cease and desist order oor Japannees

cease and desist order

(law) a judicial remedy issued in order to prohibit a party from doing or continuing to do a certain activity; "injunction were formerly obtained by writ but now by a judicial order"

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Not only are the opposers ordered to ‘cease and desist’ but they are also commanded to assist materially!
反対者たちは“反対行為の停止命令”を受けるだけでなく,物質面で援助せよという命令も与えられます。jw2019 jw2019
To remove spam we need to put a cease and desist order on ourselves.
私達が私達自身の停止命令を置く必要があるスパムを取除くため。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Regulatory enforcement consequences State regulators have the authority to issue cease and desist orders, civil penalties, and criminal penalties.
規制執行の結果 州規制当局は、停止命令、民事罰刑事罰を発行する権限を持っています。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
(4) After the above cease and desist order was issued, DeNA did not file any appeals to the order.
(4) DeNAは、上記排除措置命令が行われた後、特にこれを争わなかったようで、当該排除措置命令は、本年8月、確定いたしました。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Cease-and-desist orders A cease-and-desist order prohibits a violator from repeating the same or similar action in the future.
110 Draft, 23 March 2010 排除命令 排除命令は、違反者に対し、今後同じ、又は類似した行動を繰り返すことを禁じるものである。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
The Company received a “Notice of Non-Issuance of Cease and Desist Order ” from the Fair Trade Commission on April 28, 2021.
なお、2021 年4月 28 日付で公正取引委員会より「排除措置命令を行わない旨の通知書」を受領致しました。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Inner Mongolia was the first to issue a cease and desist order to miners with Sichuan and Xinjiang expected to follow suit.
内モンゴルはマイニングに最初に停止命令を出した国であり、四川省と新疆ウイグル自治区も追随する見通しだ。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
In a 2010 enforcement action, Alabama issued a cease and desist order due to a director's failure to register as an agent in the state.
2010の執行訴訟では、アラバマ州は、監督が州に代理人として登録することができなかったために、停止命令を出しました。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Today, Daimaru Matsuzakaya Department Stores Co. Ltd. received a cease and desist order and a surcharge payment order under the Antimonopoly Act from the JFTC.
本日、同委員会から株式会社大丸松坂屋百貨店に対し、独占禁止法に基づく排 除措置命令及び課徴金納付命令を受けましたので、下記のとおりお知らせいたします。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
The application had huge interest when it was first released, but due to a cease and desist order from Apple, the author has had to stop development.
アプリケーションは、それが最初にリリースされた際に大きな関心を持っていましたが、原因アップルから排除命令に、著者が開発を停止する必要があった。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
With regards to the aforementioned Cease and Desist Order and Surcharge Payment Order, the Company shall review and carefully consider the substance, and determine how to proceed.
排除措置命令及び課徴金納付命令につきましては、内容を確認し、慎重に検討したうえ、対応を決定して参ります。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
In addition, a class-action lawsuit was filed in Canada and the U.K. against the Group, for damage claims, a cease and desist order for the questioned conduct.
また、本件に関連して、当社グループに対し損害賠償及び対象行為の 差止め等を求める集団訴訟がカナダ及び英国において提起さております。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
In addition, a class-action lawsuit was filed in the U.S. and other countries against the Group, for damage claims, a cease and desist order for the questioned conduct.
また、本件に関連して、当社グループに対し損害賠償及び対象行為 の差止め等を求める集団訴訟が米国等において提起さています。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
The cease and desist order notes that other potential administrative remedies could include monetary fines and a permanent bar from participating in any securities related activity in the state.
停止命令は、他の潜在的な行政上の救済策として、金銭罰金と州内の証券関連活動への参加を永久的に禁止することを含めることができます。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
In addition, a class-action lawsuit was filed in Canada, the U.K. and Chile against the Group, for damage claims, a cease and desist order for the questioned conduct.
また、本件に関連して、当社グループに対し損害賠償及び対象行為の 差止め等を求める集団訴訟がカナダ、英国及びチリにおいて提起さております。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
In addition, a class-action lawsuit was filed in the U.S. and other countries against the MOL, for damage claims, a cease and desist order for the questioned conduct.
また、本件に関連して、当社に対し損害賠償及び対象行為の差止め等を求 める集団訴訟が米国等において提起さています。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
In addition, a class-action lawsuit was filed in the U.S. and other countries against the Group, for damage claims, a cease and desist order for the questioned conduct.
また、本件に関連して、当社グループに対し損害賠償及び対象行為の差止め等を求める集団訴訟が米国等において提起さています。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
In addition, a class-action lawsuit was filed in the U.S. and other countries against the Group, for damage claims, a cease and desist order for the questioned conduct.
また、本件に関連して、当社グループに対し損害賠償及び対象行為の 差止め等を求める集団訴訟が米国等において提起さています。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
In addition, a class-action lawsuit was filed in the U.S. and other countries against the MOL Group, for damage claims, a cease and desist order for the questioned conduct.
また、本件に関連して、当社グループに対し損害賠償及び対象行 為差止め等を求める集団訴訟が米国等において提起さています。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
The Japan Fair Trade Commission (the "JFTC") today announced that it issued Cease and Desist Orders and Surcharge Payment Orders to certain shipping companies regarding certain car carrier shipping trades.
本日3月18日、公正取引委員会より特定自動車運送業務の取引に関連して、複数の事業者に対し排除措置命令および課徴金納付命令がなされた旨の発表がありました。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
In addition, a class-action lawsuit was filed in the U.S. and other countries against the Group for damage claims and for a cease and desist order for the questioned conduct.
また、本件に関連して、当社グループに対し損害賠償及び対象行為の差止め等を求める集団訴訟が米国等において提起さています。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
If the ITC finds an IP infringement embodied in such articles, it can issue an exclusion order, and since 1974 a cease-and-desist order, blocking the importation of the articles.
ITCが当該商品に知的財産権侵害が存在すると認定した場合には、排除命令(1974年から停止命令で代替)を発行し、当該物品の米国への輸入を阻止することができる。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
The United States recommends that Japan maintain the current system of remedying unfair trade practices and exclusionary practices that constitute private monopolization through the imposition solely of cease-and- desist orders.
米国は、日本が私的独占を構成する不公正な取引方法および排他的行為を排除 命令によってのみ矯正する現行制度を維持することを要望する。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Extend the current three-year statute of limitations for the application of cease and desist orders and surcharge payment orders to five years from the date of the last unlawful act.
違法行為が終了した日から3年間という現在の排除措置命令および課徴金支払い命 令の除斥期間を延長する。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Fair-trade measures In 1998 Paramount Bed was served a cease-and-desist order by the Fair Trade Commission in connection with an alleged breach of the Antimonopoly Act (private monopolization).
公正取引への取り組み パラマウントベッドは1998年、公正取引委員会より独占禁止法違反(私的独占)として排除措置命令を受けました。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
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