fixerades oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Galisies - Engels

second-person plural pluperfect indicative of facer

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

o feito, feito está
facer mostras
facer cóxegas
facer contas
facer unha pausa
fagocito fixo
fixed phagocyte


Advanced filtering
Nas últimas décadas do século XIX, téxtiles, pinturas e outros artigos en cores como vermello, carmesí, azul e púrpura xa se fixeran accesibles.
By the closing decades of the 19th century, textiles, paints, and other commodities in colors such as red, crimson, blue, and purple had become affordable.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Un moi confiado Fagioli a miúdo mostraba un temperamento fogoso e tomaba represalias contra os demais pilotos na pista cando sentía que fixeran algo mal.
A supremely confident Fagioli often displayed a fiery temper and retaliated against other drivers on the track when he felt they had done something wrong.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Matara homes, a peza máis nobre de todas, e fixérao aplicando a lei da moca e o cairo.
He had killed man, the noblest game of all, and he had killed in the face of the law of club and fang.Literature Literature
Anos despois Law comentou que todo isto fora unha montaxe de Busby para evitar que outros xogadores fixeran o mesmo, e que segredamente si lle concedeu o aumento.
Law later claimed that Busby had used the incident to warn other players not to do the same thing, but had secretly given him the pay rise.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Agás dun saqueo devastador Danés no ano 853, continuou coa súa situación ata o século XIII, cando as melloras nos navíos ingleses fixérona indefendible.
Apart from a devastating Danish raid in 853 it remained the capital until the 13th century, when improvements to the English navy made the location indefensible.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A demostración de que os linfocitos granulares grandes illados por gradiente de densidade eran os responsables da actividade de "asasinato natural" nos humanos fixérona Timonen e Saksela en 1980, e foi a primeira vez que as células NK foron visualizadas microscopicamente e foi un gran progreso nese campo.
The demonstration that density gradient-isolated large granular lymphocytes were responsible for human NK activity, made by Timonen and Saksela in 1980, was the first time that NK cells had been visualized microscopically, and was a major breakthrough in the field.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Xa o fixeran antes, mais isto era novo para min.
They’d done it before but this sort of thing was brand new to me.Literature Literature
No 1960, dáse a Táboa Redonda de Bruxelas (do 20 de xaneiro ao 20 de febreiro) onde representantes congolés e belgas fixeran as etapas seguintes.
The Belgo-Congolese Round Table Conference (French: Table ronde belgo-congolaise) was a meeting organized in two parts in 1960 in Brussels (January 20 – February 20 and April 26 – May 16 ) between on the one side representatives of the Congolese political class and chiefs (French: chefs coutumiers) and on the other side Belgian political and business leaders.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pensaban que o fixeran para iso.
That's what they thought they had built it for.QED QED
Despois de que Senna e Patrese fixeran as súas paradas, Mansell estaba a uns 7 segundos do líder McLaren.
After Senna and Patrese had made their stops, Mansell was some 7 seconds behind the lead McLaren.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pero xa estaba caendo esterqueira abaixo, igual que o fixeran antes a súa muller e mais a súa filla.
But he was already toppling forward, and down the chute he went, just as his wife had done before him—and his daughter.Literature Literature
E si non fixeran ben, xa as teríamos esquencido.
An'if dey don't do no good, how come dey las'so long?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Un etnólogo e a súa muller xinecóloga... volven durante dúas semanas ao pobo onde fixeran unha investigación no pasado.
An ethnologist and his wife gynecologist... come back for two weeks to the village where they have done research in the past.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
En setembro de 1970, anunciaron que fixeran fibras monomodo cunha atenuación na lonxitude de onda de 633 nm da liña helio-neón por baixo de 20 dB/km.
In September 1970, they announced they had made single-mode fibers with attenuation at the 633-nanometer helium-neon line below 20 dB/km.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
En xuño de 2013, a empresa de software de seguridade McAfee publicou unha serie de datos demostrando que recadaran máis do dobre de mostras de ransomware durante ese cuarto do que fixeran no mesmo cuarto do ano anterior.
In June 2013, vendor McAfee released data showing that it had collected more than double the number of samples of ransomware that quarter than it had in the same quarter of the previous year.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ao final da volta 42, despois de que Senna e Prost fixeran as súas paradas en boxes para montar os slicks, a vantaxe de Senna era de 24 segundos.
