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A partir do colapso do réxime de taxa de cambio fixa e do padrón ouro, e da institución de taxas de cambio flutuantes logo do Acordo Smithsonian de 1971, a maioría das moedas do mundo deixaron de estar vinculadas ao dólar.
Since the collapse of the fixed exchange rate regime and the gold standard and the institution of floating exchange rates following the Smithsonian Agreement in 1971, most currencies around the world have no longer been pegged to the United States dollar.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Entón, no caso do ébola, o medo paranoico a unha enfermidade infecciosa, seguido por uns poucos casos de infectados nos países ricos, fixo posible unha colaboración global, e grazas ao traballo de empresas produtoras de vacinas, agora temos isto: dúas vacinas contra o ébola probadas en ensaios clínicos en países con ébola -- (Aplausos) e seguidas doutras en camiño.
So, for Ebola, the paranoid fear of an infectious disease, followed by a few cases transported to wealthy countries, led the global community to come together, and with the work of dedicated vaccine companies, we now have these: Two Ebola vaccines in efficacy trials in the Ebola countries --ted2019 ted2019
Hunt fixo unha breve aparición en 1979 na comedia muda británica " the Plank", así como co-protagonizou con Fred Emney un anuncio de Texaco en Havoline TV.
Hunt made a brief appearance in the 1979 British silent slapstick comedy The Plank, as well as co-starring with Fred Emney in a Texaco Havoline TV advertisement.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Rowling comentou na súa páxina web que resistiu a proposta do seu editor de retirar a escena do troll alegando que "Hermione é tan insufrible na primeira parte da pedra filosofal que sentín que necesitaba algo (literalmente) grande que a fixese unirse a Harry e Ron".
Rowling said on her website that she resisted her editor's requests to remove the troll scene, stating "Hermione is so very arrogant and annoying in the early part of Philosopher's Stone that I really felt it needed something (literally) huge to bring her together with Harry and Ron."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Logo de anunciar a súa retirada da Fórmula Un en 1995, decidiu intentar unha carreira en política, tamén fixo de comentarista de televisión e competiu nas carreiras de xeo e no Rally de París-Dakar, pero terminou correndo co seu propio equipo de GT. (key) (carreiras en grosa indican pole position) (Carreiras enn itálica indican volta rápida) (key) (Carreiras en letra grosa indican pole position; carreiras en itálica indican volta rápida) (key) (Carreiras en letra grosa indican pole position) (carreiras en itálica indican volta rápida) (Chave) As carreiras en letra grosa indican pole position; as carreiras en cursiva indican volta rápida.
After announcing his retirement from Formula One in 1995, he decided to try a career in politics, also did some TV commentary and competed in ice racing and the Paris–Dakar Rally, but ended running his own GT racing team. (key) (Races in bold indicate pole position) (Races in italics indicate fastest lap) (key) (Races in bold indicate pole position; races in italics indicate fastest lap) (key) (Races in bold indicate pole position) (Races in italics indicate fastest lap) (key) Driver Database entry for Philippe AlliotWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
ABBA foi un dos primeiros grupos musicais de Suecia que se fixo famoso ao redor do mundo, que aínda se atopan entre os artistas máis exitosos, con preto de 370 millóns de discos vendidos.
ABBA was one of the first internationally well known popular music bands from Sweden, and still ranks among the most prominent bands in the world, with about 370 million records sold.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sabía que lle favorecía e que a James lle encantaba, e volver poñelo fixo que se sentise ben.
She knew she looked good in it and that James loved it; wearing the dress again made her feel good.Literature Literature
Obsesionámonos tanto en facer que WALL-E fose un robot convincente, que fixemos os seus prismáticos opticamente case perfectos.
We got so geeked-out on making WALL-E this convincing robot, that we made his binoculars practically optically perfect.ted2019 ted2019
A súa jav'lins fixado no seu lado que usa, e nas súas costas un bosque de lanzas aparece. "
Their fixed jav'lins in his side he wears, And on his back a grove of pikes appears. "QED QED
A comparativamente maior afinidade de unión da CTLA4 fíxoa unha terapia potencial para as doenzas autoinmunes.
The comparatively higher binding affinity of CTLA4 has made it a potential therapy for autoimmune diseases.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O 16 de xaneiro de 1979, fixo un contrato con Farboud e abandonou Irán a instancias do Primeiro Ministro Shapour Bakhtiar, quen suxeriuno como forma de calmar a situación.
On 16 January 1979, Mohammad Reza made a contract with Farboud and left Iran at the behest of Prime Minister Shapour Bakhtiar (a longtime opposition leader himself), who sought to calm the situation.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mel Gibson fixo a secuela.
