always first oor Latyn

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semper primus

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The Synod Fathers rightly stated that the proclamation of Christ always takes first place and that the Bishop is the first preacher of the Gospel by his words and by the witness of his life.
Quapropter Patres synodales peropportune in memoriam revocaverunt, nuntium Christi primum locum obtinere et Episcopum tam verbis quam vitae testimonio primum esse Evangelii
Always very daring at first and excessively elated by success, they now in their eagerness for plunder bore up against reverse.
sed tum praedae cupidine adversa quoque tolerabant; machinas etiam, insolitum sibi, ausi.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The family has always been considered as the first and basic expression of man's social nature.
Habita semper familia est prima ac principalis socialis naturae hominis
So when we speak and judge certain facts, we must always refer in the first place to God's loving plans, and to his holy judgments on human conduct.
Oportet ergo, cum de factis aliquibus loquimur eaque aestimamus, semper ac potissimum ad Dei concilia, amoris piena, et ad eius sancta iudicia de hominis agendi modo nos
The same principle applies in the successive phases of this process, in which the first phase always remains the relationship of man with the resources and riches of nature.
Idem principium in subsequentes gradus huius rerum cursus applicatur, in quo primus gradus semper est illa ratio inter hominem et copias ac divitias
"Consecrated persons, because of their specific vocation, are called to manifest the unity between self-evangelization and witness, between interior renewal and apostolic fervour, between being and acting, showing that dynamism arises always from the first element of each of these pairs".
« Suapte vocatione propria moventur consacrati homines ut inter sui evangelizationem ac testificationem unitas compareat, inter renovationem interiorem ac fervorem apostolicum, inter exsistentiam atque actionem, dum clare demonstrant vividam semper vim ex priore binomii ullius profluere parte ».( 336)
Christians have always experienced this day as the first day of the week, since it commemorates the radical newness brought by Christ.
Numquam profecto non christiani hunc sunt diem experti perinde ac hebdomadis primum, quandoquidem memoria tunc principalis agitur a Christo importatae
The aim for which you have always striven since your very first years as a priest has been to serve the truth, seeking to know it ever more thoroughly and make it ever more widely known.
Propositum ideo quod es a primis iam presbyteratus tui annis persecutus illuc semper spectavit ut Veritati serviatur eaque altius cognoscatur et latius inter homines usque
Indeed we cannot forget that the first task will always be to make ourselves docile to the freely given action of the Spirit of the Risen One who accompanies all who are heralds of the Gospel and opens the hearts of those who listen.
Etenim oblivisci non possumus primum munus semper fore id quo operae gratuitae Spiritus Resuscitati obsequentes nos praebeamus, qui omnes comitatur Evangelii praecones et cor aperit illorum qui
27. In the first place it must be noted that our predecessors have always shown the greatest zeal in protecting and preserving the lawful rites of the Ruthenians.
Ac principio animadvertendum est nullo non tempore Decessores Nostros legitimis Ruthenorum ritibus tutandis adservandisque summopere
Likewise, when the First Letter of Peter exhorts Christians to be always ready to give an answer concerning the logos—the meaning and the reason—of their hope (cf. 3:15), “hope” is equivalent to “faith”.
Etiam in Epistula Prima Petri, cum christianos hortatur ut promptos sese praebeant ad responsum reddendum de voce logos – de sensu scilicet et ratione – suae spei (cfr 3,15), « spes » idem est ac « fides »
For a long time we had been preparing ourselves for this examination of conscience, aware that the Church, embracing sinners in her bosom, "is at once holy and always in need of being purified".4 Study congresses helped us to identify those aspects in which, during the course of the first two millennia, the Gospel spirit did not always shine forth.
Iam diu ad hoc conscientiae examen nos comparavimus, cum hoc sciremus: «Ecclesia in proprio sinu peccatores complectens, sancta simul et semper purificanda» est.4 Scientiae congressus nos ad has facies definiendas iuverunt, in quibus Evangelii sensus, duorum milium annorum exactorum decursu, haud semper
Monasticism has always been the very soul of the Eastern Churches: the first Christian monks were born in the East and the monastic life was an integral part of the Eastern lumen passed on to the West by the great Fathers of the undivided Church.(
Anima ipsa orientalium Ecclesiarum semper monasticum fuit institutum: in Oriente videlicet primi orti sunt monachi christiani vitaque monastica fuit pars ipsa necessaria luminis illius Orientalis quod ab excellentibus indivisae tunc Ecclesiae Patribus in Occidentalem orbem est traiectum (Magna fuit in Occidente vis Vitae S. Antonii, scriptae a
In the first place, Holy Mother Church, although it has always observed in a special way abstinence from meat and fasting, nevertheless wants to indicate in the traditional triad of "prayer—fasting—charity" the fundamental means of complying with the divine precepts of penitence.
