marzipan oor Letties


werkwoord, naamwoord
a confection of almond paste, sugar and egg white

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Letties


A confection of almond paste and sugar.
Nougat, marzipan or its substitutes or similar products
Nuga, marcipāns to aizstājēji, vai tiem līdzīgi produkti

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
In varieties of panellets that do not contain fruit, these checks are carried out on the finished product, while in those that contain fruit, they are carried out on the marzipan paste
Priekšsēdētājas kundze, dāmas un kungi! Apspriežamajā ziņojumā noteikti ir vairāki pozitīvi aspekti, un tā vispārējais mērķis ir vienkāršot procedūras un samazināt birokrātiju attiecībā uz trešo valstu darba ņēmējiem, kuriem ir derīga uzturēšanās atļauja kādā dalībvalstī.oj4 oj4
pastes including marzipan, in immediate packagings of a net content of 1 kg or more falling within CN code 1704 90 51;
Lēmumu #/#/EK, Euratom atceļEurLex-2 EurLex-2
However, these subheadings exclude pastes for making marzipan, nougat, etc. (heading 1704 ).
Eiropas Parlamenta #. gada #. jūnija rezolūcija par gaidāmo ES un ASV augstākā līmeņa sanāksmiEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Crackers, rice cakes, biscuits, snack-foods, cakes, decorations for cakes, marzipan, pralines, popcorn, custard
Taisnīga tirdzniecība veicina pārredzamību, labu pārvaldību un atbildību un tādējādi sekmē ilgtspējīgu attīstībutmClass tmClass
There is a large variety of panellets made from three different kinds of marzipan: basic marzipan, coarse marzipan and fine marzipan.
Anulēšanas mērķis ir nepieļaut ieceļošanu Šengenas Līguma valstīs, jo īpaši tad, ja vīza ir kļūdas dēļ izsniegta ārvalstniekam, kurš ir nevēlama persona ieceļošanai attiecīgajā valstīEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Nougat, Marzipan and nougat products
Uz faktiem un pieredzi balstīta politika un prakse: uzaicinājums iesniegt priekšlikumus, lai izveidotu iniciatīvu tīklus starpniecībai zināšanu apmaiņas jomātmClass tmClass
Confectionery, namely sweets, drops, boiled sweets, lollipops of any kind, pastilles, wine gum, jellies, bubble gum, chewing gum, jelly beans, licorice, chocolate, marzipan, ice cream, ice lollies, candy strips, liquid candy, candy gel, candy juice, marshmallows, candy foam, candy powder, biscuits, cakes, pastry, popping candy and other products prepared for consumption and consisting primarily the aforesaid goods
Tomēr, analizējot būvētavas #. gadā veiktās darbības, izrādās, ka militārajā jomā veikto darbību apmērs bija nelielstmClass tmClass
Brittle, nougat, marzipan, persipan and goods made therefrom
ierobežot tādas informācijas izplatīšanu, lai tā sasniegtu tikai tās lietotājus un lai tādējādi nodrošinātu pienācīgu šīs informācijas konfidencialitātitmClass tmClass
Pastes, including marzipan, in immediate packings of a net content of 1 kg or more
Oatmeal and oats, yeast for non-medical purposes, honey, candy, sweets, coffee, tea, cocoa, coffee substitutes, coffee beverages, cocoa products, cocoa beverages, biscuits, gingerbread, waffles, crackers (biscuits), pastries and cake mixes powder and cake, marzipan, Molasses and treacle, cereals, coated nuts (confectionary), chocolate, chocolate drinks, ice cream
Komisija par to informē pārējās dalībvalstistmClass tmClass
Almond confectionery, Pudding, Puffed rice, Gingerbread, Marzipan, Muesli
Atsevišķos, ļoti retos un skaidri definētos gadījumos reģiona strukturālie trūkumi var būt tik izteikti, ka, apvienojot reģionālo ieguldījumu atbalstu ar vispusīgu horizontālā atbalsta shēmu, tas tik un tā nebūtu pietiekami, lai dotu impulsu reģionālās attīstības procesamtmClass tmClass
Chocolate and chocolate goods, other than with fillings of white wine or red wine, pralines, including with liquid fillings, other than with fillings of white wine or red wine, cocoa, cocoa products, nougat, fat-based glaze, sugar confectionery, other than with fillings of white wine or red wine, marzipan, marzipan substitutes, fondants (confectionery), jelly products, namely pralines with jelly fillings (confectionery)
Šī direktīva neatņem vai jebkādi nekvalificē braukšanas tiesības, kas piešķirtas pirms #. gada #. janvāristmClass tmClass
These subheadings also include pastes for the manufacture of fondant, marzipan, nougat, etc., which are semi-manufactured products used in confectionery and generally put up as blocks or cakes.
tilpības sertifikāta kopija, kuru atbilstīgi apstiprinājusi karoga dalībvalsts un kurā norādīta kuģa tilpībaEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
The original recipe and expertise of the master craftsmen traversed the imperial city's walls centuries ago, which is why those parts of the province where the marzipan factories are located also have their own marzipan-related festivities and traditions.
