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I want you to have a taste of that too.
我要 你们 陪 我 尝 这个 滋味OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You have to give'em a taste of the product.
必须 给 他们 产品 的 味道OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And it is not like you will have to sell your house to have a taste of this wonderful experience.
而且,你也不用把你的房子卖掉才能来感受一下这个奇妙的体验ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
We are committed to this quest for a working partnership to spread peace because, more than anybody else, we have tasted the lack of peace and security, and we know what the lack of peace means for a country and a region
我们致力于寻求建立一种工作伙伴关系,以扩展和平,因为我们比其他任何人都更深切地体验没有和平与安全的味道,而且我们深知缺乏和平对于一个国家和一个地区意味着什么。MultiUn MultiUn
We are committed to this quest for a working partnership to spread peace because, more than anybody else, we have tasted the lack of peace and security, and we know what the lack of peace means for a country and a region.
我们致力于寻求建立一种工作伙伴关系,以扩展和平,因为我们比其他任何人都更深切地体验没有和平与安全的味道,而且我们深知缺乏和平对于一个国家和一个地区意味着什么。UN-2 UN-2
However short your stay, it's possible to have a taste of island life in a variety of settings - from traditional villages to urban resorts.
无论您呆在马耳他的时间长短,您都可以从传统乡村到现代度假村等不同的环境中体验一下海岛生活。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
(Hebrews 10:36) Having tasted the blessing of a right relationship with Jehovah, determine never to give it up.
希伯来书10:36)既已体验到与耶和华保持良好关系所带来的幸福,决心永不舍弃这项关系。jw2019 jw2019
When Jesus instructed us to pray that Godís "will be done on earth as it is in heaven " (Matthew 6:10 ), He revealed that God wants us to have a taste of heaven here on earth!
耶稣在世的时候,我们祈祷天父的"旨意行在地上,如同行在天上 " ( 马太福音 6:10 ) — —耶和华想让我们在地上就开始体验天堂的滋味。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
You can choose to have a taste of our Lebanese signature restaurant Bourj al Hamam or a delectable brunch buffet at Mediterranee restaurant, or relax at Hemingway’s Bar & Lounge and Square, Beirut’s trendiest chill out lounge; or maybe just chill by the pool and get taken care of.
您可在我们的 Bourj al Hamam 餐厅品尝具有黎巴嫩特色的美食或在 Mediterranee 餐厅享用美味的早午餐自助餐,或者您可以去 Hemingway’s 酒吧和 酒廊以及贝鲁特最时尚的 Square 休闲酒廊放松身心,或者只是 在游泳池舒服放松,享受周到的照顾。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Brazil has barely uttered a word in reaction to the region’s tumult, while Russia and China have little taste for sanctions against Libya in light of their own autocratic governments.
巴西对中东乱局几乎一言不发,而俄罗斯和中国则由于自身受控于独裁政府而没有兴趣制裁利比亚。ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
When the Kosovars taste the fruits of economic growth, they will be more predisposed towards having a peaceful, stable and secure environment to further build the economy
一旦科索沃人尝到经济增长的好处,他们将更加愿意有一个和平、稳定与安全环境,进一步建设经济。MultiUn MultiUn
Their guides will show you a full of Secrets and Romantic Corners Madrid and also accompany you to go shopping in the most prestigious boutiques of the Capital of Spain or to have a taste of the famous Spanish Tapas in the fantastic San Miguel Market, or even to visit the stadium of Madrid’s famous soccer team.
他们的导游会带你探索城市的秘密,体验马德里仍保留着的罗马时代 的角落,还会带领你去西班牙首都最为精致的小店购物,或者带你去繁华的圣米盖尔广场尝享有盛名的Tapas, 或者甚至去参观著名的马德里足球俱乐部的体育场。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
After the Games have concluded, that infrastructure will be used by young people from the suburbs of San Salvador to develop a taste and aptitude for sport, which is associated with educational and social action.