Imprimis id Ecclesia cupit significare tres esse modos praecipuos, antiquitus traditos, quibus divino paenitentiae praecepto satisfieri possit: scilicet precationem, ieiunium, opera caritatis, quamvis praesertim abstinentiam a carne et ieiunium tuita
In the social sphere, the Church has always wished to assume a double function: first to enlighten minds in order to assist them to discover the truth and to find the right path to follow amid the different teachings that call for their attention; and secondly to take part in action and to spread, with a real care for service and effectiveness, the energies of the Gospel.
In rerum socialium provincia Ecclesia duplici semper munere fungi voluit: tum hominibus lumen praebere, ad eos iuvandos, ut veritatem eruant, atque securam viam agnoscant inter varias doctrinas, quibus alliciuntur; tutu operam dare Evangelii virtuti diffundendae, certa cum sollicitudine hominibus efficaciter
It is especially consoling to note—and also accurate in accordance with the Gospel and history—that at the side of Christ, in the first and most exalted place, there is always his Mother through the exemplary testimony that she bears by her whole life to this particular Gospel of suffering.
Est imprimis solacii causa – res sane Evangelio et historia comprobata – quod iuxta Christum, loco primario et probe significato, sancta eius Mater semper adest ad dandum egregium testimonium, quod tota vita sua de hoc singulari Evangelio doloris
8. This consciousness of Our duty grew all the more pressing as the belief gradually became more and more general that intervention on Our part would assist greatly in bringing about a more general peace among men, a peace which, like yourselves, We now desire, as We have always desired it, even from the first day when We, not by reason of any merits on Our part but because of a hidden decree of Divine Providence itself, were raised to the sublime office of the Common Father of all the faithful.
Etenim post teterrimum bellum post que illustria in patriam facinora ab utroque catholico clero, iniuriarum oblito et patriae caritatis unice memori, in oculis omnium patrata, desiderium cotidie acrius exarserat religiosae ipsius pacis, quam lex discidii turbaverat, ita instaurandae, ut aequior Ecclesiae catholicae in Gallia, sub legis praesidio, condicio
But while the Catholic Church has always proclaimed a truth so sacrosanct, it has also affirmed that imitation of the Virgin Mary, far from distracting the souls from the faithful following of Christ, makes it more pleasant and easier for them. For, since she had always done the will of God, she was the first to deserve the praise which Christ addressed to His disciples: "Whoever does the will of my Father in heaven, he is my brother and sister and mother."( 36)
Quodsi catholica Ecclesia augustissimam hanc veritatem semper tenuit, pariter tamen affirmavit, Virginis Mariae imitationem non modo non abducere a studio fideliter sequendi Christum, verum etiam id amabilius faciliusque efficere, quandoquidem eadem sanctissima Virgo, ad Dei voluntatem semper se accommodans, meruit ut omnium prima illam laudem audiret, quam Filius suis asseclis tribuit, hisce verbis: Quicumque enim fecerit voluntatem Patris mei, qui in caelis est, ipse meus, frater, et soror, et mater est (36)
Every General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops is a powerful ecclesial experience, even if some of its practical procedures can always be perfected.239 The Bishops assembled in Synod represent in the first place their own Churches, but they are also attentive to the contributions of the Episcopal Conferences which selected them and whose views about questions under discussion they then communicate.
Quaeque Episcoporum Synodi Generalis Congressio fortis est ecclesialis experientia, tametsi suis in modis procedendi semper perfici valet.239 Episcopi in Synodo coadunati suarum Ecclesiarum in primis partes agunt, sed ea quoque ob oculos habent quae Conferentiae episcopales proponunt, quae eos designaverunt, quarumque super quaestionibus tractandis sunt sententiarum
No matter what natural facility a person may have in ideas and language, let him always remember that he will never be able to teach Christian doctrine to children or to adults without first giving himself to very careful study and preparation.