Pieteikuma paraugs, kas jāaizpilda, piesakoties atbalsta saņemšanai, ir pieejams šajā tīmekļa vietnēEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Retail services in relation to cocoa, including in instant form, drinking chocolate, chocolate goods, pralines, including the aforesaid goods with liquid or semi-solid fillings, in particular truffles and mini-truffles, with and without alcohol, peppermint sweets, almond slices and almond slivers, coconut flakes, brittle, Mozart balls and rum balls, fruits in chocolate, dragees, ice confectionery, pastry and confectionery, in particular waffles, confectionery, including gum confectioners, in particular fruit gums, sweets and lollipops, liquorice, French toast, marzipan and fruits in marzipan, popcorn, snacks, including all the aforesaid goods being dietetic substances not adapted for medical use
Aktīvi Eiropas piemiņas pasākumitmClass tmClass
The craft confectioners consequently consider that it does not make sense to talk of a record of the daily production of panellets since, although these are the final product, the production process starts one or even more days beforehand, when the basic marzipan is made.
Tādēļ ir svarīgi ieviest standarta klasifikatoru, kas nodrošinātu salīdzināmus datus par profesijāmEurLex-2 EurLex-2
For each kilo of basic marzipan, 300 g of marron glacé paste are added.
Dokuments attiecas uz EEZEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Cocoa extracts for food and for consumption, chocolate and chocolate goods, chocolates, including with liquid fillings, confectionery, in particular marzipan, fondant and jelly products, sweets (confectionery)
Piesārņotājviela C SO# Kopīgais organiskais ogleklis (TOC) # Kompetentā iestāde var pieļaut izņēmumus gadījumos, kad kopējais organiskais ogleklis un SO# nerodas no atkritumu sadedzināšanastmClass tmClass
Honey, syrups and marzipan
EESK uzskata, ka Kopienas integrācijas procesa pašreizējos apstākļos Regulu minētajā jomā nav iespējams izstrādāttmClass tmClass
Cocoa, cocoa-based products, marzipan, nougat, pralines, confectionery, pastry and confectionery, chocolate, chocolate goods, chocolate products (all filled with spirits), including all the aforesaid goods being dietetic products
EK Līguma #. panta #. punktā ir uzskaitīti daži atbalsta veidi, kas ir atbilstīgi kopējam tirgumtmClass tmClass
Coffee, Tea, Cocoa, Herbal teas, Herbal beverages [other than for medicinal use], Herbal preparations for making beverages, Candy, Farinaceous food pastes, Bread, Pastry and confectionery, Chocolate goods, Candy, Chocolates, Pralines filled with spirits or wine, Sugarless sweets, Sweets (Non-medicated -) containing herbal flavourings, Ice confectionery, Candy, Bonbons made of sugar, Non-medicated confectionery products, Sweets (Non-medicated -) in the nature of sugar confectionery, Marzipan
Būtu jānodrošina tiesības visām dalībvalstīm piedalīties šajā darbātmClass tmClass
Commercial retailing and retailing via global computer networks, meat, fish, poultry and game, meat extracts, preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables, jellies, jams, compotes, eggs, milk and milk products, edible oils and fats, turrón, marzipan, coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, coffee substitutes, flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, edible ices, honey, treacle, yeast, baking powder, salt, mustard, vinegar, sauces (condiments), spices, ice,
Tās var nodarīt ļaunumu pat tad, ja šiem cilvēkiem ir līdzīgi simptomi. – Ja jebkuras blakusparādības kļūst izteiktākas vai Jūs novērojat jebkādas šajā instrukcijā neminētas blakusparādības, pastāstiet par tām ārstam vai farmaceitamtmClass tmClass
Chocolate, chocolate goods, in particular pralines, marzipan, confectionery, in particular sweets, dragees, wine gums and fruit gums, chews and chewing gum (except for medical purposes)
Tāpēc pieprasījuma iesniedzēja arguments bija jānoraidatmClass tmClass
ex || 1704 90 || Other sugar confectionery, not containing cocoa; with the exception of : - liquorice extract containing more than 10 % by weight of sucrose but not containing other added substances, falling within the CN code 1704 90 10; - white chocolate falling within the CN code 1704 90 30; - pastes including marzipan, in immediate packagings of a net content of 1 kg or more falling within the CN code 1704 90 51. || 0 || EA MAX 18,7 % + AD S/Z
Ja darba laikā ir regulāri un bieži darba pārtraukumi un nav atpūtas telpu, un, ja to prasa darbinieku drošība un veselības aizsardzība, ir jānodrošina citas telpas, kurās darbinieki varētu uzturēties šādos darba starplaikosEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Another tradition in Toledo is the production of marzipan, whose origin dates back to the Arabic conquest of the city.
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