At the end of lap 42, after he and Prost had made their pit stops for slicks, Senna's lead was back up to 24 seconds.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Levantouse unha cuberta de sumidoiro e a superficie da pista na curva 10 ao final da recta traseira (Washington Street) comezou a romperse do mesma xeito que Detroit e Fair Park fixeran no pasado.
A manhole cover was lifted and the track surface at turn 9 at the end of the back straight (Washington Street) had begun to break up in the same way Detroit and Dallas had done in the past.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O tipo de conversa da que saen sentíndose conectados e inspirados, ou na que senten coma se fixeran unha conexión real ou foran perfectamente comprendidos.
The kind of conversation where you walk away feeling engaged and inspired, or where you feel like you've made a real connection or you've been perfectly understood.ted2019 ted2019
Durante o proceso de desenvolvemento Iwata pediulles aos enxeñeiros que fixeran que a Wii non fose máis ancha que tres caixas de DVD xuntas, feito que acadaron no deseño final do modelo.
During the console's development process Iwata challenged engineers to make the Wii no thicker than three DVD cases stacked together, a feat they ultimately accomplished.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Este sería o último Gran Premio de España no Jarama, debido ao feito de ter unha pista demasiado estreita para a Fórmula Un moderna, o difícil trazado e a escasa capacidade de público (a pequena lonxitude do circuíto foi probablemente a causa de que a carreira do ano anterior non contara como unha carreira para o Campionato do Mundo, o anuncio fixérase no mesmo fin de semana), foi o último Gran Premio de España ata a tempada de 1986, cando se celebrou no recentemente construído Circuíto de Jerez no sur do país.
This would be the last Spanish Grand Prix at Jarama, owing to criticism of the track being too narrow for modern Formula One, the unpleasant conditions and the small crowd (the small turn-out was probably due to the backlash of the previous year's race not being counted as a World Championship race, the announcement was made on the weekend itself); and the last Spanish Grand Prix until the 1986 season, when it would be held at the newly built Jerez circuit in the south of the country.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Desde 1890 a 1940, a taxonomía dos milpés foi impulsada por relativamente poucos investigadores, e as maiores contribucións fixéronas Carl Attems, Karl Wilhelm Verhoeff e Ralph Vary Chamberlin, cada un dos cales describiu unhas 1.000 especies, e por Orator F. Cook, Filippo Silvestri, R. I. Pocock e Henry W. Brölemann.
From 1890 to 1940, millipede taxonomy was driven by relatively few researchers at any given time, with major contributions by Carl Attems, Karl Wilhelm Verhoeff and Ralph Vary Chamberlin, who each described over 1,000 species, as well as Orator F. Cook, Filippo Silvestri, R. I. Pocock, and Henry W. Brölemann.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O breve período da Segunda República tamén tivo a súa importancia debido ao laicismo oficial e ao feito de que boa parte dos xuetas simpatizasen co novo modelo de Estado, do mesmo xeito que anteriormente o fixeran coas ideas ilustradas e liberais.
The brief period of the Second Spanish Republic was also important both because of the official laïcism and because a good number of the Xuetes sympathized with the new model of the state, much as their forebears had sympathized with the ideas of the Enlightenment and the liberals.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pero sufriron de problemas de radiador e arrequecemento para que Fangio e Fagioli fixeran outra carreira de demostración dos Alfa, mentres que Farina sucumbiu por problemas ca bomba de combustible.
However, they suffered from radiator problems and overheated, allowing Fangio and Fagioli to lead home another Alfa demonstration run, whilst Farina succumbed to fuel pump trouble.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Eliasberg coñeceu posteriormente algúns dos alemáns que acamparan fóra de Leningrado durante a interpretación, que lle dixeron que lles fixeran crer que nunca tomarían a cidade: "A quen estamos bombardeando?
Eliasberg later met with some of the Germans who camped outside Leningrad during the performance, who told him that it had made them believe they would never capture the city: "Who are we bombing?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Aínda que baixo o nome The Primitives fixeran exclusivamente versións de cancións da década de 1960, o trío decidiu adoptar un novo enfoque e comezou a compor a súa propia música co seu novo nome.
Although they performed only 1960s cover songs as The Primitives, the trio decided to take a new approach and write their own music under their new name.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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