down the slide, had occurred that summer.
Ma Lucy sapeva che il colpo iniziale, la spinta decisiva giù per la china era arrivata quella lontana estate.Literature Literature
Professional interest helped push down his own fear, for the time being, at least.
L’interesse professionale lo aiutò a soffocare il suo proprio timore, almeno per il momento.Literature Literature
They have been pushed down and have been unable to get up.
Sono stati spinti giù e non si son potuti levare.jw2019 jw2019
But my feelings can’t be pushed down inside of me anymore after so many months of being brave.
Ma non riesco più a trattenere le emozioni dentro di me dopo tanti mesi passati a fare la coraggiosa.Literature Literature
He pushes down those painful memories with force.
Respinge con forza quei ricordi dolorosi.Literature Literature
The sheet was been pushed down low on his hips revealing a muscular back.
Il lenzuolo era scivolato in basso sui suoi fianchi, rivelando una schiena muscolosa.Literature Literature
Stayner’s hands push down on my shoulders a second before I bolt out of the room.
Le mani del dottor Stayner si posano sulle mie spalle un secondo prima che io possa schizzare fuori dalla stanza.Literature Literature
She pushes down the skirt of her blue dress like she’s trying to make it flatter.
Lei si sistema la gonna del vestito blu come se cercasse di appiattirla.Literature Literature
I pushed down a rueful smile; my ‘command’ had not even waited to be dismissed by me.
Forzai un amaro sorriso; il mio 'esercito' non aveva nemmeno aspettato che lo congedassi.Literature Literature
Perry pushed down a flare of anger, wanting to keep his nephew from feeling it too.
Perry inghiottì un bolo di rabbia, per evitare che lo provasse anche suo nipote.Literature Literature
He pushes down his instinctive dislike, ashamed of it as a form of snobbery.
Xan respinge l’avversione istintiva, vergognandosene come di una forma di snobismo.Literature Literature
This would push down interest rates in key states such as Italy, Spain and France.
Questo avrebbe abbattuto i tassi di interesse in alcuni paesi chiave come l’Italia, la Spagna e la Francia.Literature Literature
The state of California is producing a glut of wine that is pushing down the prices.”
Lo stato della California ormai produce un’ecceden-za di vino che sta facendo abbassare i prezzi.»Literature Literature
color options, depending which button you pushed down.
diversi colori, a seconda di quale bottone premevi.Literature Literature
asked the driver pushing down his window.
, chiese l’autista abbassando il finestrino.Literature Literature
“I don’t want to stop,” I add as I begin to push down his boxers and pants together.
«Non voglio fermarmi,» aggiungo iniziando ad abbassargli boxer e pantaloni in un’unica mossa.Literature Literature
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