masculine oor Letties


/ˈmæskjələn/, /ˈmæskjəlɪn/, /ˈmæskjuːlɪn/, /ˈmæskjʊlɪn/ adjektief, naamwoord
pertaining to male humans, men:

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Letties


grammar: being of the masculine class, being inflected in the masculine manner
Teachers should remind students that some masculine terms refer to both males and females.
Skolotājiem būtu studentiem jāatgādina, ka daži vīriešu dzimtes termini attiecas gan uz vīriešiem, gan sievietēm.


having male qualities, not feminine or effeminate
We need to involve more women in vocational training, the sciences and educational fields that have been until now considered as 'masculine'.
Vairāk sievietēm ir jānodrošina iespēja iegūt profesionālo izglītību, un sievietes vairāk ir jāiesaista zinātnes un izglītības nozarē, kas līdz šim tika uzskatītas par vīrišķīgām.


having male qualities, not feminine or effeminate
“Yang,” the opposite, stands for things bright, hot, masculine.
Tā pretstats ”jan” simbolizē to, kas ir gaišs, karsts, vīrišķs.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
16 For a man or woman, boy or girl, to act in or dress in a sexually provocative way would not enhance true masculinity or femininity, and it certainly does not honor God.
Ja pasākumus nesaglabās, ir iespējams, ka Kopienas ražošanas nozare atkal cietīs no kaitējuma, ko radīs vairāk importa par subsidētām cenām no attiecīgās valsts, un tās pašreizējā nestabilā finansiālā situācija pasliktināsiesjw2019 jw2019
6 Misuse of masculinity and femininity became grossly apparent prior to the Flood.
Tam būs nepieciešama turpmāka zinātniskā izpēte un attīstībajw2019 jw2019
In secondary school, a boy and a girl, both of them teenagers, both of them with the same amount of pocket money, would go out and then the boy would be expected always to pay, to prove his masculinity.
Uzņēmums aptur aizņēmumu izmaksu kapitalizāciju, ja ilgākos periodos tas ir pārtraucis aktīvus kritērijam atbilstošā aktīva attīstīšanas pasākumusted2019 ted2019
In identifying the combating of stereotypes as a priority, the roadmap pointed out that feminine and masculine stereotypes give rise to many inequalities.
Iepriekšējā izmeklēšanā Amerikas Savienotās Valstis tika izmantotas atbilstoša tirgus ekonomikas valsts, lai tiem uzņēmumiem, kuriem nebija piešķirts tirgus ekonomikas režīms, noteiktu normālo vērtību attiecībā uz Ķīnas Tautas RepublikuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(PL) Madam President, I would like to congratulate my colleague Zita Gurmai because she has done something wonderful - she has mastered and prepared an excellent report in an area that would appear to be very technical and 'masculine'.
Saskaņotas piemērotības prasības kuģiem un termināliem, unEuroparl8 Europarl8
It is also common for a single clothing manufacturer to use sub-brands (signs that derive from a principal mark and which share with it a common dominant element) in order to distinguish its various lines from one another (feminine, masculine, young) (Fifties, paragraph 49; Case T‐129/01 Alejandro v OHIM – Anheuser‐Busch (BUDMEN) [2003] ECR II‐2251, paragraph 57; and NLSPORT, NLJEANS, NLACTIVE and NLCollection, paragraph 51).
tā kā Regulas Nr. #/EEK #.a panta #. punktā ir noteikts, ka Padome paredz kritērijus olīveļļas un citu augu eļļu mobilizēšanai Kopienas tirgū, lai tās piegādātu kā pārtikas atbalstuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
It is also important to show how conceptions and traditions shape perceptions of what is masculine and feminine in the field of technology.
PriekšsēdētājsEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Women are needed in all areas of business, particularly in those traditionally regarded as masculine.
Tātad piemēro principu, saskaņā ar ko datus izdzēš, tiklīdz tie nav vajadzīgi, lai noteiktu izsaukumus vai savienojumusEuroparl8 Europarl8
14 While valid femininity and masculinity are based on spiritual qualities, physical bearing and appearance, including the clothing that we wear and the way that we wear it, make a statement about us.
Dzimšanas vieta: Negeri Sembilan, Malaizijajw2019 jw2019
(10) Saint Thomas Aquinas thought that masculinity was nature at its most noble, and that woman was ‘deficient and unintentionally caused’, ‘naturally subject to man, because in man the discretion of reason predominates.
Suspensija injekcijaiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Recognises that from a young age many girls are discouraged from pursuing school and university subjects perceived as inherently ‘masculine’, such as science, maths and technology; recommends introducing initial courses at school in the basics of entrepreneurship and broadening the spectrum of possible subjects and careers open to girls, so that they are able to develop the knowledge base and full range of skills necessary for succeeding in business; highlights the importance of fostering girls’ and women’s employability through skills training and lifelong learning;