在运动会结束之后,这一基础设施将为来自圣萨尔瓦多郊区的年轻人所用,以培养体育方面的兴趣和能力,这是与教育和社会行动联系在一起的。UN-2 UN-2
After the Games have concluded, that infrastructure will be used by young people from the suburbs of San Salvador to develop a taste and aptitude for sport, which is associated with educational and social action
在运动会结束之后,这一基础设施将为来自圣萨尔瓦多郊区的年轻人所用,以培养体育方面的兴趣和能力,这是与教育和社会行动联系在一起的。MultiUn MultiUn
That table must have seats for the unborn generations, as well as seats for this generation wishing to taste the social and economic prosperity of a new world order
这个谈判桌必须为尚未出生的后代留有座位,也必须为希望品尝新世界秩序的社会和经济繁荣的当代留有座位。MultiUn MultiUn
That table must have seats for the unborn generations, as well as seats for this generation wishing to taste the social and economic prosperity of a new world order.
这个谈判桌必须为尚未出生的后代留有座位,也必须为希望品尝新世界秩序的社会和经济繁荣的当代留有座位。UN-2 UN-2
Hot spring towns like Beppu, home to clusters of hotels to suit every taste and every budget, have been popular vacation destinations in Japan for at least a thousand years.
像別府這樣的溫泉城鎮,同時也是滿足各種需求及不同預算旅舍群聚的所在地,在日本已經算是至少有千年歷史的度假勝地。gv2019 gv2019
From ancient times salt, egg whites, and other substances have been employed to clarify or bring out the color and taste of wine, the Romans even using sulfur as a disinfectant in wine making.
自古以来,人们用盐、蛋白和其他物质去使酒澄清或改善酒的颜色和味道,罗马人甚至在制酒过程用硫磺作为消毒剂。jw2019 jw2019
After all, we've engineered transgenic crops to be maximized for profit, crops that stand up to transport, crops that have a long shelf life, crops that taste sugary sweet but resist pests, sometimes at the expense of nutritional value.
毕竟我们已经创造了转基因庄稼, 来最大化收益, 能够承受住运输的庄稼, 有长保质的庄稼, 吃起来很甜但是抵抗害虫的庄稼, 有的时候以营养价值为代价。ted2019 ted2019
One idea is that chicken is seen as having a bland taste compared to other meats because fat contributes more flavor than muscle (especially in the case of a lean cut such as a skinless chicken breast), making it a generic choice for comparison.
有一種想法是雞肉嘗起來淡而無味的,因為脂肪比起肌肉提供更多味道(尤其如果是瘦肉如無皮的雞胸肉),使它成為在比較時一個通用選擇。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As regards that speech by President Bush and that whole spectacle at the White House, I have to say that it was a pathetic show, an irrelevant and cynical speech, a ridiculous act of propaganda in poor taste
至于布什总统的演讲以及白宫声势浩大的演出,我不得不那是一场可悲的表演,一篇离题万里、愤世嫉演讲,一次品位低下、荒谬绝伦的宣传活动。MultiUn MultiUn
In anger the householder sends out to bring in “the poor and crippled and blind and lame,” and he declares that none of those first invited will have so much as “a tasteof his meal.
家主一怒之下,派人出去“领那贫穷的、残废的、瞎眼的、瘸腿的来”。 他宣告起初受到邀请的人,没有一个可以“得尝”他的晚宴。(jw2019 jw2019
To "soften" the taste of buckwheat is good to combine buckwheat flour with another, have a neutral taste.
软化"的味道荞麦是很好的结合荞麦面粉的另一个,有一个中性的味道ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Despite their ongoing suffering, frustration and oppression due to current security and living conditions, which have not improved as quickly as we had hoped, the people of Iraq have finally had a taste of the freedom that had been denied them for so many decades
尽管由于目前的安全和生活条件(安全和生活条件并没有象我们希望的那样迅速地改善)伊拉克人民继续遭受痛苦、感到沮丧并且受到压迫,但是他们最终尝到了几十年来被剥夺的自由的滋味。MultiUn MultiUn
To communicate our tastes and preferences we have chosen to create a magazine of our own.
为了传达我们的品味和喜好,我们选择创建一本我们自己的杂志ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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