Ecofin oor Nederlands


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The Ecofin adopted its opinion on these reports this morning.
De Ecofin-Raad heeft vanmorgen zijn advies over deze verslagen vastgesteld.

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In particular, through its participation in meetings of the ECOFIN Council, the Eurogroup, the Economic and Financial Committee (EFC) and the Economic Policy Committee (EPC), the ECB continued to engage in a constructive dialogue with representatives of the Member States and the European Commission, at both the political level and the technical level
Ik weet dat jij Neo bentECB ECB
This view is confirmed by external consultants who have evaluated the Integrated Guidelines and by EcoFin Council conclusions on 13 November 2007.
Niettemin kan, behalve in een zeer gering aantal landen, worden vastgesteld datnot-set not-set
27. Recalls the joint statement by the Parliament, the Council and the Commission [8] negotiated at the conciliation before the Ecofin budget Council of 13 July 2007 calling for (i) a list of agencies which the Commission intends to assess; and (ii) a list of the agencies already assessed, together with a summary of the major findings;
Bij de uitbreiding van de spoorweginfrastructuur zal Infrabel ervoor zorgen concepten en materialen te kiezen die het lawaai aan de bron verminderen conform de voorschriften van de op dat stuk bevoegde overhedenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(45) This report was presented to the Ecofin Council on 23 November 1998 but has not been published.
Hij betwist echter niet dat dergelijke beschermingsmaatregelen nut hebbenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Consequently, I think that Ecofin’s first task should be to read the Treaties and respect them.
Met al de lol die je hebt... vliegt de tijd, en het is al gauw half zesEuroparl8 Europarl8
I therefore implore this House, politely yet forcefully, to support our amendment and allow a split vote on the recommendations of the Ecofin Council, so that we can vote individually on this issue.
Ik probeer hem niet te vervangenEuroparl8 Europarl8
The third progress report, endorsed by the Ecofin Council on 19 January 2001, also specified the timetable for modifying existing statistical regulations.
We hebben al een vrijwilligerEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Welcomes the European Council's call for close monitoring of potential price increases by retailers during the process of the physical introduction of euro notes and coins; welcomes the initiatives taken by the Commission to ensure that cross-border payments become cheaper and asks Ecofin to adopt, before the Laeken Council, a regulation aligning the rates for these payments on national rates;
' Alle kandidaten die tonen dat ze ernstige bedoelingen en aanzienlijke steun hebben... en in de laatste # dagen zitten van de verkiezingen... moeten kunnen meedoen met de debattennot-set not-set
I have, of course, also noted what Mrs Schreyer said about her bringing the issue up at the ECOFIN meeting and I look forward to this discussion.
En vervolgens de enige man gevangenzet...... die wist dat monsieur Clarion met die samenzwering te maken hadEuroparl8 Europarl8
The Commission has also carefully taken note of the ECOFIN Council conclusions of the same date, emphasising the importance of promoting the principles of good governance in the tax area - that is transparency, exchange of information and fair tax competition - and the inclusion of related provisions in agreements with third countries and third country groupings.
De totstandbrenging van publiek-private partnerschappen (of andere vormen van samenwerking tussen de overheid en de particuliere sector) vereist een vaste financiële toezegging van de institutionele investeerders die voldoende aantrekkelijk is om particulier kapitaal te mobiliserenEuroparl8 Europarl8
1.5 The ECOFIN Council of 19 May 1998 approved the report and underlined the importance of a computerised control system as a long-term goal, subject to the outcome of the feasibility study.
Prediken tegen een goddeloos mens is een moeilijke taakEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The EESC therefore urges the Commission to keep the momentum going and maintain the commitment of the heads of state or government, the ECOFIN members and the Level # committees, as it is important that they take ownership of the single market
Dus het is een leugendetector?oj4 oj4
The Ecofin adopted its opinion on these reports this morning.
Kunnen ze meenemen naar de rechtszaalEuroparl8 Europarl8
Under the new approach agreed by ECOFIN all Member States will ultimately be expected to exchange information on cross-border interest payments.