Mel Gibson did the sequel, you may have seen it.ted2019 ted2019
O que fixemos foi pintar a rúa, puxemos no chan pedrullo de resina e conectamos o triángulo coas tendas na Grand Avenue, creamos un marabilloso espazo público novo que está sendo moi bo para o comercio da Grand Avenue.
So what we did is we painted over the street, put down epoxy gravel, and connected the triangle to the storefronts on Grand Avenue, created a great new public space, and it's been great for businesses along Grand Avenue.ted2019 ted2019
A súa extensión fixo que no Reino Unido, Australia e Israel as edición de tapas brandas fosen divididas en dúas metades, sendo a parte 1 publicada baixo o nome Steel and Snow en xuño de 2001 e a parte 2 como Blood and Gold en agosto de 2001.
It was so long that in the UK, Australia, and Israel, its paperback edition was split in half, Part 1 being published as Steel and Snow in June 2001 (with the one-volume cover) and Part 2 as Blood and Gold in August 2001 (with a specially-commissioned new cover).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pénsase que moitas das especies do océano Índico foron levadas á extinción pola sobreexplotación que fixeron delas os mariñeiros europeos, e practicamente estaban todas extinguidas arredor de 1840 coa excepción da tartaruga xigante do atol de Aldabra.
Many of the Indian Ocean species were thought to be driven to extinction by over-exploitation by European sailors, and they were all seemingly extinct by 1840 with the exception of the Aldabran giant tortoise on the island atoll of Aldabra.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Polo tanto este complexo cultural que rodea á morte, o ritual de representación do fin da vida, fixo da morte o aspecto máis visible e extraordinario da paisaxe de Toraja.
So this cultural complex surrounding death, the ritual enactment of the end of life, has made death the most visible and remarkable aspect of Toraja's landscape.QED QED
En setembro de 1970, Vaughan fixo as súas primeiras gravacións de estudo co grupo Cast of Thousands, no que estaba o futuro actor Stephen Tobolowsky.
In September 1970, Vaughan made his first studio recordings with the band Cast of Thousands, which included future actor Stephen Tobolowsky.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Que fixo David cando un león e un oso atacaron as súas ovellas?
What did David do when a lion and a bear attacked his sheep?jw2019 jw2019
Tres pilotos fixeron o seu debut no Gran Premio, o futuro campión mundial Jenson Button nun BMW-Williams, Nick Heidfeld nun Prost Grand Prix e Gastón Mazzacane nun Minardi.
Three drivers made their Grand Prix debut: future world champion Jenson Button in a BMW-Williams, Nick Heidfeld in a Prost and Gastón Mazzacane in a Minardi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As Azotobacter normalmente fixan o nitróxeno molecular da atmosfera sen estableceren relacións simbióticas coas plantas, aínda que tamén hai algunhas especies de Azotobacter que están asociadas con plantas.
Azotobacter species are free-living, nitrogen-fixing bacteria; in contrast to Rhizobium species, they normally fix molecular nitrogen from the atmosphere without symbiotic relations with plants, although some Azotobacter species are associated with plants.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Iso proba que eu non o fixen.
That proves I didn't do it.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
McCormick sentíase "moi decepcionado" nas súas "expectativas de levar a cabo as miñas buscas de historia natural, ao poñérense todos os obstáculos para que fose a terra e fixese coleccións" mentres que o cabaleiro Darwin recibía todas as invitacións dos dignatarios dos portos e dábanselle todas as facilidades para empaquetar as súas coleccións.
McCormick felt "very much disappointed in my expectations of carrying out my natural history pursuits, every obstacle having been placed in the way of my getting on shore and making collections" while the gentleman Darwin received all the invitations from dignitaries onshore and was given facilities to pack his collections.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Un ́ela fixo rosas medran sobre el unha " ela adoitaba sentar alí.
An'she made roses grow over it an'she used to sit there.QED QED
Gibson fixera incursións en corpos con formas radicais (a Flying V e a Explorer nos 50), pero fracasara no intento.
Gibson had made forays into radical body shapes – the Flying V and Explorer in the 1950s – which met limited initial success.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
En Silverstone no Gran Premio do Reino Unido, Martini foi 8,054 segundos máis lento que o gañador da pole Keke Rosberg no Williams-Honda (Rosberg fixara a pole cunha media de 258.9 km/h, a velocidade por volta máis rápida dun turbo).
At Silverstone for the British Grand Prix, Martini was 8.054 seconds slower than Keke Rosberg's pole winning Williams-Honda (Rosberg had set the pole at an average of 160.9 mph (258.9 km/h), the fastest ever turbo lap speed).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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