to expose oor Latyn

to expose

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exposed to the air
adparens · apparens
exposed to the sun
expose to a draught
expose oneself to
warmed by|exposed to|open to the sun
exposed to view
adparens · apparens
regions facing|exposed to the north
be exposed to
exposed to disaster


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Caesar, thinking that without bridges and troops to guard them, it would not be good generalship to expose the legions to danger, sent the cavalry across the river by the fords.
Sed qui remotis e municipiis severaque adhuc et antiqui moris retinente Italia, quique per longinquas provincias lascivia inexperti officio legationum aut privata utilitate advenerant, neque aspectum illum tolerare neque labori inhonesto sufficere, cum manibus nesciis fatiscerent, turbarent gnaros ac saepe amilitibus verberarentur, qui per cuneos stabant ne quod temporis momentum impari clamore aut silentio segni praeteriret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
To refer to them, in order to find in them rational indications with regard to the order of morality, would be to expose oneself to the accusation of physicalism or biologism.
Alcaeus inventor metri Alcaici esse
Caesar, encouraged by their zeal and importunity, though he felt reluctant to expose his army to a river so exceedingly large, yet judged it prudent to attempt it and make a trial.
Interea suos in agros remigrare iusserunt, principesque undique convenire et se civitatesque suas Caesari commendare coeperunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Some were afraid of seeming to expose the emperor to odium; the majority felt safe in numbers, while Thrasea was supported by his usual firmness of spirit, and a determination not to let his fame perish.
Quem Caesar, ut erat de se meritus et de re publica, donatum milibus CC collaudatumque ab octavis ordinibus ad primipilum se traducere pronuntiavit (eius enim opera castellum magna ex parte conservatum esse constabat) cohortemque postea duplici stipendio, frumento, veste, cibariis militaribusque donis amplissime donavitlatin-ancient latin-ancient
This distinction in punishment means that crime, they think, ought, in being punished, to be exposed, while infamy ought to be buried out of sight.
Non videtur esse praetermittendum de virtute militis veterani V legionis.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The faithful should therefore be reminded that the Catholic party in a marriage has the duty of preserving his or her own faith. Nor is it ever permitted to expose oneself to a proximate danger of losing it.
Tunc composito agmine incedunt, cuius frontem et terga Aorsi, media cohortes et Bosporani tutabantur nostris in
Of all his virtues, as he counted them, there was none on which Tiberius so prided himself as his ability to dissemble, and he was therefore the more irritated at an attempt to expose what he was hiding.
ne Aquitania quidem, quamquam ab Iulio Cordo in verba Othonis obstricta, diu mansit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
This faith is nearly always today exposed to secularism, even to militant atheism. It is a faith exposed to trials and threats, and even more, a faith besieged and actively opposed.
quod ut Tiberio cognitum, adsidere, causas requirere, addere preces, fateri postremo grave conscientiae, grave famae suae, si proximus amicorum nullis moriendi rationibus vitam
Caesar, unwilling to expose his soldiers to the violent storms that break out, especially at that season, took up his quarters at Genabum, a town of the Carnutes; and lodged his men in houses, partly belonging to the Gauls, and partly built to shelter the tents, and hastily covered with thatch.
iam iuventutis concursu, iam publicis studiis frequentabatur, laetus praesentibus et inanium spe, cum auditum id Poppaeo Sabino: is Macedoniae tum intentus Achaiam quoque curabat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Christ spoke of Himself when He said: "Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit." (53) And the Apostle Paul did not hesitate to expose himself to a daily death in order to obtain among his faithful glory in Christ Jesus.
Caesar questus quod, cum ultro in continentem legatis missis pacem ab se petissent, bellum sine causa intulissent, ignoscere se imprudentiae dixit obsidesque imperavit; quorum illi partem statim dederunt, partem ex longinquioribus locis arcessitam paucis diebus sese daturos
Those who fell in with Petilius Cerialis were exposed to extreme peril, for the troops disdained all offers of peace.
trierarchi magno tumultu Vitellii imagines invadunt; et paucis resistentium obtruncatis ceterum vulgus rerum novarum studio in Vespasianum inclinabat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Called as he had been by him to share his anxieties, he had learnt by experience how exposed to fortune's caprices was the task of universal rule.