Gast, dat zit er helemaal niet in!EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Commission, the Council and the European Central Bank are still using the Ecofin "decision" banning the circulation of banknotes before 1 January 2002 as the pretext for their refusal to supply the public with euros in advance.
Het is verboden de volgende afvalstoffen in een centrum voor technische ingraving te storten vanaf # julinot-set not-set
Let me underline that a faster reduction of the public deficit is indeed an essential component of the financial stability package that was agreed on 10 May by Ecofin.
Nee, dat hoeft nietEuroparl8 Europarl8
Is satisfied that the Ecofin Council of 5 June 2007 invited the Commission to analyse the effects of an optional reverse charge mechanism and to submit its findings to the Council by the end of 2007; notes in particular that the Council asked the Commission to examine the possibility of running a pilot project in Austria; invites the Commission to present its findings also to Parliament;
Ja, dat is geweldigEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In its cover note of 7 June 2005 to the European Council on the broad economic policy guidelines for the period 2005-2008, the ECOFIN Council stated that the national reform programmes should be consistent with the stability and convergence programmes; compliance with the code of conduct[5], which inter alia prescribes a common structure and set of data tables for the stability and convergence programmes.
Daarom vraag ik mijn collega's met veel nadruk de amendementen aan te nemen die de consument in staat stellen in een oogopslag het verschil te zien tussen echte chocola en chocola met andere plantaardige vetten dan cacaoboter.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Subject: Euro Council Despite earlier Council decisions that the preparatory talks held prior to Ecofin meetings between ministers from the 12 euro countries would be completely informal and that only euro-related issues would be discussed, the signs are increasing that such talks are becoming formalised to resemble a 'euro Council' and, in practice, by taking preliminary decisions on a range of Ecofin issues, are taking over real power from ECOFIN.
Bedankt, RedEuroparl8 Europarl8
(56) This report was presented to the Ecofin Council on 23 November 1998 but has not been published.
Hij moest het wel doenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In a note on the proposed loan for Turkey addressed to the Ecofin Council dated 30 September 1999, Commissioner SOLBES remarked that “if planned amounts for other actions benefiting from the Guarantee Fund are significantly expanded, it is essential that some re-focusing of priorities is undertaken”.
Met mijn vingerafdrukken op ' t pistoolnot-set not-set
In its cover note of 7 June 2005 to the European Council on the broad economic policy guidelines for the period 2005-2008, the ECOFIN Council stated that the national reform programmes should be consistent with the stability and convergence programmes; compliance with the code of conduct[4], which inter alia prescribes a common structure and set of data tables for the stability and convergence programmes.
De eerste referteperiode is de periode van # juli # tot # juniEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In view of the application of the rules on resolution and, in particular, the establishment of the resolution authority, approved by the Ecofin Council in December 2013, the EESC advocates the immediate development of arrangements for the coordination and identification of the national and European authorities' responsibilities, in order to avoid the risk of duplicate decisions or, worse still, of conflicting interpretations and assessments by the relevant authorities.
ondersteuning van de toepassing van internationale goede praktijken op fiscaal gebied, waaronder transparantie en informatie-uitwisseling, in de ACS-staten die zich daartoe verbonden hebbenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Ecofin Council conclusions set the maximum volume of the mechanism to EUR 60 billion[17], with the legal limit being provided in Article 2(2) of Council Regulation No 407/2010, which limits the outstanding amount to the margin available under the own resources ceiling.
b) is de zending niet in aanraking geweest met andere producten van dierlijke oorsprong of met levende dieren die verspreiding van een ernstige overdraagbare ziekte zouden kunnen veroorzakenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Calls on ECOFIN to address speculation around energy prices in a vigorous but realistic way by establishing a common code of conduct to prevent speculation on the energy-trading floors and by introducing coordinated policies on the taxation of windfall profits of energy speculators and big energy companies; the revenue from those incomes could constitute the basis for setting up national funds for oil innovation and relief;
De Heer was bij menot-set not-set
206 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.