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Making this powerful point, the apostle John wrote: “Everyone who hates his brother is a manslayer . . .
使徒约翰强调说:“凡恨弟兄的,都是杀人的。jw2019 jw2019
Paul skillfully used Agrippa’s evasive statement to make a powerful point.
保罗机巧地根据亚基帕模棱两可的话一个有力的论点。jw2019 jw2019
Dag Hammarskjöld Library, power point presentation: “Capturing, managing and sharing the United Nations institutional memory”
达格·哈舍尔德图书馆的幻灯演示:收集、共享和利用拥有与专门知识有关的实质性知识。MultiUn MultiUn
Method for controlling solar maxi power point tracking and electrodeless lamp system
一种具有太阳能最大功率跟踪控制的方法及无极灯系统patents-wipo patents-wipo
� Dag Hammarskjöld Library, power point presentation: “Capturing, managing and sharing the United Nations institutional memory”.
� 达格·哈舍尔德图书馆的幻灯演示:收集、共享和利用拥有与专门知识有关的实质性知识。UN-2 UN-2
The power-point presentation demonstrated how this closed voting option could be used for the purpose of balloting
通过PPT演示可见,这种供选择的非公开表决办法可用于无记名投票。MultiUn MultiUn
17, 18. (a) What powerful point does Peter make regarding those who practice sin?
17,18.( 甲)关于惯常犯罪的人,彼得提出什么有力的论点?(jw2019 jw2019
The apostle also made the powerful point that only by faith in Jesus Christ can anyone be declared righteous.
保罗接着提出一个有力的要点:人惟独凭着相信耶稣基督才能称义。(jw2019 jw2019
To convey powerful points of teaching, the apostles Peter and Paul both skillfully employed illustrations based on the games.
使徒彼得和保罗在施行教导时,都用上这样的比喻,以求带出教训中强有力要点jw2019 jw2019
You make some powerful points, Sir, about the need to avoid any suggestion of a double standard existing between Somalia and Darfur
主席先生,针对需要避免让人认为在索马里和达尔富尔问题上存在双重标准的问题,你发表了一些为有力的看法。MultiUn MultiUn
Presentations and demonstrations, town hall meetings, power point presentations held, and awareness material distributed on the World AIDS day (1 December 2008)
介绍和演示;全体会议;世界艾滋病日(2008年12月1日)进行幻灯演示并散发宣传材料UN-2 UN-2
Presentation on the dismantlement of the former fissile material production facilities at Pierrelatte and Marcoule (Power point presentation by the French delegation);
关于拆除皮埃尔拉特和马尔库原有裂变材料生产设施的报告(法国代表团);UN-2 UN-2
These efforts have also illustrated a powerful point: rejection of violence, direct negotiations and courageous leadership can reverse decades of hatred and hostility.
这些努力也证明了一个强有力观点:摒弃暴力、直接谈判和有胆略的领导可以克服几十年的仇恨和敌对状态。UN-2 UN-2
How did Jesus use a simple illustration to make a powerful point, and what do you learn from his example? —Matthew 18:12-14.
耶稣怎样用简单的比喻有力地说明重要的道理? 你从他的榜样学到什么?( 马太福音18:12-14)jw2019 jw2019
It contains examples of young people who have chosen an untraditional career, quizzes, power point presentations for parent-teacher meetings, theme days at school, etc
网站包含了一些选择了非传统职业的年轻人的例子、测验、父母-教师会见PPT展示以及学校主题日等等。MultiUn MultiUn
During the questioning Justice Scalia made a powerful point when he said: “We can all stipulate that the safest societies in the world are totalitarian dictatorships.
斯卡利亚法官在提问之际,表达了一个有力论点,他说:“我们都承认,专制独裁体制下的社会,是最安全的社会,那里几乎没有罪案发生。jw2019 jw2019
9 A Time for Reflection: Think back to the powerful points that were made in the drama at the “God’s Prophetic Word” District Convention last year.
9 省察的时候:请回想一下去年“上帝的预言”区务大会戏剧的重点jw2019 jw2019
In addition, Power Point presentations on the work of the Council and its institutional mechanisms, prepared as tools for outreach activities, are available on the new website
此外,在新的网站上还对理事会及其机构的工作提供幻灯式文字展示,这也是外联活动的一种方式。MultiUn MultiUn
By utilizing MPPT (maximum power point tracking), solar pumping inverters regulate output frequency to control the speed of the pumps in order to save the pump motor from damage.
配合MPPT(最大功率追蹤),太陽能泵變頻器可以調節輸出頻率以控制泵的轉速,避免驅動泵的馬達損壞。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
What a powerful point to make to philosophers who might at that very moment have been glancing up at the many temples just above! —1 Kings 8:27; Isaiah 66:1.
保罗向当时也许正举目遥望山上许多庙宇的哲学家提出一个多么有力的论点!——列王纪上8:27;以赛亚书66:1。jw2019 jw2019
The power point presentations, information notes and case developed to assist designated national authorities or others in explaining the key elements of the Convention to interested stakeholders have been updated to reflect feedback from countries
根据各国的反馈已经增订了为了协助指定的国家主管部门或其他方面向有兴趣的利益攸关者解释《公约》关键内容的power point演示、情况说明和案例。MultiUn MultiUn
The management reports prepared for these meetings, basically Power Point presentations, contained useful information for management on very specific issues but little analysis of progress made towards implementing activities by objectives of the Business Plan
为这些会议编写的管理报告基本上以Power Point的格式演示,就非常具体的问题介绍非常有用的管理信息,但很少按照《业务计划》的目标来分析执行活动方面取得的进展。MultiUn MultiUn
New security standards have been made necessary in recent years, such as access control and buildings security, which require the construction of cabling infrastructure to allow for data and power points for access control and CCTV;
近年来,增加了必须遵守的新安保标准,例如,进出控制和大楼安保标准,因此,需要建设敷设电缆的基础设施,从而可以安装进出控制和闭路电视所需要的数据和电力链接点;UN-2 UN-2
Ultimately, the Foundation contributed a lengthy power point slide programme, a set of instructor guidelines and approximately 100 pages of text to the Critical Incident Stress Management training manual of the Department of Safety and Security.
最后,基金会贡献了一份长长的powerpoint幻灯片方案,一套教师准则和大约100页的安全和安保部《危机事件压力管理培训手册》。UN-2 UN-2
There are two power contact points (51) on the circuit board (50).
电路板(50)上具有两个电源触点(51),两电源触点(51)与插头件(20)的两插接部(22)一一对应电性连接。patents-wipo patents-wipo
1789 sinne gevind in 55 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.