Sed rem obtinuit Caesar omnesque eas naves et reliquas, quae erant in navalibus, incendit, quod tam late tueri parva manu non poterat, confestimque ad Pharum navibus milites euit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Domitius Balbus, an ex-praetor, from his prolonged old age, his childlessness and his wealth, was exposed to many a plot.
nec ideo coniugia et educationes liberum frequentabantur praevalida orbitate: ceterum multitudo periclitantium gliscebat, cum omnis domus delatorum interpretationibus subverteretur, utque antehac flagitiis ita tunc legibus laborabatur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Trolls are sometimes associated with particular landmarks, which at times may be explained as formed from a troll exposed to sunlight.
aderant legati regis Vologaesi quadraginta milia Parthorum equitum offerentes.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is not possible for a prince's knowledge to embrace everything, and it is not expedient that he should be exposed to the ambitious schemings of others.
People suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) often report that they make attempts to avoid thoughts associated with their traumatic experience.latin-ancient latin-ancient
a) they shall fix the day, hour and manner in which the body of the deceased Pope shall be brought to the Vatican Basilica in order to be exposed for the homage of the faithful;
Igitur venientis exercitus fama et suopte ingenio ad mitiora inclinantes Galliarum civitates in Remos
The unarmed provinces with Italy at their head were exposed to any kind of slavery, and were ready to become the prize of victory.
Magnam Caesarem iniuriam facere, qui suo adventu vectigalia sibi deteriora faceret. Haeduis se obsides redditurum non esse neque his neque eorum sociis iniuria bellum inlaturum, si in eo manerent quod convenisset stipendiumque quotannis penderent; si id non fecissent, longe iis fraternum nomen populi Romani afuturum.latin-ancient latin-ancient
This led to incessant and outspoken remonstrances among the common people, who have less discretion and are exposed to fewer dangers than others from the insignificance of their position.
Quod quidem hoc anno ea potissimum de causa agatur, ut divini nominis hostes, quotquot,sempiternum Numen renuunt ac proterve spernunt, quotquot catholicae fidei debitaeque Ecclesiae libertati insidiantur, quotquot denique contra divina humanaque iura vecordi nisu rebellantes, ad ruinam atque interitum communitatem hominum rapere conantur, praevalida interposita Deiparae Virginis precatione, tandem aliquando prostrati ac poenitentia ducti, sese ad frugem bonam et in Mariae tutelam ac fidem recipiant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
He thought he should not without great danger send to him as embassador one of his [Roman] officers, and should expose him to savage men.
Contractus deinde omnis exercitus sub pellibus habitus est ad reliqua belli perpetranda.latin-ancient latin-ancient
None that had any thing to lose could escape accusation; insomuch, that the plunder of their private fortunes was aggravated by the dangers they were exposed to from pretended crimes.
Item insequenti die eadem consuetudine dum longius prosequitur, quo loco equites nostri stationem habuerant, aliquot turmae cum levi armatura impetu facto loco sunt deiecti et propter paucitatem nostrorum equitum simul cum levi armatura inter turmas adversariorum protriti.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The amas submerse approximately an additional four inches when retracted but retain their orientation to the main hull, so no additional surface is exposed to fouling if the amas were painted for the retracted waterline.
Plus discriminis apud Grinnes Vadamque.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
An adolescent is exposed to new people and new surroundings, particularly teachers and classmates, who exercise an influence over his life which can be either helpful or harmful.
et cum accusatores ac testes certatim perorarent respondente nullo, miseratio quam invidia
Gen 1:26), the human being is exposed to more humiliating and degrading forms of "manipulation", that most assuredly reduce the individual to a slavery to those who are stronger.
verba inerant quaesita asperitate: sed non arma, non rerum novarum studium, amores iuvenum et impudicitiam nepoti
Deprived of what Revelation offers, reason has taken side-tracks which expose it to the danger of losing sight of its final goal.
Ea re cognita Caesar, cum in omnibus partibus Galliae bene res geri videret iudicaretque superioribus aestivis Galliam devictam subactamque esse, Aquitaniam numquam adisset, per Publium Crassum quadam ex parte devicisset, cum duabus legionibus in eam partem Galliae est profectus, ut ibi extremum tempus consumeret
A woman is left alone, exposed to public opinion with "her sin", while behind "her" sin there lurks a man - a sinner, guilty "of the other's sin", indeed equally responsible for it.
Consistit agmen; impedimenta intra legiones
113 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.