Quamcumque igitur facilitatem cogitandi et eloquendi quis a natura sit nactus, hoc probe teneat, nunquam se de christiana doctrina ad pueros vel ad populum cum animi fructu esse dicturum, nisi multa commentatione paratum atque
For an exact understanding of this doctrine and of its beneficial use it is necessary, however, to remember truths which the entire Church illumined by the Word of God has always believed and which the bishops, the successors of the Apostles, and first and foremost among them the Roman Pontiffs, the successors of Peter, have taught by means of pastoral practice as well as doctrinal documents throughout the course of centuries to this day.
Ad rectam autem huius doctrinae eiusque salutaris usus intellegentiam quasdam veritates recolamus oportet, quas universa Ecclesia verbo Dei illuminata semper credidit, et Episcopi, Apostolorum successores, atque imprimis Romani Pontifices, successores Beati Petri, sive per pastoralem praxim sive per doctrinalia documenta decursu saeculorum docuerunt et
It is their duty, always with regard to the authoritative evaluation made by the bishop and the rector together, to foster and verify in the first place the suitability of the candidates in regard to their spiritual, human and intellectual endowments, above all in regard to their spirit of prayer, their deep assimilation of the doctrine of the faith, their capacity for true fraternity and the charism of celibacy.( 205)
Ad eam enim ante omnia, servato tamen auctoritatis Episcopi et Rectoris iudicio, munus spectat candidatorum idoneitatem provehendi atque cognoscendi sive de spiritualibus, humanis et mentis eorum dotibus, sive praesertim de pietatis spiritu, de acquirenda fidei doctrina, de zelo pro sincera fraternitate fovenda deque caelibatus
And in this dimension the first and principal wish that the Church expresses for you young people, through my lips, in this Year dedicated to Youth, is this: that you should "always be prepared to make a defence to any one who calls you to account for the hope that is in you".(
Secundum hanc rationem omen primum et praecipuum, quod Ecclesia per Nos ad vos, iuvenes, dirigit, vertente Anno Iuventuti dicato, hoc est: “Parati semper (estote) ad defensionem omni poscenti vos rationem de ea, quae in vobis est, spe” (1
Precisely for this reason, over and above all scientific debates and those philosophical affirmations to which the Magisterium has not expressly committed itself, the Church has always taught and continues to teach that the result of human procreation, from the first moment of its existence, must be guaranteed that unconditional respect which is morally due to the human being in his or her totality and unity as body and spirit: "The human being is to be respected and treated as a person from the moment of conception; and therefore from that same moment his rights as a person must be recognized, among which in the first place is the inviolable right of every innocent human being to life".59
Quam omnino ob rem, ultra doctorum disceptationes ipsasque philosophorum adfirmationes quarum numquam explicate se particeps praebuit Magisterium, docuit semper Ecclesia etiamque nunc docet fructui humanae generationis, iam inde a primo illius exsistentiae momento, omnem sine ulla condicione reverentiam esse tribuendam quae moraliter enti humano debeatur tota in eius summa unitateque corporali ac spiritali: “Creatura humana ut persona observanda atque tractanda est inde ab eius conceptione, ac propterea inde ab illo temporis momento ipsius agnoscenda sunt iura personae, quorum primum recensetur ius inviolabile ad vitam, quo unaquaeque creatura humana innocens gaudet” (CONGR. PRO DOCTRINA FIDEI Donum Vitae, I, 1)
For the abundance of The Spirit's gifts to be welcomed with joy and allowed to bear fruit for the glory of God and the good of the entire Church, each person is required first to have a knowledge and discernment of his or her own charisms and those of others, and always to use these charisms with Christian humility, with firm self - control and with the intention, above all else, to help build up the entire community which each particular charism is meant to serve.
Ut autem haec donorum Spiritus copia cum laetitia recipiatur atque in Dei gloriam efflorescat et fructus suos pro Ecclesia universa ferat, requiritur ut omnibus praesto sit notitia imprimis et discretio charismatum, tum propriorum tum etiam aliorum, eorundemque exercitium, quod tamen et humilitas christiana continenter comitetur, immo et virtus sui ipsius criticum iudicium ferendi, ea sola intentione plus quam quaelibet alia cura praevalente, aedificationem totius communitatis iuvandi, cui ceterum quodvis peculiare charisma inservire vocatum
29 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.