Padomes Regulas (EK) Nr. # I pielikums (olasEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Empowering women and breaking down gender stereotypes surrounding weapons will address the root causes of gender-based violence which include patriarchal systems, gender inequitable attitudes and violent aspects of traditional masculinity.
Novēroto drošību mēra, izmantojot #. papildinājumā uzskaitītās mērvienības, #.#. punktā minētos datus un laikrindas, kas punktam ietver pēdējos novērojuma gadus, kā noteikts #.#. punktāEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Certain packaging and tobacco products could also mislead consumers by suggesting benefits in terms of weight loss, sex appeal, social status, social life or qualities such as femininity, masculinity or elegance.
Paziņojums ir uzskatāms par pilnīgu Padomes Regulas (EK) Nr.#/# #. panta #. punkta izpratnē kopš #. gada #. janvāraEurLex-2 EurLex-2
51 It should be noted that the earlier mark comprises the masculine given name Arthur, whereas the trade mark applied for comprises the same masculine given name, a coordinating conjunction and a feminine given name.
Eiropas Savienības Oficiālā Vēstneša EEZ pielikumā publicējamie Lēmumu #/EK, #/EK, #/EK un #/EK teksti islandiešu un norvēģu valodāir autentiskiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
A female accountant, describing a contrasting style, relates: “I’ve watched how men behave towards women who dress down, or dress in a very severe masculine style.
Dalībnieks, kas plāno saskaņot neatbilstošus noteikumus, kurus piedāvājis kāds, kas nav Dalībnieks, ievēro #. panta a) apakšpunkta iepriekšējās paziņošanas un apspriešanas procedūrujw2019 jw2019
Some scriptures are couched in masculine language due to the nature of the languages they were derived from.
Regulas #. panta #. punktu papildina ar šādu apakšpunktuLDS LDS
Although we refer to prisoners in the masculine gender, the principles discussed generally refer to both male and female inmates.
Atkāpjoties no Direktīvas #/#/EK #. panta, ar šo Nīderlandes Karalistei līdz #. gada #. decembrim atļauj gatavu apģērbu nozarē piemērot shēmu, ar kuru apakšuzņēmēja saistības maksāt PVN nodokļu iestādēm tiek nodotas apģērbu ražošanas uzņēmumam (darbuzņēmējamjw2019 jw2019
(20b) The masculine gender shall be used in this regulation solely as a means of making the text more readable, with no discrimination intended.
Ar apstrīdēto #. pantu Komisija nolēma citu starpā nodalīt arī maksātāju, uz kuriem atsaucas prasītājs, kontus, un tos pakļaut vēlāk pieņemamam dzēšanas lēmumamnot-set not-set
Now, of course because of that historical advantage, it is mostly men who will have more today, but if we start raising children differently, then in fifty years, in a hundred years, boys will no longer have the pressure of having to prove this masculinity.
Mūsdienās pievienotās vērtības radīšanas un piegādes ķēžu saistība arvien palielinās, un daudzās jomās tagad izveidojies pasaules mēroga tīklsted2019 ted2019
I focus today on the good that men can do in the highest of masculine roles—husband and father.
Trešo valstu piedalīšanāsLDS LDS
whereas men and boys experience gendered mental health conditions; whereas in Europe, men are almost 5 times more likely to commit suicide than women and suicide is the biggest cause of death for men under the age of 35; whereas men are 3 times more likely than women to become alcohol-dependent and are more likely to use (and die from) illegal drugs; whereas men are less likely to access psychological therapies than women; whereas men and boys face gender stereotypes surrounding masculinity which may encourage repression of emotions or resort to anger, and these have an impact on men’s mental health, as well as on the phenomenon of gender-based violence;
Lietderīga ir arī premiālā samaksas sistēma par izmantotajām izejvielāmEurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
whereas gender discrimination in other social and political aspects is worsened by the persisting gender pay gap, especially between the so-called feminine and masculine economic sectors,
Ekonomikas atveseļošanās cita starpā ir balstīta uz jaunu tehnoloģiju un digitālās ekonomikas izmantošanu.not-set not-set
‘Common’ grammatical gender (the merging of ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’).
Tehniskos noteikumus, kas vajadzīgi, lai ievadītu, atjauninātu, dzēstu un meklētu #. punktā minētos datus, izstrādā saskaņā ar #. pantā minēto procedūru, neskarot instrumentu, ar ko izveido #. pantā minēto vadības iestādiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In Germany, however, a different approach was taken: existing titles, although they could no longer be borne as such, became part of the family surname, transmitted to all children, subject only to variations according to the sex of the child where an element has both a masculine and a feminine form – for example Fürst (Prince) and Fürstin (Princess).
Maksimālais pieejamais budžets saskaņā ar šo uzaicinājumu iesniegt pieteikumus ir EUREurLex-2 EurLex-2
What if both boys and girls were raised not to link masculinity with money?
Līguma par Eiropas Savienībuted2019 ted2019
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